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Topics - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Whereas, it has been more than 60 days since Judge Litz Cjantscheir has acted, ruled, or appeared in the Tzaracomprada v. Plätschisch case.

Therefore, Judge Litz Cjantscheir is deemed to have retired according to Article VIII, Section 6 of the Organic Law and Lex.G.11.1. and the Tzaracomprada v. Plätschisch case is to be reassigned.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)

El Funal/The Hopper / The Judge Edwards Retirement Act
December 09, 2024, 12:35:35 AM
Whereas, it has been more than 60 days since Judge Owen Edwards has acted, ruled, or appeared in the Grischun v. Chancery case.

Therefore, Judge Owen Edwards is deemed to have retired according to Article VIII, Section 6 of the Organic Law and Lex.G.11.1. and the Grischun v. Chancery case is to be reassigned.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)

This enquiry is for the Immigration Minister @Miestră Schivă, UrN

Thanks to the restoration of activity in the Immigration threads it is now difficult to determine which ones are still active. Previous ministers of Immigration have edited the title of the thread to designate the status as rejected (R), granted (G), etc.

Would you be willing to do the same? As it helps current citizens quickly navigate to active applications for interaction.

This enquiry is for the Minister of Technology @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP, it follows up on this reply from last month:

QuoteI thank the Member for this question. If he will allow me to answer in two parts:

The first priority is the re-nationalization of the nation's web presence. I am still waiting for the Permanent Secretary of Backend Admin to give final agreement, but the plan at this point looks like this:
* At the moment, the PermSec is overseeing server hosting using a service called Digital Ocean; we have a "droplet" (a piece of server space) with DO under the PermSec's name.
* The PermSec will create a separate DO account to be controlled and funded by the Government. (I will ensure that he works with the Burgermeister to set up relevant payment information.)
* Once this account and a nationally-run "droplet" is set up, our web presence will be migrated to it, completing this process and achieving the goal set out at the beginning of the term.

Overall, a fairly straightforward process, I am simply waiting to make sure that everyone agrees on what the plan is so that we can implement it.

Regarding the new database possibilities:

* I am similarly waiting on some final feedback from the Deputy Minister regarding his suggestion of a possible solution, but from what I understand it will be a good fit for our needs. (I anticipate that the last few weeks have been a bit busy for him, what with setting up the Heir Presumptive referendum and whatnot.)
* However, this does not mean that I will not honor my commitment for a public review of the suggested solutions. I would look for this sometime within the next two weeks; sooner, if we can get the server transition done quickly.

What updates do we have on the public review of suggested solutions, and other ongoing matters concerning the database alternative?

I rise to place an enquiry with the Acting Foreign Affairs Minister @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

With respect to the last report from October from Minister Puntmasleu:

Quote"A new approach being considered to augment, not replace, the current is to ask of our new friends in Aerica to put us in contact with other nations. Another approach being considered is to apply for membership in an intermicronational organization (perhaps LoSS, as we had a role in forming that, or GUM). There is also the possibility of working on a joint project with other micronations in order to 1.) build our reputation in the micronational community and 2.) do general goodin the world. The cabinet has discussed a project involving climate change in Antarctica, given our territorial claims there. A logical partner for us would be Westarctica, although we would have to put aside, at least temporarily, our competing claims."

What updates (such as the Landing Pier idea) does the Acting Foreign Affairs Minister have for the Ziu?

This enquiry is for the STUFF Minister.

The latest response to the repeated enquiries by those waiting for ID cards was as follows on November 26th:

Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on November 26, 2024, 12:52:26 PMWe are working on a new ID design that displays new information that isn't strictly correct today. (We are waiting for the current King to resign so new IDs display Sir Txec's signature)

Seeing that King Txec's ascension is now official and we might be able to quickly get the signature I ask the STUFF Ministry to please confirm the approximate date that citizens awaiting their cards can expect them to be mailed.

This issue has come up within the past year and I would like to see what options there are for a solution.

It is normal for judiciaries to move with careful consideration of their cases but we are moving beyond what is reasonable when cases take 2-3 months to resolve.

A famous maxim used by one citizen previously when discussing this very issue is "justice delayed is justice denied" so how do we make changes to the system to discourage and/or remove any incentives for delay? Are there any automated mechanisms litigants could make use of after a specific amount of time has elapsed to get their case heard?
Open Society is excited to announce we will be publishing an Opposition Report Card of sorts on each government ministry. As was mentioned at the outset of this term, we would endeavor for at least one terpelaziun per ministry per month with variances as needed. Now that we are nearing the end of the term we will use the data from the terpelaziuns and responses to create a qualitative report on government performance. We welcome government responses to the report should they deem it necessary. The report will be published on Wittenberg and on other fora for accessibility by all Talossans. This is another part of our goal of serving Talossa by holding the Government to account.
Over the past several weeks my workload and volunteering have been very high. To deal with the stress I returned to playing videogames for a bit during weekends and before bed sometimes during the week. The space strategy game, Stellaris, has been quite a delight for mental play.

Anyone else play this game?
El Viestül/The Lobby / [Terpelaziun] Seneschal (Nov 14)
November 14, 2024, 02:32:00 PM

I am submitting this enquiry to the Seneschal but I wanted to preface it with a note saying the intent of the enquiry is not to annoy or harass. This is a genuine point of enquiry based on the recess announcement.

Madam Seneschal, you mention one purpose of the recess was to:

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on November 14, 2024, 02:02:07 PM...enable (a) the Cabinet to have some extra time to grapple with a backlog of work;

I ask, again, not to annoy or harass, but for purposes of tracking by the Opposition, for the Seneschal to please inform the Ziu of the backlogged work and backlog clearer.
El Viestül/The Lobby / [Terpelaziun] Seneschal (Nov 14)
November 13, 2024, 11:47:25 PM

I have a quick enquiry for the Seneschal @Miestră Schivă, UrN

This is related to her reply (no updates) on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Minister on November 10th where she stated the minister was absent. There was an enquiry submitted on November 2nd which went unanswered.

Is the Foreign Affairs Minister still absent?
Túischac'h, this enquiry is directed to the Finance Minister. @Sir Lüc

In reference to his reply from last month:

QuoteEstimat Túischac'h, further to the answer I gave last month, the preparation of the statement on income was delayed by my allocation of Talossan time and brainpower getting entirely diverted to the creation of the platform for the midterm Referendum. I still intend to deliver such a statement before my expected resignation from the Cabinet.

As for the second part of that answer, I have no progress to report on except to say, on a related note, I'm glad to reassure the Ziu I don't plan on seeking any reimbursment for hosting the referendum platform on my own server.

In follow-up to your reply:

a. I reviewed the government's cabinet appointments here and do not see a listed Deputy Finance Minister. I am therefore requesting the Minister update the Ziu on plans to ensure continuity within the ministry upon his likely appointment as SoS.

b. My apologies if I have overlooked the posted statement but, if it has not been posted, what updates are there on the statement on income from the Ministry?

I direct this enquiry to the Minister of Technology @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP and refer to his words from last month concerning the expected process for convening a new national database:

Quote"On the second step, we are nearing a few options in internal deliberations that I believe will be worth bringing to the public, keeping in mind this Government's other goals (for example, keeping as much of Talossa's digital infrastructure as possible on nationally-administered server space, and using "tailor-fit" solutions where possible). I would look for this discussion within a week or two, following the wrapping up of a few loose ends in our internal discussion.

The third step, of course, is contingent on completion of the second, but is also somewhat reliant on the Ministry's other main goal of re-nationalizing our web server presence. On that note, I am pleased to report that we should also be announcing a major development there in the near future (on a similar timeframe to the database-solution discussion)."

What updates are there on the public discussion on new database options and on the re-nationalization of web-server presence?

I rise to place an enquiry with the Foreign Affairs Minister. @Bentxamì Puntmasleu

With respect to his report from last month:

Quote"A new approach being considered to augment, not replace, the current is to ask of our new friends in Aerica to put us in contact with other nations. Another approach being considered is to apply for membership in an intermicronational organization (perhaps LoSS, as we had a role in forming that, or GUM). There is also the possibility of working on a joint project with other micronations in order to 1.) build our reputation in the micronational community and 2.) do general goodin the world. The cabinet has discussed a project involving climate change in Antarctica, given our territorial claims there. A logical partner for us would be Westarctica, although we would have to put aside, at least temporarily, our competing claims."

What updates (such as the Landing Pier idea) does the Foreign Affairs Minister have for the Ziu?

I direct my enquiry to the Defence Minister. Please update the Ziu on the current activities of the Defence Ministry.

I direct my enquiry to the Culture Minister. @Miestră Schivă, UrN

I refer to the Minister's reply from September:

Quote"In previous years I have suggested "calquing" a textbook for a different Romance language for use in l'educaziun glheþească. So, taking Teach Yourself Beginners' Italian or some such and tweaking it for the needs of ár glheþ naziunal. The Ladintsch Naziunal is unsure of the feasibility of that approach, so we're still discussing one that might be better."

What updates does the Culture Ministry have on this discussion?

This enquiry is for the Immigration Minister. @Miestră Schivă, UrN

Please let me know if I am mistaken but I think we have seen one new citizen so far. It is understandable we want quality rather than quantity but one citizen every four months may be on the extreme side. Besides the work on the recently passed immigration reform (based on the aforementioned premise) please inform the Ziu on steps to attract new entrants to the nation.

I direct my enquiry to the STUFF Minister. @Bråneu Excelsio

An ancient and mythical Pastafarian group left the following comment on our FB page:
Quote"All the website emails are bouncing as undeliverable and the link for the ID cards returns an error as well... while the coins/stamp page is still good. Has the nation.... Collapsed?!?!?!"

I think we can both agree the nation has not collapsed but I noted there was no response to this comment. Would you please confirm there is no current website email or link bounce issue concerning ID cards?
El Viestül/The Lobby / [Terpelaziun] Seneschal (Nov 2)
November 02, 2024, 06:10:26 PM

This enquiry is for the Seneschal. @Miestră Schivă, UrN

What is the status of transmitting the proceedings of the Standing Committee on Organic Law Reform to the Royal Archivist as mandated by the Second Talossan Government Transparency Act?
Whereas, the intent of the CRL to provide a forum for the improvement of bills was honorable, and

Whereas, this can be achieved with a longer stay in the Hopper and without that extra body.

Therefore, be in enacted, that the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa enacts the following changes in El Lexhatx:

H.2.1.5 through H. are repealed in their entirety:
Quote2.1.5. For each Cosă term is created a Comità da Redacziun Legislatïu (in english Legislative Advisory Committee), hereinafter "the CRL", which shall review or revise all legislative items from the Hopper once they have moved to committee; and may recommend acceptance or rejection , or suggest amendments in their best judgment. The main, but not exclusive, purpose of the CRL, with the assistance of the Scribery, shall be to evaluate bills from the technical point of view of the quality of the legislation, the correctness of the language, the internal consistency of the document and consistency with existing legislation. The CRL shall conduct all its deliberations openly in the Hopper. The CRL shall consist of the incumbent Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral. The Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral may at any time appoint and dismiss one Senator or one Membreu dal Cosă, to serve as a member of the CRL in their place.[716] The CRL may create further committees to which their functions may be delegated, as concerns any bill or category of bills. Such a committee must have at least 3 members, including at least 1 Membreu dal Cosă and 1 Senator.
2.1.6. After the CRL has given its recommendation, or if it gives no recommendation within 30 days of the bill having passed to committee, the bill has passed the Hopper and the sponsor of the bill may ask for it to be Clarked, with or without amendments. The same bill can not be submitted to the Clark more than once in the same Cosa, unless the original bill was vetoed, the original bill had been retired or voted down by its main sponsor during the voting period, or the bill has been substantially amended, as judged by the Secretary of State. Bills must be submitted to the Secretary of State more than 24 hours before the publication of the Clark. Bills received less than 24 hours before publication of the Clark shall be published in the next Clark or postponed for one Clark, at the Secretary of State's discretion.

H.2.1.3 which currently reads as:

Quote2.1.3. A bill has passed the Hopper if it has spent at least 10 days in the Hopper and at least half of the Senators and 2/3 of Cosă seats express their support in the Hopper for clarking the bill.

is revised to read as follows:

Quote2.1.3. A bill has passed the Hopper if it has spent at least 10 20 days in the Hopper, and at least two of the following officers (Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral) have recommended approval or have no objections after evaluating the bill from the technical point of view of the quality of the legislation, the correctness of the language, the internal consistency of the document and consistency with existing legislation. If there is no collective recommendation (review by at least two of the following: Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral) within 30 days of the bill's introduction to the Hopper, the bill has passed the Hopper and the sponsor of the bill may ask for it to be Clarked, with or without amendments.

H.2.1.4 which currently reads as:

Quote2.1.4. After a legislative proposal has spent at least 10 days in the Hopper, its proposer may request that it "move to committee." No bill may be Clarked without being "moved to committee", except as provided by Lexh.H.2.1.2. or Lexh.H.2.1.3.

is revised to read as follows:

Quote2.1.4. After a legislative proposal has spent at least 10 20 days in the Hopper and been approved or cleared by the necessary officials, its proposer may request that it be clarked. No bill may be Clarked without being "moved to committee", except as provided by Lexh.H.2.1.2. or Lexh.H.2.1.3.
2.1.5 The Mençéi, Túischac'h, and Avocat-Xheneral may at any time appoint and dismiss one Senator or one Membreu dal Cosă, to serve as a reviewer of the Hopper bills in their place.