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Messages - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 24, 2023, 08:05:25 AM
I'm seeing thr icons now and the new font looks great. Thanks Lüc.
Wittenberg / [THE DIALOGUE] Cosa Reform
April 23, 2023, 08:47:05 PM
In the second episode of Fora Talossa's discussion show, The Dialogue, with Ian Plätschisch and Baron Alexandreu Davinescu they discuss the details of potential reform scenarios for the Kingdom's Cosa.

Fora Talossa / [THE DIALOGUE] Cosa Reform
April 23, 2023, 08:46:36 PM
In the second episode of Fora Talossa's discussion show, The Dialogue, with Ian Plätschisch and Baron Alexandreu Davinescu they discuss the details of potential reform scenarios for the Kingdom's Cosa.

Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 23, 2023, 04:25:17 PM
Quote from: Sir Lüc on April 23, 2023, 01:38:25 PMI made a new version of the new theme that should fix the icons problem. Let me know @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB @Üc R. Tärfă @Breneir Tzaracomprada if you want me to switch you over to that to test it out.

The new version also switches the font to Atkinson Hyperlegible, mostly because I like it and what it stands for, but also to unify the UI to a single font across all devices, which helps preventing all sorts of weirdness. (We're fine to revert to a different font if people don't like it.)

Any other person who wants to try the new font can let me know here, and I'll switch you over to the new version.

Yes, I would like to be switched over too.
And thank you to Tric'hard for his recipe submission today too!
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 08, 2023, 09:12:14 PMFolks, we now have six recipes for the third volume including one submission from ChatGPT.

For those who like to make wonders in the kitchen please send a favorite recipe my way by PM or

Big thanks to @xpb for the latest recipe contribution!
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 21, 2023, 03:40:49 PM
Quote from: Lüc on April 21, 2023, 03:28:09 PMYeah, that seems to be the issue. Otherwise, tagging Tric'hard works for me - just type Tri or Tric and he's the only suggestion.

@Tric'hard Lenxheir
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 21, 2023, 11:45:01 AM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 21, 2023, 11:10:18 AMIt's the diacriticals -- you can't just type "Luc," you have to type the umlaut, as well.  Also, it works better when you are doing a reply or modifying the text; it isn't as responsive on quick reply or quick edit.

Tric'hard doesn't work either, Baron. Even when it appears tagged.
Wittenberg / Re: Wittglitch Log
April 21, 2023, 10:51:47 AM
Quote from: Lüc on April 21, 2023, 10:15:01 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on April 17, 2023, 04:15:07 PM@luc-troubleshooting and @Danihel Txechescu
This has been mentioned by a few others. When the darker theme was first activated it appears to present broken icons. This has not changed since that time. When creating or responding to posts the editing icons are black boxes. This is affecting the menu options as well.

PSA: don't tag luc-troubleshooting, it's just an account I made a while ago so I could view Wittenberg with lower privileges than my own admin account, to make sure access rules worked as intended. I never log into that account.

Just a heads up then. I tagged that because I've been unable to tag your primary account. Same issue with tagging Tric'hard and Üc as well. The system does not do well with tagging.
WHEREAS Üc R. Tärfâ has made 20 updates to TalossaWiki, and

WHEREAS he has requested a day of observance in honor of "Fischia il Vento" and "Bella Ciao," and

WHEREAS this coincides with Italian Liberation Day a holiday commemorating the victory of the Italian Resistance Movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian Social Republic, and

WHEREAS Talossans, as lovers and defenders of liberty and freedom, are encouraged to listen to "Fischia il Vento" and "Bella Ciao" and reflect that every day is a good day to fight against fascism.

THEREFORE I declare 25 April 2023/XLIV, to be "Fischia il Vento" and "Bella Ciao" Day.

Breneir Tzaracomprada
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 20, 2023, 06:44:20 PMI think you'd be our best foot forward, Breneir!  But maybe also refer them to His Majesty?  I'd also be happy to chat with them.

Thank you Baron. I worry I am everywhere so wanted to let others speak for thr Kingdom, if possible. If the King is able to speak with them then I would love to pass them his contact info.
Wittenberg / Media Call: School of Humans podcast
April 20, 2023, 04:22:09 PM
Our increased social media activity appears to be making waves. The Office of the Seneschal received another media call from iHeartRadio's School of Humans podcast producer, Gabbie. Details of the request below:

"Hello Mst. Hon. Breneir Tzaracomprada,

I'm a podcast producer with iHeartRadio, and we are in the development process of a podcast about micronations. So far, we've chatted with folks from Zaqistan, Westarctica, and Molossia.

We'd love to feature Talossa in the show, and I was hoping I could talk with a representative in the next couple of weeks. This would be a short pre-interview, as we're still in the beginning stages of the show and are trying to get our bearings on all things micronations. We are also planning on going to Microcon this summer.

Thanks so much!


Anyone interested in talking with her regarding general Talossa information and your experience as a Talossan? It looks like I will see her at MicroCon too.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on April 20, 2023, 08:32:28 AMlol, I will definitely not support this under the current interpretation of the rules.  Currently, you can ask as many questions as you want in a "question," and no other members of Government are permitted to comment or supplement answers unless the questioner asks.  This means that we've gotten times when there are eleven-part "questions" and where multiple members of the Opposition want to -- in their words -- "hassle" a minister in turns.  86 questions so far -- far more than a question a day -- shows that the system already allows abuse.

I am in agreement with this.
Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on April 20, 2023, 08:42:04 AMEstimat Túischac'h,

Would the Most Honourable Seneschal please inform the Ziu whether he is planning to declare a month of recess at some point during this Cosa term? The planners of the Kingdom's foremost cultural institution, the Talossan Music Top 20, would like to coordinate the timing of the 2023 edition with the next election.

By my estimation, the 59th Cosa election will end October 1 if there is no recess, or November 1 if there is.


I had not planned on calling a month of recess. But Ian if it would help with logistics for the TMT I would be happy to call one. If you need any other logistical assistance with the TMT I am sure this would fall under the Government's Cultural Promotion policy which has assisted with awareness on the Toxophilite Club and others so far.
Thank you Minister Excelsio! I am grateful for this promotion.
I also want to apologize for any part I play in the imminent Y2K crisis.