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Messages - Üc R. Tärfă

Fiôvâ / Re: Cuntat Manáweg - REPOST
April 21, 2023, 07:15:30 PM
We should probably name a Cuntat Valadéir in memory of Ián Carlüs Valadéir an Old Growth, citizen number #14.
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on January 26, 2023, 06:30:42 PMSo the concrete idea is this:
* -ar is always pronounced "ahsh",
* -ár is always pronounced "ar".

It' a bit odd though using the stress mark that should be used to denote irregular stress in words that have a regular stress and a regular pronunciation just to differentiate those perfectly regular words from words that have an irregular pronunciation. An irregular use of the rule to denote regular words. It's an easy solution, but it seems odd to me nonetheless...

If we really need to do it, I'd prefer to mark the irregularity of the verbal endings. -arë makes perfectly sense to me because (1) it was used and (2) it is consistent with a supposed Latin derivation, with the ë optional (it can be omitted) but present in the dictionary to allow coding. The trema is used to denote "strangeness" (vowel hiatus) and it will be used to denote another strangeness: a phantom vowel lost in the pronunciation but preserved in orthography because it was lost modifying the quality of the preceding consonant. So it won't be the -r to be irregularly pronounced ʃ, but the -rë "regularly" (somehow) pronounced ʃ. (Btw: this would also be able to explain why in the future tense there's -rh- for ʃ)

Préservéd in dictionaries and textbooks, but because it is a phantom vowel, usually dropped in informal and casual writings because those who speak the language wouldn't need it to know the difference between a verb and another part of speech.

(But it's true that -ar/-ár is a less intrusive change.)
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 21, 2023, 12:36:47 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 21, 2023, 11:45:01 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 21, 2023, 11:10:18 AMIt's the diacriticals -- you can't just type "Luc," you have to type the umlaut, as well.  Also, it works better when you are doing a reply or modifying the text; it isn't as responsive on quick reply or quick edit.

Tric'hard doesn't work either, Baron. Even when it appears tagged.

It's a problem with the ' I think
Estimat Túischac'h, me alçéu per deliverar va zesclaraziun da votă sür 58RZ10.

þon. Membreux dal Cosă,

el Governamaintsch as required by law sent to the Ziu in this Clark the Budget and Financial Planning Bill for the 58th Cosă to be voted. El sagrüt dels Democrätici Livereschti da Talossa doesn't have principled objections to the Budget as clarked, after a long debate on it in the Hopper, but as we strongly believe in parliamentary system, we do believe that budget (and supply) are akin to a Vote of Confidence on the Governamaintsch.

As we commands the majority of the Senäts, we recongise that our vote would have made the difference between approving the Budget and rejecting it. Since we are a serious party that cares about Talossa and the functioning of the state, we decided to allow with our vote that the Ziu would approve the Budget despite the fact that this Governamaintsch does not have our confidence.

We consider this a due gesture in the interest of the Regipäts. We hope that the Government recognises this, and that it recognises that it is only through collaboration and compromise between the Majority and the Opposition that this Ziu will be able to complete initiatives necessary for the good governance of the country.

Per acestilor raziuns, els Democrätici Livereschti da Talossa austanent sür 58RZ10.

Méirci, smestéu el tarleu.
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 21, 2023, 07:13:12 AM
My usual browser is Chrome (both mobile and PC), I tried Edge also on both my work and personal PC but I still don't see the icons.
¡ Detxa sigüradă c'è l'aspră zestzinà del
fascistà rücttä es prozitorxheu !

El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Zodiac signs
April 20, 2023, 12:08:50 PM
Just a quick note on Capricorn: in the Greek mythology it's a male (half fish half) goat (Amalthea is identified in Capella in the Auriga constellation) so we should use the male name version for goat.

I'll give a better look at the list in the next days.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 20, 2023, 08:32:28 AMlol, I will definitely not support this under the current interpretation of the rules.  Currently, you can ask as many questions as you want in a "question," and no other members of Government are permitted to comment or supplement answers unless the questioner asks.  This means that we've gotten times when there are eleven-part "questions" and where multiple members of the Opposition want to -- in their words -- "hassle" a minister in turns.  86 questions so far -- far more than a question a day -- shows that the system already allows abuse.

Lol. Democratic oversight, government transparency and "concerned citizens" legitimately asking questions to the Government, that should always be accountable to the elected representatives of the people, are considered an abuse of the system? So much has changed since the elections.

(By the way, I have a Terp ready for the FinMin, I was waiting for him to come back)
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 20, 2023, 08:50:51 AMWill you be fixing M.1.1 and H.6?

I already replied positive to these in the previous post, I haven't updated yet the bill - I'll do it on the wiki version - because I Was waiting for all your observations to make a general reply.

I'm not expecting this bill to have a short period of debate of course.

Could you please copy and paste all your posts in one and delete the others? It will be easier.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Zodiac signs
April 20, 2023, 05:51:36 AM
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on April 19, 2023, 09:08:18 PMJudging by how other Romance languages deal with them at a first glance,
Quote from: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial, UrGP on April 19, 2023, 09:08:18 PMJudging by how other Romance languages deal with them at a first glance, you could either use the Latin names for constellations or translate the meanings. So Pisces would either just be Pisces or els Peschti. Personally I would prefer the latter method but either works really.

EDIT: I might compile a list of all 88 constellations and what their translated Talossan names would be. We'll see.
So Pisces would either just be Pisces or els Peschti. Personally I would prefer the latter method but either works really.

EDIT: I might compile a list of all 88 constellations and what their translated Talossan names would be. We'll see.

Yes romance languages do use the current translation or an "erudite derivation" from the Latin name (best example is "cancer"), we don't directly use the Latin names as they are used in English.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on April 18, 2023, 05:36:47 PMWHEREAS the language on Wiki says embassies shall pay in beer to remain an embassy and
WHEREAS it doesn't specify who shall receive those brewskis and
WHEREAS there are people that don't drink ales and to consider talossans not of legal age to drink and
WHEREAS using the word "brew" instead of "beer" would help the cause of establishing embassies and

That language on the wiki, and the following considerations, are long outdated as it's based on a former provision of the law that was striked out almost 9 years ago! (47RZ13).
I have a request for the 25th of April.

"Fischia il Vento" and "Bella Ciao" Day to coincide with Italy Liberation Day, where every citizen is encouraged to listen to those songs and reflect that every day is a good day to fight against fascism.

¡ Detxa sigüradă c'è l'aspră zestzinà del
fascistà rücttä es prozitorxheu !

I can provide links with English subtitles:

On a reflection 24 hours might be a too short period, maybe 48?
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on April 18, 2023, 07:44:42 PMDear Üc R. Tärfă,

I am pleased to recognize your recent active involvement and contributions to the Talossan community. Your commitment to the betterment of our great Kingdom is truly appreciated.

I would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Royal Zouaves, the organization that recognizes enlisted citizens who make significant contributions to our cultural and social fabric. Your work is a testament to your dedication to Talossa and I believe you would make an excellent addition to our ranks.

Thank you for your continued service to Talossa and we hope to have you join us as a member of the Royal Zouaves.


Bråneu Excelsio.

I'm genuinely confused: should I reply to the Ministreu or the Capitan?
Fiôvâ / Re: Cuntat Manáweg - REPOST
April 20, 2023, 12:58:31 AM
Ah I see the law hasn't be added yet in the digest of laws, it should be though