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Messages - Éovart Castiglhă

Maricopa / What can I contribute?
August 01, 2024, 05:34:53 PM
What I would like is to collaborate in something I'm specialized in.

I work in vector graphic design. I could help improve the design of the shields, by providing more detailed and refined design quality.

These are just ideas. If there's anything else you need help with, I'm open to collaborating.

Some people have mentioned voting and political matters to me. Honestly, I'm not interested in those topics at the moment. Maybe in the future, when I'm more informed about those issues, but making a vote without knowledge seems unfair to me.
Thank you compatriots!
Well !! thanks to everyone "from the heart"

I am really excited, speechless
😲 😀
Well, here I am, smoking, walking around the house and drinking mate (Argentine infusion) waiting
ohhh! I passed the questionnaire but I'm not a citizen yet!!!

I'll have to wait ;)