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Messages - Sir Lüc

(I'm not a CRL member -- the King probably meant to tag @þerxh Sant-Enogat )
TANDI QE Ramiro de Jesús tent compiaçat toct i resquiraziuns lexhitais per l'aðmiçiun àl Regipäts Talossan, es tent comvimçat la naziun es noi da sieu intereçù in la citaxhienità Talossan (la Mhiglhor Cosă Qe L'Erxhent Non Put Comprar), da sieu intenziun es desireu à partiçipar in noastră vidă naziunal, es da sieu leialtà àl Coronă, noi sint rat es þonourat àð aðmiçar perventüră Ramiro de Jesús àl statüs exaltat del 585-l:t CITAXHIÉN VEITAT DEL REGIPÄTS TALOSSAN, es dal provinçù Maricopa, cün toct i drepts, privilexhuns, es deveirs qi sint iherinds à ça.

Fäts par va mha in la nómină del Regeu Txec es sub sieu Saxhel Rexhital li 27. Januar in l'anneu dal eră comun 2025, in el prüm anneu del röin da noastra soveran cortös Regeu Txec, es el 46-l:t dal independençù da Talossa.

WHEREAS Ramiro de Jesús has completed all the legal requirements for admission to the Kingdom of Talossa, and has satisfied the nation and us of his interest in Talossan citizenship (the Best Thing Money Can't Buy), of his intention and desire to participate in our national life, and of his loyalty to the Crown, we are pleased and honoured hereby to admit Ramiro de Jesús to the exalted status of the 585th NATURALISED CITIZEN OF THE KINGDOM OF TALOSSA, and of the province of Maricopa, with all the rights, privileges, and duties thereunto appertaining.

Done by my hand in the name of King Txec and under his Royal Seal this 27th day of January in the year of the common era 2025, in the first year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King Txec, and of the independence of Talossa the 46th.

Sir Lüc da Schir
Secretar d'Estat / Secretary of State
Moved this to CRL review before I forget to and it dies on the vine.
An excellent choice and probably the best candidate for the job. (And right on the time limit as well; one day later and it couldn't have been considered for the sixth Clark.)
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on January 26, 2025, 12:42:15 PMPlease also to be clarking this:

Clarked as RZ22, but I apologise, I double-entered it as a duplicated RZ21 on the Database due to a typo. It seems like I cannot correct this. Hopefully having a bogus RZ21 in addition to the actual RZ21 won't cause trouble during voting.
I vote Per.
An absolute majority of Senators having voted the same way, the motion is carried 3-0. Thank you.

We now come to consideration of the Reconstitution Act, which the Assembly approved 4-0-0. The question is therefore that the bill do now pass. According to Art.10 of the current Constitution, voting will last until a week from now, or until a majority of Senators have voted the same way.

@Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP @Istefan Perþonest @Iason Taiwos @Flip Molinar
The call for bills for the February 2025 Clark (the 6th and last of the 60th Cosă) is now open. You may post a link to a bill's Hopper thread underneath in the usual fashion, provided it has passed the Hopper according to Lex.H.2 and you are entitled to Clark bills. You may also use the form on the database, available at

I will take any such bills (except for any that fall foul of H.2.7) that are presented between now and the publishing of the Clark, in the TST morning of February 1st.

Sir Lüc da Schir
Secretary of State
Wittenberg / Re: Citizen petition for Ramiro de Jesús.
January 25, 2025, 04:22:03 PM
A valid citizenship petition in the name of Ramiro de Jesús having been issued under the terms of Lex.E.7, I hereby publicly notify that the Chancery has served S:r de Jesus with his Oath of Citizenship and is awaiting countersigned receipt of the same.
I believe the deed is done!
(And with that, I vote Per on my own motion.)
Belacostă / Senate of Belacostă for the 60th Cosă
January 25, 2025, 08:45:37 AM
Azul. Pursuant to the Constitution of Belacostă, the roll of the Senate for this (hopefully last) session is as follows:

Seeing as Mic'haglh is already serving as presiding officer in the Assembly, and as the only foreseeable duty of the President of the Senate will basically be to hold the vote on the Reconstitution Act and then to dissolve the Senate sine die upon adoption of the subsequent referendum, I move that I take the chair as President of the Senate, and that upon the motion being adopted we move immediately to passage of the Reconstitution Act.

Furthermore, as Article 8 of the Constitution of Belacostă states, among other things,

QuoteThe composition of the Senate cannot be altered between two General Elections, except by appointment by the Maestro, removal or resignation.

the said newly created Don Mic'haglh Autófil is - as a cautionary measure - also appointed to a seat in the Senate of Belacostă, as part of the allocation reserved to the Maestro of Belacostă, his right to a seat as a member of the Order of Belacostă notwithstanding.

--Sir Lüc da Schir, Maestro of Benito