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Messages - Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D.

I just like it, thought it had a bit of contemporary flair without being modern, and was vaguely representative of the mountains of my origin.

Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on May 05, 2022, 11:26:33 AM
Looks good to me -- but out of curiosity, what's the origin of the escutcheon shape?  Nothing wrong with it, but I was just curious about the shape with a point at chief?

Per the requirement that any personal badge be registered with the College of Arms, please see below my design for my personal badge.

Curious... any critique or feedback?
There are several theoretical reasons for a "solution" to the supposed incongruity between the Drake equation, which conservatively predicts large numbers of lifeforms throughout the universe, despite no evidence of their existence. Which of the following make the most sense to you?

Dark Forest – The only civilizations that survive are those who realize that it is too dangerous to make their existence known. This theory implies the existence of "hunters," or civilizations who destroy other and less advanced civilizations before they can become a threat.

Quarantine – Humanity is either too violent, or in some other way too objectionable to be contacted.

Cultural Failure – Either due to the action of the species in question or their inaction in the face of existential threat, it is too rare for civilizations to exist to the point where they can make interstellar contact.

Rarity – The development of intelligent, self-aware life is far rarer than we realize.
We are not advanced enough – We are being contacted all the time, but our technology is not advanced enough to detect it.

It is scientifically impossible – The speed of light is insurmountable and radio signals degrade before they can reach anyone, etc. All living beings are physically locked into their local star systems and it will never change because it is impossible.   
To encapsulate my thoughts...

1. Abrams intentionally threw 50 years of continuity and storytelling out the door, not just by jumping to an alternate universe but by destroying the home world of a major race in the prime universe to do so. He and his team did so by publicly stating that it was too hard to make the story they wanted to make in the Star Trek universe. They wanted the built in fan base but want nothing to do with actually honoring the work and fan investment that came before them. This not only dishonors the fanbase, but Star Trek creators like D.C. Fontana, Ron Moore, and Mike McMahan who have for great ways to push the narrative forward while maintaining the integrity of the franchise.

2. They abused the characters, and Spock is a great example. Deep fans of Trek know that it isn't that Vulcans (in in this case half-Vulcan) have no emotion, rather they have so much emotion they trained themselves to rely more on logic as a way to save themselves from their violent and irrational choices. The character of Spock constantly struggles with this and can be best observed in The Motion Picture and the Undiscover Country. But Abrams' version shows Spock throwing away his lifetime of training and culture at the drop of a hate. This version of Spock is petty, violent, jealous, only give mouth service to logic.  It speaks to a complete misunderstand of a core character.

3. Abrams is lazy. Whether he is offering weak and watered down versions of Spielberg, Kasdan, or others, he has done nothing truly original in his entire career.  He entries in to Trek are warmed over and weaken plots take from film and television makers who are his betters.

I went to see all three of the JJverse movies in theaters because as a Star Trek fan it was the only game in town. Now that I have have Trek on my TV at home nearly every week, I don't think I'll need to involve myself in that again.


I though The Last Jedi had some decent ideas, but the Force Awakes was an unoriginal remake, and Skywalker was awful and dumb. I think it is clear that Abrams had no plan for the trilogy and no philosophical point to his narrative, such as it was. It's a shame. There is a lot of storytelling left in the Star Wars universe. What is your opinion of Rebels and Mandolorian?

Quote from: Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat on May 03, 2022, 08:38:56 AM
Quote from: Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D. on May 02, 2022, 06:53:25 PM
NOTE: The JJverse is meaningless to me and in my mind disrespectful to the fan community. I don't rank them at all.

I've tried several times to get into Star Trek. DS9 in particular because I heard nothing but good things about it. Unfortunately, the closest I've ever gotten is TNG with my grandfather when I was a child. I've always been more of a Star Wars guy myself, so I'm curious to hear why you think the newer films by JJ Abrams are disrespectful to the fans.

I do feel this way about the 3 recent Star Wars movies done by Abrams, and my reasoning is that he pretty much took the original trilogy and re-shot them with different actors and different aliens. Almost like he was afraid to actually do something original so he just rehashed the originals. Or a less charitable reading: He just wanted to cash in on a generation's nostalgia.
As I was reading some filings for an ongoing case before the Cort, it was argued that the Witt is only mandated for governmental use and purpose and only offers social engagement as a by product. Further, it stated that social sub boards and elements of the Witt exist at the Secretary of State's judgment and can be restricted or outright removed at any time. Is this an accurate statement? Could some future SoS, not the current one of course, use said power legally, resulting in an easy way to exert political pressure or exact some form of revenge? All while remaining completely legal.
This is all a matter of purely personal taste, though you could have discussions on everything from production values, script quality, and place in the cannon. Shows still in production may be subject to re-evaluation. I think Prodigy has the biggest potential to move up, with Strange New Worlds yet to be rated.

Lower Decks

Undiscovered Country
First Contact
Voyage Home
TMP (especially the newly released director's cut/remaster)
Search for Spock
Final Frontier

NOTE: The JJverse is meaningless to me and in my mind disrespectful to the fan community. I don't rank them at all.
This is a reposting from April 10, 2022, 23 days ago.

Please consider the following the official request to join the Royal Society for the Advancement of Knowledge by Antonio Montagnha.

1.   I became a citizen of the Kingdom of Talossa on 4/8/2022.

2.   I hold a Doctorate of Education in Leadership Studies. I am requesting that my dissertation, which can be found here, will stand in lieu of a full research statement. However, the Talossa specific areas I wish to explore are:
        a.   Setting standard for effective, data informed, compassionate leadership standards for Talossan public administration,
        b.   Identifying and tracking Key Performance Indicators for a healthy, growing and active Talossan community,
        c.   Developing commination and media strategies to grow the Talossan community

3.   I am currently developing my initial lecture for the Royal Society titled, "On Practical Elements of Good Government." I believe I will deliver a video of this lecture within two weeks of being granted membership.

4. Additionally, I have over 2 decades of experience in higher education management in the United States and would be happy to volunteer for any supportive role that would be appropriate.   

Please indicate next steps or necessary revisions.
I corrected my error earlier today.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on May 02, 2022, 12:40:05 PM
Quote from: Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D. on May 01, 2022, 09:03:35 AM
I hereby cast my single vote for Ian Plätschisch. I have no second choice.

I cannot remember if I told you this yesterday or not, but in order for the vote to be valid, you must list a second choice. Thank you.
Thank you.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on May 02, 2022, 04:13:03 PM
Quote from: Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D. on May 02, 2022, 03:51:36 PM
Because seeing a healthy, non-governmental discussion about things people care about would be a positive and organic encouragement to become a citizen. Its the same reason colleges and universities want potential recruits to know about their organizations, clubs, and social institutions.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on May 02, 2022, 02:14:38 PM
Quote from: Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D. on May 02, 2022, 02:05:02 PM
@Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM , can we make this board visible to non-board members?

What would be the point? They can't make posts, and we tend to restrict what visitors can see.

You make a good point. I'll work on changing the permissions.
Because seeing a healthy, non-governmental discussion about things people care about would be a positive and organic encouragement to become a citizen. Its the same reason colleges and universities want potential recruits to know about their organizations, clubs, and social institutions.

Quote from: Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM on May 02, 2022, 02:14:38 PM
Quote from: Antonio Montagnha, Ed. D. on May 02, 2022, 02:05:02 PM
@Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM , can we make this board visible to non-board members?

What would be the point? They can't make posts, and we tend to restrict what visitors can see.
What is your name? Antonio Montagnha

What is your request? If it so please the Squirrel King of Arms, I request the assistance of the College in designing and obtaining arms for myself and my lawful heirs.

What is your favourite colour? Blue

Please see below for my first draft of a proposed design. The personal meaning of the design: The green area represents the mountains of my native culture, the blue represents the clear sky of reason, the white or "silver" diagonal bar represents the philosophical quest for inner peace, and the sun in splendor represents the life-giving heat and light of knowledge.

@Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, Esq., O.SPM, SMM , can we make this board visible to non-board members?
For those who have read The Wheel of Time, if Lord of the Rings was primarily a meditation on the nature of evil and a lament for the loss of pastoral life in the face of dehumanizing industrialization, what would you identify as the themes of the Wheel of Time?