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Messages - Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN

Quote from: Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN on July 23, 2024, 08:43:26 AMCan this please be moved to the CRL/Committee?
Bumping the above in case it was missed? 
I would also be honoured to be added as a co-sponsor to this bill.
I'd like to add my support also to the CRL bypass.
Can this please be moved to the CRL/Committee? 
I'd like to add my support also to the CRL bypass.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 17, 2024, 04:23:40 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 17, 2024, 11:58:23 AMI really wish we'd just go with Honored in Talossa or Loyal Deceased Talossan like Ian proposed.

Quote from: Ian TamoranWhy not also bestow upon a deceased citizen a formal title like "LDT" (Loyal Deceased Talossan) or "HIT" (Honoured In Talossa) – it's up to someone who knows our language in detail to produce the right term, the right letters.
(emphasis added)

I just liked the sound of bitaiternă, but a rigorously secular alternative is efs ("eternity"). TDE, then. We could bicker forever about the title.

Strictly speaking do we need to include the title in the amendment? We could have something as simple as:

QuoteAny citizen who neither votes in any general election nor responds to any national census established by law for a period of two years, as calculated at any Election Deadline, shall be deemed to have renounced his or her citizenship. This shall not apply to any Talossan confirmed by the Secretary of State to be deceased. 


QuoteAny citizen who neither votes in any general election nor responds to any national census established by law for a period of two years, as calculated at any Election Deadline, shall be deemed to have renounced his or her citizenship. This shall not apply to any Talossan confirmed by the Secretary of State to be deceased, such person's rights, entitlements , title and/or status may be regulated by law. 

The first option we leave out the honoured title of our deceased and leave it to be informally decided amongst ourselves, and the second option opens the door to having the honoured title along with other administrative stuff, such a removal from mailing/election lists/stuff the SoS needs legal authority to do etc... placed in El Lex. 

That being said, I fully support this amendment (I'm not too hung up on the title) and commend our PM, Miestra, for getting this started. 
Congratulations to all. 

I look forward to working with you all over the coming months! 
Should he be willing to:

I would like to nominate @þerxh Sant-Enogat for the august Office of Túischac'h

The IND assigns its 2 seats in the Belacostan Assembly for the 60th Cosă to @Flip Molinar

-- Litz
As life got very hectic, I didn't get an opportunity to Clark this bill before the dissolution of the last Cosa - I would like to resubmit it back to the Hopper:

The Clerk of the Corts Hat Restriction Act

WHEREAS under current arrangements the Attorney-General can simultaneously hold the position of Clerk of the Corts;

AND WHEREAS under same current arrangements a Deputy Clerk of the Corts cannot be appointed if s/he also hold the portfolio of Attorney General or Minister of Justice, due to the nature of these duties;

AND WHEREAS due to the nature of these duties it makes sense to also extend this prohibition to the Clerk of the Cort and not just their Deputies;

AND WHEREAS there is some duplication in 2 sections regarding Deputies that needs tidying up;

THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosâ and Senäts of Talossa in Ziu assembled as follows:

Section 4.8 of El Lexhatx G. Justice, which currently reads:

"The individual holding the office of Clerk of the Corts shall enjoy immunity from civil or criminal suit for any actions performed in the course of his or her official duties while holding this office. This immunity shall be lost upon leaving office. Due to the nature of the Clerk's responsibilities, an individual may not hold the office of Clerk of the Corts, or any deputy thereunder, while simultaneously holding office as a Justice[638] of the Uppermost Cort or any national inferior court."

Shall be amended to read as follows:

"4.8. The individual holding the office of Clerk of the Corts shall enjoy immunity from civil or criminal suit for any actions performed in the course of his or her official duties while holding this office. This immunity shall be lost upon leaving office. Due to the nature of the Clerk's responsibilities, an individual may not hold the office of Clerk of the Corts, or any deputy thereunder, while simultaneously holding office as a Justice of the Uppermost Cort or any national inferior court or the portfolio of Attorney General or Minister of Justice."

Furthermore, Section 5.4 of El Lexhatx G. Justice, which currently reads:

"5.4. Due to the nature of these duties, no deputy shall be appointed who is seated on the bench of the Uppermost Cort or any inferior cort. Nor shall any appointee hold the portfolio of Attorney General or Minister of Justice."

Is hereby repealed in full.

Ureu q'estadra så,

Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN (MC, IND, CZ)

The IND does hereby assign it's seats as follows:

@Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN - 20 Seats
@Flip Molinar - 5 Seats

Furthermore, as per El Lex H.4.2, I publicly declare that I shall represent the constituency of la Provinçù Soveran da Cézembre

-- Litz

Quote from: xpb on July 08, 2024, 07:07:26 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 06, 2024, 12:45:49 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 04, 2024, 04:12:23 PMOPEN has sent its fee just now. We sent 15 USD as I could not remember what the fee amount was. If it is less than 15 please accept the remainder as a treasury donation.

@xpb Have you received our payment via PayPal? It would be from Our Commonwealth Inc.
Acknowledged that OPEN is paid ($100 and has a $5 credit towards the next registration
I don't show a payment for IND as of yet or need clarification of the source if it was not put in a memorandum for the payment


I have paid the IND Party's registration fee and would be grateful if the BIR @xpb could confirm receipt of same.

(Also, I think there may be 1 too many 0's in the above post 😉)

-- Litz
I cast my vote as follows:

Cosa: The Independent Party (IND)


— Litz
Wittenberg / Re: Perhaps
June 08, 2024, 02:46:47 PM
I understand your concerns and appreciate your honesty. Like Glüc, I can't tell you what to do but can offer some advice.

If you decide to stay active in Talossan politics, consider taking a short break first. Sometimes stepping back for a bit can provide the clarity and perspective you need. During this time, you might find it helpful to reach out to more 'experienced' Talossans for guidance. Many citizens are willing to share their knowledge and can offer valuable advice on how to navigate your roles effectively.

If you decide to step away from active politics, it's important to recognise and acknowledge the contributions you've already made. Your efforts have made a difference, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Stepping back doesn't mean you're giving up; it means you're taking care of yourself, which is crucial.

You can still remain a part of the Talossan community in a less demanding non-political role. Staying connected with the community allows you to continue enjoying the social and cultural aspects of Talossa without the pressure of political responsibilities. Your insights and experiences remain valuable, and you can contribute in other meaningful ways.

Ultimately, prioritising your well-being and happiness is essential. If staying active in Talossan politics is causing you stress and not bringing you joy, it might be best to step back. Your mental health and personal satisfaction should come first.

Whatever path you choose, know that your contributions to Talossa are deeply valued. Your fellow citizens appreciate your dedication and will support you in whatever decision you make. Take the time you need to figure out what's best for you, and remember that your well-being is paramount.