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Messages - Bentxamì Puntmasleu

RZ14 - Con

RZ15 - Për

RZ16 - Për

VoC - Üc
In short, the list of fellow micronations with which it might be appropriate for us to establish diplomacy is growing, though at a slower pace than originally anticipated. As I mentioned last month, we are now recognized by the Aerican Empire. In conducting research for additional suitable diplomatic partners, the approach thus far has been to look through MicroWiki and, if warented, the websites of possibly appropriate micronations. Although much valuable information has been gathered this way (it was pleasant to see, for example, that the Holy Empire of Reunion appears to have similar criteria as us, see:, the process has proven tedious and inefficient. A new approach being considered to augment, not replace, the current is to ask of our new friends in Aerica to put us in contact with other nations. Another approach being considered is to apply for membership in an intermicronational organization (perhaps LoSS, as we had a role in forming that, or GUM). There is also the possibility of working on a joint project with other micronations in order to 1.) build our reputation in the micronational community and 2.) do general goodin the world. The cabinet has discussed a project involving climate change in Antarctica, given our territorial claims there. A logical partner for us would be Westarctica, although we would have to put aside, at least temporarily, our competing claims.
Citizens, the position of Permanent Secretary of the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid is created within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This Permanent Secretary is responsible for researching worthy humanitarian causes, identifying specific representatives of these causes, drafting proposals to disperse funds to these representatives, and generally overseeing the ways Talossa can make a positive impact in the world.

All interested citizens are encouraged to apply for this position by announcing so in this thread. Interviews will conducted with the Minister over Wittenberg personal messaging. The deadline to apply is 11:59pm TST on October 18th, 2024/XLV.
Wittenberg / Re: BHAID Administrator
October 04, 2024, 04:40:11 PM
I have decided the Foreign Affairs Ministry will not pursue the legislative route at this time. However, I will create a position of Permanent Secretary of BHAID. A thread will soon be posted where people can express interest.
I can give an update on the Bureau of Home Affairs Strategic Plan. The plan's first objective is the recruitment of at least two additional GTA residents as citizens of Talossa. To this end, fliers were printed (credit for the design goes to @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP ) and distributed. Most of the distribution thus far occurred earlier this summer, with some in the late summer. As the deadline for this objective approaches, I concede it does not appear any GTA residents have applied for citizenship specifically as the result of this campaign. In the next couple months, however, I will be intensifying recruitment efforts, both via the fliers and word of mouth. I plan to do another round sometime this coming week. I will be focusing on the UWM campus and my new home neighborhood of Riverwest. The latter is not part of Metropolitan Talossa (it lies just west of the river, as its name implies) but I do believe that there will be interested persons among its populace.

As for a possible TalossaFest L, I will have a preliminary report ready by the end of the year.
RZ3 - Con

RZ4 - Con

RZ5 - Con

RZ6 - Për

RZ7 - Për

RZ8 - Për

RZ9 - Për

RZ10 - Aus

RZ11 - Për

RZ12 - Për

RZ13 - Për

VoC - Üc
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on September 10, 2024, 02:00:33 PM
Quote from: Bentxamì Puntmasleu on September 10, 2024, 01:55:33 PMBefore I speak to the matter of MicroCon 2025 directly, I am pleased to announce that Talossa now enjoys full diplomatic recognition from the Aerican Empire. In the opinion of the current government, Talossa should cautiously but progressively engage more with the micronational community. Relations with Aerica represent a good starting point. Not only are they hosting MicroCon 2025, but with a rich 35-year history, a vibrant culture, and over 250 active citizens, they represent a respectable member of the micronational community.

As regards plans for our participation in MicroCon 2025: I have signaled our intent to participate to both His Imperial Majesty Eric Lis, the Aerican Emperor, and His Excellency Tristan Glark, Head of the Diplomacy and Foreign Ministry. I am also closely observing the MicroCon 2025 group on Facebook for event details. The event is planned for June 26th through 29th (with the main conference on the 28th) in Montreal. The venue is not yet confirmed but Ruby Foo's Hotel (7655 Decarie Boulevard, Triangle Neighborhood, Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Borough) appears to be the leading contender. I am awaiting the opportunity to officially register a delegation. This opportunity likely will not come for a couple months. We will build our delegation around that time.


I thank the Minister for his reply and for the good news regarding diplomatic engagements and MicroCon. If I may, I have a supplementary question, are there plans for a representative of the Aerican Empire to cavort with us Talossans here on Wittenberg or elsewhere?

There exists a proposal for a "Landing Pier" to be added to Witt. This subforum could allow non-Talossans who are interested in Talossa (including representatives from the micronations which which we maintain diplomatic relations) to participate in some discussions, subject to careful moderation of course. This proposal is currently in the early stages.
Before I speak to the matter of MicroCon 2025 directly, I am pleased to announce that Talossa now enjoys full diplomatic recognition from the Aerican Empire. In the opinion of the current government, Talossa should cautiously but progressively engage more with the micronational community. Relations with Aerica represent a good starting point. Not only are they hosting MicroCon 2025, but with a rich 35-year history, a vibrant culture, and over 250 active citizens, they represent a respectable member of the micronational community.

As regards plans for our participation in MicroCon 2025: I have signaled our intent to participate to both His Imperial Majesty Eric Lis, the Aerican Emperor, and His Excellency Tristan Glark, Head of the Diplomacy and Foreign Ministry. I am also closely observing the MicroCon 2025 group on Facebook for event details. The event is planned for June 26th through 29th (with the main conference on the 28th) in Montreal. The venue is not yet confirmed but Ruby Foo's Hotel (7655 Decarie Boulevard, Triangle Neighborhood, Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Borough) appears to be the leading contender. I am awaiting the opportunity to officially register a delegation. This opportunity likely will not come for a couple months. We will build our delegation around that time.
I apologize for the continuing delay. I moved this past week (though my geographic relationship to Talossa remains qualitatively the same) and have been preoccupied. I will respond to this terp within the coming 48 hours (probably less). Your patience is appreciated.

Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on August 26, 2024, 03:22:06 PM
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on August 26, 2024, 02:48:07 PMA monarch of el Regipäts should be crowned in el Regipäts.  This may not be possible right away, but it is entirely okay to delay the formal Coroniçaziun.  The king is invested with power by act of law, not through the ceremony itself.  Assuming that His Majesty's choice of successor is confirmed, we should inquire about when this might be possible.

I have no practical idea on when this could occur. During the school year travel is not really a possibility and after the summer I had, I don't really expect much next summer. Time will tell.

This particular aspect seems like something I should assist with. Obviously, there's a lot to take into account but, if the formal Coronicaziun on Talossan land isn't going to be until next summer, that gives us a lot of time. Anyway, I will keep this in mind and contact Txec and the organizers with my thoughts. Feel free to contact me with anything you might need.
RZ1 - Për

RZ2 - Për

VoC - Üc
Thank you for your question, S:reu Trazacomprada. Indeed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is taking steps to participate in MicroCon 2025. Details will be forthcoming as developments occur.
This is Citizen Bentxamì Puntmasleu requesting enlistment in the Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard.
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 19, 2024, 09:30:05 PMAs a simple re-presentation of a bill which has already passed, but must pass once again with the same text due to Organic Law provisions, it seems a waste of time to take this to the CRL.

Under El Lexhatx H.2.1.3, it can bypass the CRL process if 134 Cosa seats and 4 Senators express their support for doing so here.

I and my 16 Cosa seats support doing this.

I add my 16 Cosa seats in support of this bill bypassing the CRL process.