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Messages - GV

Për to the bill in question.  Estefan will be a very good Justice, I think.

GV, Fiôvâ
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on January 12, 2021, 03:56:54 PM
Man, it's embarrassing to get a reminder of how little the Ziu (me included) actually reads this stuff.  :(

I'm as guilty as anyone, I fear.
Quote from: Adam Grigoriu on January 05, 2021, 02:16:52 PM
I remain amazed at the raw volume of work there is to be done, and what you've gotten done so far. I still have a lot of reading to do.

When you get those Støtanneu archives online, I'd be very interested to take a look. I was looking for a specific article from 1996, and basically gave up because I assumed the only person with a copy was Ben.

You will have to wait a while on that.  I've found a few other more-pressing Talossan projects, but I will get back to Støt eventually.

The job of archiving Witt I was able to finish (first pass-through to .html single-file only) last year, but the files are all local to me, and I've not found the time to upload the 20-30 gigs of data yet.

What we need, once-and-for-all is a one-month period in which we all go to OldWitt and archive every thread to single-file .html, .pdf (if possible), .png, and .jpg in such a way the color scheme is 'black-on-white' and not 'white-on-black'.  It will make for easier future printing of images of OldWitt.

I have made such an appeal before, but I would love to have someone take that project over.
Zoom using our Discord, then? 

As for recording, my 2014 Mac Mini cannot handle OBS or any game, for that matter, with 3-D graphics.  Someone else will have to record. 

Açavat, consider yourself parliamentarian and legal-beagle for this.  Shall we schedule for the sixth Clark?
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan Video Gaming
January 06, 2021, 11:14:15 PM
I love me some Warzone (used to be Warlight).  Count me in for that.

I can definitely envision a Talossan Warzone tourney.
Quote from: Açafat del Val on January 02, 2021, 11:52:52 AM
GV: I did not know about the personal background, and I am very sorry for your losses. I hope that Talossa helps continue to bring you peace.

Happy new year, and thank you for continuing this effort. It is noticed, appreciated, and even revered :)

Thank you!  It hit me harder than I thought it might.  Continue prayers, love, and light to that family and all such families in Santa Fe and elsewhere.

Thanks for your interest in the Archives.  I'm working on a Støtanneu archive of about thirty issues from 1996-1999.  Ben put a lot of those online, but the Wayback Machine has only two.  What I have comes from a printout-collection given to me by Ben in 2002.
Sticky this thread, please - thx
Açafat del Val, Munditenens Tresplet, and I have been tasked by the Seneschál to put together a group of people to give recommendations to the Seneschál, government, and people as to how Talossa can be incorporated in such a way that:

- Intellectual property rights will be respected
- We can register domains and get web-hosting
- More than one person 'owns' or 'controls' the legal entity-person so that no one person can hold domains, etc. hostage.
- a legal framework can be set up for the long-term preservation of physical Talossan objects when the holders of those objects are no longer able to care for them

This Think-Tank will be an official committee tasked with giving to the nation one or more recommendations as to how we can go about this.

The Government and coalition will have the final say on this, but I'm hoping to have a full report transmitted from this group to same by the dissolution of this Cosâ or 30 April 2021, whichever comes later.

I have a few names in mind, but I'm putting a full-blown appeal for legal-beagles and rules-nazis to get actively involved with this.

If you want to be on this committee, PM me.  I want to get everything started on 15 January 2021, and I will send more details as to 'meetings' or whatever as we get closer to that date.

Many thanks, all!

GV, Senator-Fiôvâ
Hello, all, and happy new year!  Please read the above thread about a Virtual Living Senäts.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and/or end-of-year or other festivities.

As to the lack of Order Papers, yes, I've not been good about that and will not be until the 56th Cosâ, assuming I'm returned as Mençéi.

We are in the 3rd (Edited: Thanks Txec for the catch) Clark and have reached the midpoint of this term of Cosâ.  I continue to be pleased with our all having a perfect voting record for the first two Clarks.  I expect to see the same when December 2020 Clark results are finalized at

Thank you all as always for serving.

GV, Mençéi
In Talossan history, a 'Living Cosâ' is one in which all members of Cosâ who are able to attend come together physically to cast their votes.  When an MC is unable to attend, they submit their votes through proxy MCs who can.

Even without COVID-19 restrictions, we seven are too far-scattered for a true Living Senäts to work.  But I do believe a virtual one can, and I'd like to schedule one for the last Clark of this Cosâ (April 2021).  Scheduling for April gives us plenty of time to schedule the best date and to put together rules for proxy-voting.

We could invite the Seneschál or any other Talossan, and yes, I'd like to have such a 'Zoom' recorded for posterity and transparency.

I believe it is legal for us to do this, but I'm asking the AG about this, of course.
Wittenberg / Regent AD: How is the King doing?
January 01, 2021, 04:17:00 PM
Unless I am very mistaken, there was no Speech from the Throne made this past Independence Day.  We all wish for John long life and good health.  What I require is simply an update as to when he will be able to resume his duties as Monarch.

Many thanks!

GV, Senator, Fiôvâ
Wittenberg / Back at you and everyone!
January 01, 2021, 04:14:19 PM
God help 2021 to be better and for us to get through it.
I became Royal Archivist upon King John's appointment in May 2012.  And for the first five years or so, I did very little with it.

The year 2018 saw the daughter of a good friend of mine being murdered along with seven other students and two teachers in a school-shooting at Santa Fe High School.  To me, it was the same hurt, if not worse, than that I felt when we lost our nephew at birth in 2014.

I refer to that only because it gave my brain a reset.  I began to re-evaluate things in my life and made a number of changes in Talossa and outside of Talossa.  One of which was to get serious about the Royal Archives, and the direct result was and has been the '', a three-year plan of action with specific goals and deadlines for the Royal Archives to be completed by Talossa's 42nd anniversary at the end of what is now this year...

The 42 Project was borne out of a sense of duty to Talossa, but also had and has an ulterior motive.  It is my intent to write my Talossan biography, and for that, I need primary-source documents safe to put online so that future researchers can put my opinions and facts to the test.

However, the 42 Project was also put together out of a realisation if I did not finally get everything organized on my end, my brain would not have let me rest.  With every project I get done, my soul feels better.

Finally, the 42 Project and everything that has come from it has been out of the desire to make at least one good thing out of the tragedy of Santa Fe.  For the shooter to have never gone to school that day or any thereafter with such malice, I would gladly give up my life.

The 42 Project began in September 2018, and along with that beginning was the doing of something I should have always done with anything executive in Talossa: get buy-in from those around me.

As I went through my Talossan archives, I knew I would need guidance and input from one or more people.  Those people needed to be in some sort of official group.  In 2017 or 2018, I put together the latest incarnation of the Royal Archives Think-Tank, the sole duty of which would be as consultants who never would have to lift a finger save to give me guidance and advice when I asked for it. 

Without the Royal Archives Think-Tank's support, encouragement, and advice, I would have never been able to do what I've been able to accomplish the past two-and-a-half years.  This is especially crucial in that I am only now coming to a point where I can actually call upon people to do certain archival projects, which may be found at in the jobs-listing. 

Of course, this begs the question as to why I've not delegated work before now.  The answer is that which I've given countless times: only now have my Talossan physical and digital archives come to a state where someone other than I can make sense of them.  In August 2018, my digital archives were in a right mess.  Now, they are mostly organized.  Mostly.

September 2018 and the rest of that year saw me put out self-set fires with getting the Scribery caught up.  Other things were done as well, but there is no need to go into too much detail about any of this.

2019 was the year in which the 42 Project began to be accomplished in earnest, and its greatest day was 20 June.  20 June 2019 was the day Danihel Txechescu got me the first results of his work with a script to name-translate into Talossan everything of the Lytheria Codex (Witt X archive to 1 June 2004).  I believe he was able to get all or part of that work done that day, and when he was able to accomplish that, something in brain was finally unjammed: I was able to get the Archives organized for real.  We were off to the races.

Unfortunately, even Danihel's work could not get past the ancient formatting of the Big History and Talossan National News.  I had to use Apple Preview on both with name-substiuttions for the Big History (completed in January 2020) and TNN (completed November or December 2020).

TNN and the Big History were only two of 2020's achievements.  The first and second editions of my PM archives were put together as were online-suitable editions for Onward, Upward, Forward and Invasion of the Androids.  Work was also done on other projects, and I estimate the pandemic allowed me to get to where we are now at least a year faster than if the virus had never hit.  A small silver lining gladly given back for the virus to have never become significant or to have never existed.

Late 2020 and early 2021 saw me make another significant change.  I officially removed all my Talossan archives from the Royal Archives.  I can now announce the establishment of the collection TalossanaGV and its permanent loan to the Talossan Royal Archives in trust to the nation.  Not included in that collection is the JJarkiv, which is its own collection called 'JJarkiv' and on permanent loan to the Talossan Royal Archives.  A fully catalog of everything is forthcoming.

2019 and 2020 saw the organization of - This domain directs to the publicaly-available Talossan digital archive not including Witt, wiki, or is where you can see the fruits of the Royal Archives' labors. 

Lastly, and most significantly, is the present government's work toward the establishment of some sort of Talossan legal person.  I believe something on the lines of finding a legal agent in Wisconsin by whom we can do deals with domain registrars and the like is being worked on, but I leave it to the government to fully detail everything on order.

The work of the Royal Archives will never be completed, but the catching up on projects I frankly should have done ten years ago has been significantly accomplished, but there is still plenty to go.  If I have my way, this work will be accomplished by year's end and the 42 Project will be declared completed, done, and dusted.

Happy new year, everyone!

GV, Royal Archivist
1 January 2021

Thank you!  It does my soul no end of good to see excitement for the lessons that can be learned from the past. 

I was lucky to get to Talossa just early enough to have spoken to a number of old-timers at least once.  I knew the Old-Growth crowd just well enough when I was slowly going through TNN for these new online editions, I didn't laugh at the humour within, but *with* it.