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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

More on how I got confused. When I took over at STUFF/Tech, the attached was the screen I looked at to see what needed renewal. You can understand why, looking at this screen, I thought the domain names were up for renewal on 18th October, rather than 2 July. It was on a different screen (the "Renew Domains" screen) that the actual due dates were revealed. I suppose, on the basis of our experience, the renewal date for our web hosting is a few months down the track, which is why Istefan doesn't see any way to pay for it now. It's all very confusing and I was dropped in it by the fact that no-one else in the Government's orbit was interested in taking on the Tech portfolio.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 30, 2022, 06:37:40 PM
We get a good deal on hosting from DoRoyal, compensating for how much were overpaying for domain names, but we might want to think about lodging an official complaint about how this was handled.

I'm going to commend this idea to Cabinet's attention (and the Burgermeister's since it would have to be written in his name)
Apologies, Istefan. I found out about the $4 difference yesterday and asked the Seneschál to update the PD, but he didn't get to it before the King signed it. DeRoyal said they were putting up the prices but seem to have put them up in two "batches" a few days apart.

Thank you so much for your help.
Billing requests go directly to the Burgermeister
Istefan can't do anything unless the King signs the PD. The Seneschal has already spoken to Istefan and Istefan is (I believe) ready to act the instant the King gives the go-ahead.

If worst comes to worst, I'll pay out of my own pocket and the Kingdom can pay me back, but I can't understand why the King doesn't answer his voice mail or text messages.
The issue is that the King has not endorsed the PD. We cannot release funds unless the King endorses the PD.
The Seneschál has actually voice-called the King (leaving a message) to encourage him to endorse this PD at the highest possible speed.

If he doesn't do so within 24 hours, we're in trouble, and this time no-one will be able to say "the Government didn't try hard enough". We may have to rely on the Opposition, who the King is much more kindly disposed to, to get in touch.
A little bit of bad news. With something like 12 hours notice, our webserver put their domain name prices up. Now all the domain names will cost $18.95 each. The Budget will need to be amended accordingly, if there is time.

Seriously, I'm beginning to think that our current budgeting system is not fit for purpose (i.e. it's not capable of dealing flexibly with urgent matters) and I'm thinking out a replacement.
As SoS, I think I can send out an email to everyone in the province telling them an actual vote is happening, if you'd like?
Honestly, I wouldn't mind actually going back to old-school Talossan tradition and actually declaring war on Russia. KR1 declared war on Serbia in 1999,  I'm pretty sure.

If you're going to virtue signal, do it BIG, is the point
Hello, yes. Please to be clarking the Let's Make It Official Compromise bill.
Well, if all that's sorted out, I'm happy to confirm that I think my bill (with the minor amendment suggested by AD) is good to go; once I hear the same from the Túischac'h and/or the Mençéi I'll Clark it.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on June 27, 2022, 05:16:36 PM
Your flexible memory aside, I proposed a compromise between the two bills, Dama.  It remains the last post on the thread, since you ignored it.

... actually, I never saw it. My apologies - I have been rather unwell for the last month and only checking Witt once a day, which means some things fall off the "latest 59" post.

I am happy to make that amendment you suggest.

That's exactly right. I suggested this amendment to the former bill and I was simply ignored. So I thought, what the hell.

I should also point out that - if present political positions hold - the former bill will not pass, while mine has a good chance to.
Can I please submit for the CRL's appraisal the Let's Make This Official Compromise Bill