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Messages - Iason Taiwos

1. Glüc da Dhi
2. Iac Marscheir
As for being passive-aggressive...I'm from Texas. A common personality trait from where I'm from..
On behalf of the Cjováni, I will accept the Cosa seats given me
Istefan, dude, no disrespect, but it seems like, in the last few years, you weren't involved in our province at all. You wouldn't even join the Benito Facebook page I had going on for awhile. Okay, so maybe I messed up and got our dumb provincial laws about Maestro elections wrong. I apologize for that, congrats to  ESB. I apologize. You can still cuss me out, I don't care. Let's get along, man. I'm not your enemy. I'm just an extremely lazy and half assed Talossan.
I thought we used to have a vote for Maestro. The Cjováni minority in Benito hereby withdraw from all political activity in our province.
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: 6th Clark - April 2021
April 06, 2021, 04:02:07 PM
Per on all
Üc on VoC
(Not that I even care, really. Just trying to support Talossa. Plus, these coins are cool.)
I bought two coins a few weeks ago. I'm not even on the leaderboard
I vote per on the bill, üc on the VoC
El Viestül/The Lobby / Re: January 2021 Clark
January 18, 2021, 04:45:59 PM
I vote
RZ17: per
VoC: üc
I've been meaning to purchase a few more coins. Uh, the name I don't care for. How about calling it a "Loyalty Rewards" program?  Anymore, the word "patriot" kind of makes me cringe a little.
A social media for us, by us. Why hasn't this blown up? There's been a handful of things posted since Eddie announced it. This is a major thing in Talossa, more people should be active in it! As Talossans, we are all family. Post anything and everything. Share your thoughts, pictures, whatever. Let's utilize this amazing thing Eddie has given us. Let us grow closer as a community. (And... somebody is definitely deserving of a knighthood...)
GV, I'm sorry this didn't work out. I took notice of the time and had planned to participate, even if just in the text/chat format (depending on what my phone is capable of.) My girlfriend has recently come down with pneumonia, so I was distracted by catering to her. (If it had been just us two, I would have probably wanted to talk about Texas more than Talossa.) (I'm from Beaumont, if you recall)
It does indeed. (I had no clue such a thing as What3words existed. Pretty cool.)