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Topics - Breneir Tzaracomprada

Whereas, during the last Cosa term, former Seneschal Braneu Excelsio, without being obliged to do so, answered several citizen enquiries, and

Whereas, these answers in the absence of meaningful enquiries from the then-Opposition served the purpose of government accountability, and

Whereas, this is a new practice worth continuing for the same honorable purpose.

Therefore, be it resolved, that El Lexhatx Section H. Legislation is amended to add a new sub-section, as follows:

Quote1.2.9 Any citizen, may at any time between the First and Last Clark of a Cosă Term, table in "The Lobby" board on Witt, or its equivalent, a "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" in a new thread or its equivalent. Any "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun," requires the sponsorship of a current member of the Ziu. The "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" may ask one question to a named Member of the Government or Civil Service, relating to Public Affairs connected with their Ministry or on matters of administration for which they are officially responsible. A citizen is limited to one (1) active "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" at a time. Active, in this context, is defined as an unanswered CT. Any "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" that is submitted, must be answered by the named Minister, Civil Service member, or other Government official within fourteen (14) days of the question being tabled. Should the Minister, Civil Service member, or other Government official be unavailable to answer the question within the fourteen (14) days, the question shall be redirected to the Seneschal or their appointed Deputy or the Minister responsible for oversight of the Civil Service member or other Government official who shall be granted a further seven (7) days to answer the aforementioned question. With the agreement of the questioner, there may be an extension of seven (7) days on top of this period. However, the period from the asking of the question to the answering of the question, shall in no circumstances exceed twenty-eight (28) days.

Ureu q'estadra så,
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)
Florencia / Nimlet Session XXII (Jul 2024-Present)
July 08, 2024, 09:37:57 PM

3 seats - Breneir Tzaracomprada (Governor + Open Society)
1 seat - Mximo Carbonel (Senats)
1 seat - Acafat del Val (FreeDems)

The Chancery has indicated the certification of the provincial election results.

Pursuant to Section 4(a) of the Florencian Constitution: "No later than ten days following the conclusion of each provincial election, the Governor of Florencia shall have determined and announced the total number of seats for the incoming Nimlet, which number shall be equal to the number of ballots returned in the election, less those returned indicating "Present", and augmented by one additional seat for each incumbent Senator for Florencia, and one additional seat for the Governor;" The total number of non-Present provincial ballots returned was 5.

Pursuant to Section 4(b) There is also one seat for the incumbent Senator and incumbent Governor.

I hereby appoint myself to the Governor seat and to the two seats won by Open Society and recognize that Mximo Carbonel as incumbent Senator is entitled to that seat as well.

The total number of seats in the Nimlet is therefore set at 7.

This leaves 3 seats unassigned by the party leaders.

Based on votes received:

The FreeDems are entitled to 1 seat
Dien: The Independent Monarchist is entitled to 1 seat
PdR is entitled to 1 seat

Party leader @Miestră Schivă, UrN please advise on your specific appointee.
Party leader @Munditenens Tresplet please advise on your specific appointee.
Party leader @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP please advise on your specific appointee.
Open Society / Post-Election Party Updates
July 05, 2024, 07:49:45 PM
Open Society is absolutely chuffed to announce @Muhammed Yasir has joined our team and will represent the party in the next Cosa session. Thank you and welcome Muhammad!

We also have pre-filed the following bills (which may change in the Hopper):

The Nonpartisan Chancery Act continues our effort to address a concerning precedent. We reiterate our willingness to work with any parties on a comprehensive and enforceable code of conduct for the Civil Service if that better addresses that precedent.

The Allowing the Chief Legal Advisor to Seek Advice Amendment is resubmitted as some esteemed Talossans indicated support after it was voted down. We still think it is wise for the Government's top legal advisor to have the ability to seek advice themselves.

Finally, the Annual Elections Amendment is a placeholder for our effort to expand the Cosa term and make it so that there is one predictably scheduled election per year. We think Talossans not as enamored with political activity will like the additional time away from fevered campaigning and electioneering.
El Funal/The Hopper / Annual Elections Amendment
June 14, 2024, 06:15:58 PM
Note: This is an adapted version of an amendment previously suggested by current senator @mpf
Posting here as a placeholder when the new Cosa convenes.

WHEREAS there were talks about creating fixed dates elections, in order to provide reliability and predictability for the electors, and

WHEREAS there has been talk of expanding the space for the growth of non-political activity, and

WHEREAS this proposal provides a single election per year, on January 15th, skipping the holiday season, and

WHEREAS this proposal still has the option for an earlier election through the monthly votes of confidence.

THEREFORE the Ziu resolves to put in a referendum the following changes to the Organic Law

Section 3 of article 6 which currently reads:

All elections to the Cosa are to be conducted during a period beginning from the fifteenth day of the calendar month following the dissolution of the prior Cosa until 7:30 p.m. on the first day of the subsequent month. The first day of this period (the fifteenth) is called the "Balloting Day" and the final day is called the "Election Deadline."

Is replaced with:

All elections to the Cosa are to be conducted during a period beginning from the fifteenth day of the calendar month of January until 7:30 p.m. on the first day of February. The first day of this period (the fifteenth) is called the "Balloting Day" and the final day is called the "Election Deadline."

Section 1 of Article XIII which currently reads:

Duration of the Cosâ. The Cosâ convenes on the first day of the month after general elections, to coincide with the publication of the first Clark. Its term is roughly six months, each month coinciding with a Clark. During its last month, the King shall issue a Writ of Dissolution ending its term. At the time the Cosâ is dissolved, all its members shall resign, but any Members holding positions in the Government may remain in those positions till the outcome of the election is resolved.

Is replaced by:

Duration of the Cosâ. The Cosâ convenes on the first day of the month after general elections (March), to coincide with the publication of the first Clark. Its term is exactly 9 months, each month coinciding with a specific Clark (for example, September is Clark #5). During its last month (December) the King shall issue a Writ of Dissolution ending its term. At the time the Cosâ is dissolved, all its members shall resign, but any Members holding positions in the Government may remain in those positions till the outcome of the election is resolved.  When this amendment is ratified, a transition period, of appropriate necessity, will be applied so that the following Cosa will have its election during the first of the following two events: After its 6th Clark is published, or in July of that year.

Section 3 of Article XIII which currently reads:

The Seneschál may insert between any two Clarks, or after the final Clark, a "month of recess" in which no Clark is published and no Cosâ or Senäts business is conducted. No more than one "month of recess" may be declared during any one term of office.

Is amended to read as:

The Seneschál may insert between any two Clarks, a month of recess, in which no Clark is published and no Cosâ or Senäts business is conducted. No more than one "month of recess" may be declared during any one term of office.

Section 4 of Article XIII is removed

The part of Section 6 of Article XIII which currently reads:

the King shall dissolve the Cosâ and call new elections.

Is replaced by (unless another bill is ratified which proposed a similar mechanic in which case it would take priority over this replacement):

the Cosa shall elect and the King shall select that electee as a new Seneschal he feels would be best able to succeed at a Vote of Confidence

Section 3 of Article IV which currently reads:

Each time the Cosa shall be dissolved, there shall be an election for one-third of the total Senate seats (rounded to the nearest whole number). The exact fixed order of rotation of provinces for elections shall be set by law and shall require two-thirds vote in the Cosa with approval by the King and the Senäts to be modified.

Is replaced by:

Each time the Cosa is dissolved, there shall be an election for approximately one-half of the total Senate seats (rounded to the nearest whole number) so that each Senator is elected for 2 years. The exact fixed order of rotation of provinces for elections shall be set by law and shall require two-thirds vote in the Cosa with approval by the King and the Senäts to be modified.

Whereas, presently the King, Seneschal, and Secretary of State can request an advisory opinion from the Cort pü Inalt, and

Whereas, presently the Government's chief legal advisor, the Avocat-Xheneral, can't request an an advisory opinion from the Cort pü Inalt, and

Whereas, it seems reasonable for the Government's chief legal advisor to have the ability to also seek advice from the Judiciary.

Therefore, be it enacted by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa that Article VIII, Section which currently reads as:

Article VIII, Section 6
QuoteUntil such time as inferior corts are established, a Judge may sit as a nisi prius cort in all civil and criminal matters.

No decision or order issued by an inferior cort or nisi prius cort shall bind a coordinate cort.

The decisions or orders of the Cort pü Inalt shall bind all lower corts according to the doctrine of stare decisis provided that that the panel was composed of no less than three Judges after necessary recusal. The Cort pü Inalt may, as it deems appropriate, issue decisions or orders that are non-binding provided that it explicitly states that intention in the decision or order.

A nisi prius cort or an inferior cort deviating from binding precedent must state so with clarity and refer the matter for appellate review.

Notwithstanding any contrary proscription, the King, the Secretary of State, or the Seneschal may refer an issue to the Cort pü Inalt for an advisory opinion provided that any such panel reviewing the position is composed of no less than three Judges after any necessary recusal, there lacks a live case or controversy that would otherwise determine the issue, and there is a reasonably need for resolution of the question.

A matter arising under the Covenants of Rights and Freedoms is appealable as of right to the Cort pü Inalt. In all other instances, the Cort pü Inalt may not be compelled to exercise its appellate authority. However, when declining to do so, the Cort pü Inalt must issue an order declaring such, and no such declaration shall be deemed as the Cort pü Inalt adopting or setting as binding precedent the appealed from decision or order.

The Cort pü Inalt, and any other cort existing under this article, shall interpret all matters through the lens of the Covenants of Rights and Freedoms.

Any Judge that is a named party in a matter shall recuse himself or herself from hearing any and all parts of the matter.

Is amended to read as follows:

Article VIII, Section 6

QuoteUntil such time as inferior corts are established, a Judge may sit as a nisi prius cort in all civil and criminal matters.

No decision or order issued by an inferior cort or nisi prius cort shall bind a coordinate cort.

The decisions or orders of the Cort pü Inalt shall bind all lower corts according to the doctrine of stare decisis provided that that the panel was composed of no less than three Judges after necessary recusal. The Cort pü Inalt may, as it deems appropriate, issue decisions or orders that are non-binding provided that it explicitly states that intention in the decision or order.

A nisi prius cort or an inferior cort deviating from binding precedent must state so with clarity and refer the matter for appellate review.

Notwithstanding any contrary proscription, the King, the Secretary of State, the Seneschal, or the Avocat-Xheneral may refer an issue to the Cort pü Inalt for an advisory opinion provided that any such panel reviewing the position is composed of no less than three Judges after any necessary recusal, there lacks a live case or controversy that would otherwise determine the issue, and there is a reasonably need for resolution of the question.

A matter arising under the Covenants of Rights and Freedoms is appealable as of right to the Cort pü Inalt. In all other instances, the Cort pü Inalt may not be compelled to exercise its appellate authority. However, when declining to do so, the Cort pü Inalt must issue an order declaring such, and no such declaration shall be deemed as the Cort pü Inalt adopting or setting as binding precedent the appealed from decision or order.

The Cort pü Inalt, and any other cort existing under this article, shall interpret all matters through the lens of the Covenants of Rights and Freedoms.

Any Judge that is a named party in a matter shall recuse himself or herself from hearing any and all parts of the matter.

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)
Whereas, it is a vital national interest to have an election administration authority free of actual or reasonably perceived partisan partiality, and

Whereas, the below-proposed restrictions (as a part of ensuring this interest are modelled after those written by @Miestră Schivă, UrN  in 53RZ2 The Civil Service (Commissioner Abolition) Bill, and

Whereas, this bill would still allow parties to appoint whoever they choose as national party officers but those officers themselves would not be permitted to serve as Secretary of State simultaneously.

Therefore, be it enacted by the Ziu, that El Lexhatx C.5 which currently reads:

Quote5. The Secretary of State shall hold no seat in the Ziu.

Is amended to read as follows:

Quote5. The Secretary of State shall not hold the offices of Monarch, Seneschal, Distain, Judge of the Uppermost Cort, any cabinet portfolio, any party officer position in a political party at the national level, or member of the Ziu.

Ureu q'estadra så,
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)
Fora Talossa / 60th GE Party Discussion
June 01, 2024, 12:29:08 PM
Are there any plans or is there any interest in another discussion between representatives of the parties for the 60th GE? Might be good to continue the trend.

Considering my own conflict it could be posted on Fora Talossa but not hosted or edited by me of course.

@Miestră Schivă, UrN
@þerxh Sant-Enogat
@Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN

Open Society policy placeholder

29 May 2024:
An active head of state: We are pragmatic as to whether Talossa remains a kingdom or becomes a republic. But we do demand an active and unifying head of state. And are proud of our contribution to the recent multipartisan breakthrough on this issue. On this note, we will support the elevation of @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB as King John's successor.

30 May 2024:
Making Talossa more than a political playground: An election season every 8 months leads to constant political fevers. We would like to pursue electoral reforms which extend Cosa terms to one year while expanding the Civil Service to address any increased burden from this subsequent increased government terms. We also support a unicameral legislature.

30 May 2024:
Immigration-Regular, standardized catchment area review: During my term as Immigration Minister I was proud to help enact the first catchment area reform in nearly a decade. I also initiated a successful catchment recompensation for Vuode (Florencia <3's Vuode Act). I'd proposed a regular review and updating of catchment areas but this was rejected without reason.* Recent discussions have reasserted the wisdom of this idea. We will resubmit this legislation to the Hopper at the first clark.

*Corrected, as there was a reason provided by would apparently be too time-consuming to review catchment areas every five years. :)

31 May 2024:
An apolitical Chancery/Civil Service: Some call it a crusade, some call it a hobby horse. I call it defending the norms that underpin Talossan democracy. And that is something for which I will never tire. In the absence of any internal policy to address the precedent set by the current Secretary of State I will resubmit previous legislation concerning an apolitical Chancery. If it comes, as a part of broader Civil Service rules, all the better but this issue ain't going anywhere just like me.

31 May 2024:
Culture-Talossan Literature Shop: Ever since Danihel Txechescu mentioned it I've wanted to make it happen. I'd like to start an online print-to-order bookshop for Talossan writers. We have quite a few published authors and it would be great to have a centralized spot for purchasing their works.

1 June 2024:
A Commitment to Open & Transparent Institutions: I am the author of the Second Talossan Government Transparency Act which mandated the archiving and eventual publication of internal cabinet discussions. And I opposed the establishment of a private Organic Law (and Chancery Reform) Committee by the then leaders of the TNC and FreeDems because it was designed, in my view, to stifle the Ziu's legislative activity. When I did participate and proposed the Nonpartisan SOS Act this suspicion would unfortunately be proven correct.

Here's the thing: Norms are not applicable only to those we dislike. And we should be confident enough in our positions and in Talossan democracy to use the institutions we have worked so hard to build.

2 June 2024:
Minor Government Reform-A-X Advisory Opinions: During the last term there was opposition to allowing the Government's chief legal advisor, the Avocat-Xheneral, the ability to seek advice from the Judiciary. An eminent Talossan or two have agreed that the A-X, at the least, should have the ability to do so. I will be resubmitting this legislation as I believe it is an obvious role of the A-X. These common-sense fine-tuning reforms will be a hallmark of Open Society's participation in debates next term and we look forward to proposing them for public debate.

For voters, please feel free to review the Hopper debate on the previously proposed CpI Advisory Opinion Expansion Amendment. It appeared to have some multipartisan support.

For those who think they may not like science fiction this blends mystery with sci-fi for something that is gently different. Just finished the first season in one big juant.
Fora Talossa / And now the weather from Barclamiu
May 12, 2024, 05:41:11 PM
Fora Talossa is delighted to present this weather bulletin from renowned Talossan weatherman, Barclamiu da Miéletz

It is my pleasure to announce the honoree for the 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Poetry Prize. But first please allow me to thank @owenedwards the originator of this prize.

@Ián Tamorán S.H. is the winner of the 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Prize for his poem, Avançamantisch! I want to also extend my thanks for the honor and pleasure of reading your work at length, Ian, especially a first look at the magnificant forthcoming volume, Poesie. The winning poem is a part of the forthcoming volume and I am told it will be available in the near future if you, like me, wish to enjoy more and support his great work.

OFFICIAL CITATION: Ián Tamorán S.H. (Avançamantisch)

QuoteDr. Tamoran's voice of wisdom and experience here is indeed at "Revelation's core," to borrow his wonderful description. Avançamantisch is a structurally tight piece with measured rhyme while also containing a play on the title. The melding of superb imagery, wordplay and tight form is evidence of superior artistic skill. Talossan art-lovers do not just want more works like this, it is a need.


"And did those feet in ancient times" walk on
Valorious, wander hill and mountain, take
Amazing leaps by boulders, gazing on
New vistas, in the freezing blizzard shake?
Cold clamb'ring down to shelter, safe and warm,
And further down, to sit by glowing fire,
Mild neighbours, family in their friendly form
Around you? Did you then no more aspire
In courage to ascend the hills once more?
Nor seek the danger of the open view?
True trembling lies at Revelation's core,
Standing in danger stark to see the new.
Courage or captive – you can make the choice
How from this moment we will hear your voice.

Ian reads the poem in our official announcement video here:

It is my pleasure to announce the honoree for the 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Poetry Prize. But first please allow me to thank @owenedwards the originator of this prize.

@Ián Tamorán S.H. is the winner of the 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Prize for his poem, Avançamantisch! I want to also extend my thanks for the honor and pleasure of reading your work at length, Ian, especially a first look at the magnificant forthcoming volume, Poesie. The winning poem is a part of the forthcoming volume and I am told it will be available in the near future if you, like me, wish to enjoy more and support his great work.

OFFICIAL CITATION: Ián Tamorán S.H. (Avançamantisch)

QuoteDr. Tamoran's voice of wisdom and experience here is indeed at "Revelation's core," to borrow his wonderful description. Avançamantisch is a structurally tight piece with measured rhyme while also containing a play on the title. The melding of superb imagery, wordplay and tight form is evidence of superior artistic skill. Talossan art-lovers do not just want more works like this, it is a need.


"And did those feet in ancient times" walk on
Valorious, wander hill and mountain, take
Amazing leaps by boulders, gazing on
New vistas, in the freezing blizzard shake?
Cold clamb'ring down to shelter, safe and warm,
And further down, to sit by glowing fire,
Mild neighbours, family in their friendly form
Around you? Did you then no more aspire
In courage to ascend the hills once more?
Nor seek the danger of the open view?
True trembling lies at Revelation's core,
Standing in danger stark to see the new.
Courage or captive – you can make the choice
How from this moment we will hear your voice.

Ian reads the poem in our official announcement video here:

With thanks to @Barclamïu da Miéletz, Fora Talossa is delighted to share his performance on piano of Chirluscha àl Glheþ or Stand Tall, Talossans:

@Ian Plätschisch I hope this is OK to bring your previous amendment back here for potential discussions. I was inspired by your recently reelected party president's speech. I do agree with her and hopefully you that the time is right now after observing the activity levels of the King during my own term and that of Therxh's term. There is a similar proposal that I brought forward for discussion internally in the TNC.

QuoteWHEREAS There is no point in being longwinded here because everything that can be said about an elective Monarchy has already been said,

THEREFORE Org II.3 is replaced in its entirety with:

A Conclave shall be called within three months of every seventh anniversary of a monarch's accession to the throne, the abdication or death of the Monarch, or as otherwise provided in Section 4. The first of such Conclaves shall take place within three months of the date this section comes into force and shall have full authority to remove and replace the current Monarch. This Conclave shall be chaired by the Senior Judge of the Uppermost Cort, or in their absence the next available Judge in order of seniority.

The Senior Judge shall call a Conclave by publicly submitting to the Secretary of State a message to all eligible electors announcing the Conclave and providing instructions on how and when to register to participate. Whenever the Conclave is called by the Ziu, the Túischac'h (or another Cosa official if the Túischac'h is unavailable) shall submit this message instead. Upon receiving the message, the Secretary of State shall be responsible for communicating the message to all eligible electors. The Conclave shall commence fourteen days from the moment the Secretary of State sends the message to the electors.

Any Talossan who has been a citizen for at least seven years as of when the Judge (or Cosa official) submits the message to the Secretary of State and fully completes their registration with the Senior Judge before the Conclave commences, shall  be eligible to be an elector in the Conclave,

All discussions of the Conclave shall be open, but its votes shall be by secret ballot. The votes of every elector shall have equal weight. All other operations of the Conclave shall be decided by the Conclave or prescribed by statute.

Should more than 60% of the Conclave express that they desire the Monarch not remain on the throne, then the Conclave shall be called and meet again in six months according to the procedures above. At this meeting of the Conclave, a new Monarch of Talossa (who may be the current Monarch) shall be chosen. The candidate who receives the expressed support of 2/3 of the Conclave shall immediately have their nomination submitted to all eligible voters for approval. The Secretary of State shall send to all eligible voters a simple ballot asking "Do you wish for [Name of Nominee] to become Monarch of Talossa?". Voters may only respond Yes or No to this question. If after 30 days from the date the ballots are first sent, the nominee receives more 'Yes' votes than 'No', s/he shall assume the title of "Heir Presumptive". The Conclave shall reconvene and repeat this process should there be more 'No' votes than 'Yes' for the nominee. The Conclave may be called to choose a new Monarch whenever there is no Monarch.

The Heir Presumptive shall swear an oath promising to protect and uphold the Organic Law of Talossa and the rights of all its citizens, and thereupon become Monarch of Talossa, replacing the previous Monarch (unless both are the same person).

FURTHERMORE Org II.4 is amended to read:
In dire circumstances, when the Monarch is judged by competent medical authority to be incapable of executing his duties, or if he is convicted by the Talossan Uppermost Cort of violation of this Organic Law, treason, bribery, nonfeasance endangering the safety, order or good government of the Kingdom, or other high crimes, or when the Ziu deems it necessary due to neglect of duties or gross inactivity, the nation may remove the Monarch from the Throne. The Cosa shall pronounce by a two-thirds vote, with the approval of the Senäts, that the Monarch is to be removed, and this pronouncement shall immediately be transmitted to the people for their verdict in a referendum. If a majority of the people concur, the Monarch is removed, the Council of Regency shall assume all duties of the Monarch and a Conclave is to be called within three months to nominate a successor. 

FURTHERMORE Org II.5 is amended to read:

The Monarch may, at whim, appoint, replace, or remove a Regent (or a Council of Regency, which is considered equivalent to a Regent), who shall administer the government in the name of the Monarch, and exercise all powers Organically or legally vested in the Monarch, except the power to appoint or replace a Regent. No person not a citizen of Talossa shall be competent to serve as Regent or member of a Council of Regency. The Ziu may by law remove or replace any appointed Regent, and if the Ziu removes a Regent appointed by the Monarch, the Monarch may not reappoint the same person Regent without the prior consent of the Ziu. Whenever there is no Monarch, the Uppermost Cort shall serve as the Council of Regency.

FURTHERMORE The name of Title L of el Lexhatx is amended to "Laws Supplementing Article II of the Organic Law"

FURTHERMORE Lex.L.10 is replaced with the following:

10. The following provisions apply to Conclaves called in accordance with Article II, Section 3 of the Organic Law.

10.1 The Conclave may, as it deems necessary, adopt a rule, procedure, or protocol to conduct operation provided a majority of Electors supports any such rule, procedure, or protocol, or change thereto.  Any rule, procedure, or protocol adopted by a Conclave will not a subsequent Conclave.

10.2 Before any vote for Monarch is cast, the Conclave shall choose an Elector to serve as Herald in a manner it deems appropriate.  Within 96 hours of a vote for Monarch ending, the Herald, the Secretary of State, and the Council of Regency shall, separately and independently of the other, count such votes, and the Herald, the Secretary of State, and the Council of Regency shall, separately and independently of the other, report one result to the Conclave.   After 96 hours, the vote for Monarch is verified based on the vote count of the majority of timely reported results.

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-TNC)
@Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB Mr. Secretary, Hi. I wanted to be sure I checked with you before writing legislation as the election administrator. Do you know if there is currently a process (or any restrictions, if not) for an individual or party to register outside of the run-up to an election? I can't find any mention of a kind of register or official record of current parties so wanted to check.
Approved for my part.
@Miestră Schivă, UrN feel free to refine the clauses, if you like.

Whereas, there are currently just two members of the Privy Council (Sabôr), and

Whereas, it is conceivable that a slightly larger Sabôr might lead to more broad-based advice to the Monarch, and

Whereas, adding additional ex-officio members of the Privy Council is one way to expand the Sabôr.

Therefore BE IT ENACTED that El Lexhatx L.7, which currently reads:

Quote7. Among the first acts of his reign the King shall name a Privy Council (Sabôr, in Talossan) consisting of several Privy Councillors (called Guaïrs in Talossan) with whom he shall consult whenever possible on all matters of grave importance to the Kingdom, and whose duty shall be to offer the King the benefit of their individual and collective wisdom and advice. The King shall take care to include in this council those citizens with the longest and deepest connections to the ongoing historical life of the Kingdom, in particular those who are personally familiar with the homeland itself. Should at any time they deem it wise or necessary to do so, Privy Councillors, acting alone or in concert with fellow councillors, may publicly issue a "Letter to the King" about any matter of grave importance to the Kingdom. The Privy Councillors shall serve at the pleasure of the King. Privy Councillors shall be entitled to add the honorific initials "GST" to their signatures, for "Guaïr del Sabôr Talossán."

shall be amended with the addition of the following paragraph:

QuoteThe Seneschál and the Senior Justice of the Cort pü Inalt shall be Guaïrs ex officio.

Uréu q'estadra så
Miestră Schivă, UrN (MC-FreeDems)
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-TNC)
Mximo Carbonèl (Senator-Florencia)
Whereas, Talossans around the world express their heartbreak and outrage at the death of another Russian democracy activist, Alexei Navalny, and

Whereas, we reiterate our support and solidarity with those in Russia, under threat to their liberty and their lives, as they continue the struggle for an open and free society, and

Whereas, we implore the international community to redouble its efforts to bring Vladimir Putin and his cronies to justice for their crimes against their people and our common humanity.

Therefore, be it resolved that it is the Sense of the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa, to publicly express the above-mentioned sentiments on behalf of the people of the realm and its agreement with these words of Alexei Navalny: "Listen, I've got something very obvious to tell you. You're not allowed to give up. If they decide to kill me, it means we are incredibly strong."

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-TNC)
Tric'hard Lenxheir (Senator-Vuode)

Privy Council changes can be achieved by amending statute Title L, I think. According to my review of internal discussions this proposal had significant support on both sides. Everyone knows who I personally recommend as the Designated Successor.

We support a new method of royal succession wherein the Monarch is asked to ensure there are always no less than five appointees to the Sabor (Privy Council). Upon a vacancy on the throne without a Designated Successor, the Ziu selects a new Monarch from the membership of the Sabor. Selection by the Ziu is successful with a two-thirds majority in both the Cosa and the Senats. Approval, by simple majority, is then required by nationwide referendum. A sitting Monarch may choose a Designated Successor from amongst the Sabor who will also need approval under the same process. The Designated Successor may be removed by the same process as the Monarch.
Connected to this, we support King John giving the nation a timeline for a transition for his Designated Successor. Or the instituting of a mandatory retirement age of 75 years for the Monarch of Talossa.
Whereas, the BHAID has over the past few terms made an effort to make small but meaningful contributions demonstrating the generosity and caring of the Talossan people, and

Whereas, Effective altruism (often abbreviated EA) is a contemporary philosophical and social movement advocating "the use of evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible, and taking action on that basis," and

Whereas, Effective Altruism Funds (EA Funds) is a platform for moving money to particularly cost-effective and altruistically impactful projects. The current funds focus on Improving the lives of people living in extreme poverty and improving the lives of non-human animals, and

Whereas, the EA Funds Global Health and Development Fund aims to support funding opportunities that improve the health or economic empowerment of people around the world as effectively as possible.

Therefore, the Ziu authorises the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid and International Development to make a one-time contribution of $50 (USD), to the EA Funds Global Health & Development Fund via the charity Giving What We Can at

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-TNC)
Mximo Carbonèl (Minister, Foreign Affairs)
Whereas, during the previous Cosa term the Government passed the Second Talossan Government Transparency Act, and

Whereas, this Act automated the transferral of Witt-based Cabinet discussions to the Archivist with them being available to the public seven-years post-term, and

Whereas, the discussions of the Standing Committee on Organic Law, as a body composed of public officials discussing matters of national import, may also be ripe for a transparent approach and be of historical interest.

Therefore, be it enacted by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa, that El Lex D 8.9.1 which currently reads as:

Quote8.9.1 All internal government communications on Government-owned fora shall be transmitted to the Royal Archives as soon as feasibly possible after the conclusion of that Government's term of office.

is amended to read as follows:

Quote8.9.1 All internal government communications on Government-owned fora, including those of cabinet proceedings, standing committees, or royal commissions shall be transmitted to the Royal Archives as soon as feasibly possible after the conclusion of that Government's term of office.

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-TNC)