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Messages - Felipe Esteves

Quote from: Glüc da Dhi S.H. on March 02, 2024, 02:03:49 PM9 to 5 Amendment

Whereas Cézembre is an integral part of the Kingdom of Talossa and citizens of Cézembre are full citizens with equal rights to those of the other provinces, and

Whereas election night is considered one of the main social events for Talossans, with activity and participation often spiking and the reveal of the election results often being combined with other cultural activities, and

Whereas the election deadline is set at 19:30 Talossan Standard Time, and

Whereas 19:30 TST is 02:30 am in Cézembre, and

Whereas many Cézembreans and citizens of other provinces living in Europe work 9 to 5, what a way to make a living, and

Whereas this schedule does not allow Cézembreans to stay up past 2:30 am on weekdays, and

Whereas bringing the deadline forward 2,5 hours would allow more citizens to experience this magical feast of democracy, and

Whereas this would set the election at 17:00 TST, which is the end of business hours and not at all unreasonable for those living in the GTA or elsewhere in the western hemisphere, and

Whereas El Lexhatx refers to some non-existent tradition of keeping the polls open until midnight, now

Therefore Article V, Section 2 of the Organic Law, which currently reads

QuoteAll elections to the Cosa are to be conducted during a period beginning from the fifteenth day of the calendar month following the dissolution of the prior Cosa until 11:59 p.m. on the fourteenth day of the subsequent month. All ballots must be cast by 7:30 p.m. on the first day of the subsequent month. The first day of this period is called "Balloting Day", the first day of the subsequent month is called the "Election Deadline", and the final day of the period is called the "Certification Deadline."

 is amended to read as follows:

QuoteAll elections to the Cosa are to be conducted during a period beginning from the fifteenth day of the calendar month following the dissolution of the prior Cosa until 11:59 p.m. on the fourteenth day of the subsequent month. All ballots must be cast by 5 p.m. on the first day of the subsequent month. The first day of this period is called "Balloting Day", the first day of the subsequent month is called the "Election Deadline", and the final day of the period is called the "Certification Deadline."

, provided the amendment to the OrgLaw contained in this bill is a approved and ratified, Lex B.10., which currently reads

QuoteNotwithstanding the purely traditional practice of "keeping the polls open" till midnight of the last day of an election (or of a month, for Clark purposes), the Secretary of State is hereby instructed to keep a sort-of conventional "business day" where the deadline for any official business (ballots, Clarks, etc.) is set at 7:30 p.m. of the day in question.

shall be amended to read

QuoteThe Secretary of State is hereby instructed to keep a sort-of conventional "business day" where the deadline for Clarks is set at 7:30 p.m. of the day in question.

Uréu q'estadra så
Glüc da Dhi (Sen, Cézembre)