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Topics - Bråneu Excelsio

Wittenberg / [STUFF] Talossan IDs for the 60th Cosa.
October 17, 2024, 11:53:14 AM

Fellow Talossans,

  • We're excited to announce that the Ministry of STUFF is moving forward with the next round of Talossan ID creation and distribution!
  • If you have passed the Civic Test and submitted your complete information, you're eligible to receive your official Talossan ID.
  • Remember that you can also apply for your Talossan ID at any time during October.

Since it's been a while since the Ministry of STUFF received this information, we're trying to update everything altogether, so please check the list and send your pending information to the STUFF e-mail provided below.

Email for Contact:

Let's make sure we get everything right before the big shipment!
(Also, shoutout to Mic'haglh for condensing my mess into a nice clean looking spreadsheet.)

The Ministry of STUFF


La C'hronica – Setemvar XLV / September 2024

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Government News

Government offers grants for the creation of Talossan journals and magazines.

Coronation Public Discussion: Commemorative items are in the talks.

Civil Service News

Also, The Fulbright Fellow created a Wiki article to help people understand the College of Arms.

New Pursuivant to be awarded in the Royal College of Arms for The Fulbright Fellow.

Culture News

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù throws their hat in the ring for Presidency of The Royal Society for the Advancement of Knowledge.

On September 1st, we celebrate the Monarchy.

The National Talossan League of Hockey begins!

The Talossan Cycling Association Tour keeps on rolling!

Provincial News

Citizen Zilect Uómbat Firă presented 4 Proposals in the House of Shepards of Florencia.

La C'hronica – Guscht 2024

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During August, we saw a one application, but no new citizens.

La C'hronica – Juliă 2024

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  • The province of Cézembre has reelected þerxh Sant-Enogat as their Seneschal.
  • The Cézembre Seneschal has named Cézembre's beach Ián Tamoran beach.
  • Maricopa Premier election
    A very close election finally saw an end and citizen Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat is the new Premier of Maricopa.

During July, we saw a flood of applications from South American countries thanks to youtuber Pablo Molinari.
We received a total of 17 applications and welcomed a new citizen:
@Éovart Castiglhă

Ministrà dal Zefençù
Büreu dal Ministreu


In recognition of the design and publishing of the handbook
as the publication of this letter, citizen BARCLAMÏU DA MIÉLETZ is to be recognized with the rank of PRIVATE SECOND CLASS within Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál.

Enlisted citizens of the Zouaves who contribute in creating a richer environment in the great Kingdom of Talossa, whose work pushes further the cultural frontier of Talossanity shall be recognized for we exaltate those who dare to do something worthy.

Congratulations, Private Second Class @Barclamïu da Miéletz.



La C'hronică  – May/June 2024

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Government News


Provincial News

La Ministrà à Sanavarh da Talossa àls Ultra-Fiovaes Folas

If there's any cultural activity or messages that you believe should be broadcasted to everyone beyond our borders through our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts, please say so in this thread.

So far I have a program to promote the results of TMT20, the Talossan Coffee Day and the annual Poker tournament of August 4th.
I will work now on understanding what TCAT is all about to promote it as well.
Wittenberg / Talossan Coffee Day 2024
July 16, 2024, 08:11:30 PM
On July 22, 2022, the first Talossan Coffee Day was celebrated.

Two years after the first edition, all citizens are still invited to drink and really enjoy a cup of coffee
alone or in company and to share a photo of the occasion in Wittenberg on Monday, July 22.

Perhaps an Americano? An intense espresso? A sweet latte? A strong cold brew?

What will you drink?

Wittenberg / New party: COFFEE up!
May 30, 2024, 03:35:44 AM
Azul, fellow Talossans.

Most of you have known me since I joined, almost 2 years ago!
You gave me the chance to play strategy games with you, name a county, make coffee videos, and many more things, like being your Minister of Defence for 2 and a half Cosas, which I enjoyed very much, cultural activity is my favorite thing ever.

I also had the priviledge of being the Minister of Foreign Affairs. That was a thrill, because I don't know if you knew but I send an actual e-mail to the actual Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uganda condemning their decision to criminalize humans just for being humans. He never wrote back, unfortunately.

Also, I opened up a Talossan embassy in a physical space, Café Pressente, the coffee shop my wife and I opened up over 14 months ago, which unfortunately we had to close recently.

And the most important political role of them all, being your Seneschal, which I appreciate immensely  because that meant that I earned your trust. I am very thankful for the brief time that I had in the Office, I learned a lot those hard months, before and after being designated by Your Majesty, King John I. And I have to stop a little bit here, because I actually left the Kingdom because of that. You see, I always strive for excellence, hence my surname, and even tho I wasn't pushed to become the candidate, no one else wanted to do that and I wanted to help. Long story short, enthusiasm isn't enough. It was too much (specially under certain circumstances, being thrown into the lions by actually the first person you'd expect) and I didn't want to hold the Office if I wasn't able to fullfil my promises. And I didn't have the face to remain a citizen, I felt I was tricked into wasting the entire Kingdom's time, so I renounced my citizenship.

Three months later, after being talked into it by two or three people, I came back. Because Talossa is not its politics, The Kingdom of Talossa is its people.

And I don't want to be Seneschal, but I want to fight for what I believe in, so I present you the platform in which I intend to run in this election.

Civic Outreach For Fun & Enjoyable Events.

Talossa is a unique and inspiring concept, one of the best ideas anyone's ever had. We aim to create a perfect third place. Our goal is to improve the Kingdom and positively impact the world and our citizens' lives. Talossa is a love letter to humanity, fraternity and the positive power of politics. People first.


1. Cross-party governments.
We believe in cross-party government, where collaboration across political lines is essential. This policy reduces partisan conflicts and provides long-lasting solutions for the Kingdom. This way, the best people can do the job, no matter which party is in charge this season. We demand every Seneschal to have at least one Ministry under the tenure of an opposition's MC.

2. Micronationalism
Talossa has a rich history that deserves the utmost respect. We must have a representative at every MicroCon to affirm our prominent status. We must establish a taskforce dedicated to building relations with the most prosperous and influential micronations.

Additionally, we will introduce a Talossan Chess Champion to participate in friendly competitions with champions from other Talossan-recognized micronations, fostering camaraderie and intellectual engagement.

3. The King
The King is the embodiment of Talossan values. The party believes that the King should inspire citizens and act in a manner that reflects Talossa's ideals. If the King fails to do so, he should be challenged to prevent harm to the Kingdom.

4. Cafè talossan.
Everyone is encouraged to have caffè a la talossan, which is a moment with ourselves, for a couple of minutes, each month.

The Talossan Way of drinking coffee is as follows:

Make the most complicated cup of coffee you can, manual methods prefered.
Sit in a quiet place and sip your coffee from hot to warm.
Reflect on how great Talossa is and how you can improve our Kingdom.
Send a message to another Talossan about Talossa or about your personal relation with that person and end with, "That was me, drinking my Talossan coffee of this month."
Repeat next month.

I listen to others and I am willing to help.
I am a reliable Minister, just maybe not a Prime Minister for the time being.
Help me shape our Kingdom into a more friendly and global Kingdom.

The first day of June is the anniversary of Reunision, when Fiova and Fiovăns officialy came to be.

This Province is great and has the best symbols.
We have the best chunk of the Talossan Territories as well, forever thankful to Maricopa and Mariitmi Maxhestic.

I invite you all fiovăns and non-fiovăns to share something related to our symbols in our provincial board in the next days :)

How do you live your life in the fiovăn way?

I will obviously share something coffee related myself hehe soon :)

Fiôvâ / Praisideu for the 60th Cosa.
May 09, 2024, 01:02:13 PM

Esteemed members of the General Assembly.

Eections for a three-person Praisidïeu will be held at the same time as every Cosa election. This election will run from June 15th to July 1st, 2024 (in just over a month).

Under the Fiôván Elections and Referendums Law (ERL), Title I Section 3, as Secretary of State I am required to submit to the General Assembly the rules by which I will carry out this election.

Therefore, I hereby declare that the rules for the upcoming election of the Praisidïeu will be as follows:

1. Nominations for the Praisidïeu (Title III Sections 1-2) will open on May 9, 2024 and will close 10 days after that, on May 19th.
Under Title III Section 2.1, such a nomination includes the candidate's full name; their party affiliation (if any); and a statement, no longer than fifty words, of the candidate's aims and objectives (optional).
Please make these nominations in this thread, or by personal communication with myself.
2. The period between close of nominations and start of voting (Title III Section 4) will therefore be one week, as determined by the Chancery's timetable for the national elections.
3. the actual process of voting and the production of the "ballot paper" (Title II Section 2) will be delegated to the National Chancery, whom I have asked to use the same voting mechanism as used for Senäts elections. This will allow "write-in" candidates (Title III, Section 5.3.1): the voters may give any citizen, not just the officially nominated candidates, a preference.
4. Once the Chancery reports all the votes, I will count them using the OpaVote website using "ERS97 STV" rules. I certify that this will provide a result as close as makes no difference to that set out in our law. (Title V, Section 12).

Wittenberg / Poker 2024
April 22, 2024, 10:38:44 PM
Is someone willing to play Texas Hold'em for the 2024 Maricopan Poker Tournament?

What about may or june? LIke last years, some Sunday, 8:00pm France, 2:00pm US, something like that.
Wittenberg / I renounce my citizenship.
January 06, 2024, 05:15:24 PM
Thank you for everything, it was mostly awesome.

El Viestül/The Lobby / Month of Recess, January 2024.
December 06, 2023, 03:58:11 PM
I hereby declare January 2024 a month of recess.

Bråneu Excelsio
Wittenberg / Recommendations for the Cabinet, 59th Cosa.
November 11, 2023, 06:14:04 PM

Dear citizens of the Kingdom of Talossa.

By having the priviledge of being selected by a Majority of the Cosa, and ahead of being sworn in as Seneschal, I'd like to present the recommendations for the Cabinet for the 59th Cosa.

Under our Organic Law , I am recommending that @King John appoint @þerxh Sant-Enogat as Distáin.
I am recommending the following additional cabinet appointments as well:

As Minister of Immigration and Minister of STUFF:
@þerxh Sant-Enogat .

As Minister of Justice and Minister of Finance:
@Baron Alexandreu Davinescu .

As Minister of Technology:
@Danihel Txechescu .

As Minister of Defence:
@mximo .

As Minister of Foreign and Culture:
@Bråneu Excelsio .

And @Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat as Deputy Minister of Culture.
Also, as Deputy Minister of Finance, citaxhien @Ian Feliceu .
And finally, as Deputy Minister of Immigration, @Bråneu Excelsio.

I thank each of the new Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and members of the Civil Service for their willingness to contribute with their efforts for the betterment of the Kingdom.

Bråneu Excelsio.



Appointment of citizen Ian Plätschisch
as Permanent Secretary for Data Analytics and Visualization

As of this notice, I hereby announce the appointment of citizen @Ian Plätschisch as Permanent Secretary for Data Anayltics and Visualization. In this capacity, he is tasked with aiding in the management and improvement of the presentation of data to the populace, including but not limited to Infotecã, with the goal of better informing them about trends and interesting insights.

Furthermore, The Permanent Secretary shall be a member of the Prime Ministry, reporting to the Seneschal.

Thank you for your hard and honest work, citizen Ian Plätschisch.

Bråneu Excelsio


Appointment of citizen Bentxami Puntmasleu
as Director of the Bureau of Home Affairs

Citizen @Bentxami Puntmasleu has demonstrated a genuine interest in the life of the Realm and Talossan culture altogether. Additionally, he enjoys an unparalleled strategic position, which I am confident will enable him to perform exceptionally well in this new role.

Through this means, I appoint citizen Bentxami Puntmasleu as the director of the Bureau of Internal Affairs, tasked with addressing needs that may arise in the Greater Talossan Area.

Furthermore, the Bureau of Internal Affairs is moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which still falls under my responsibilities.

Congratulations, citizen Bentxamì Puntmasleau, on this new role in your life as a Talossan citizen.

Bråneu Excelsio
Wittenberg / 59th Cosă Agreement
October 31, 2023, 12:30:17 PM
The Talossan National Congress and the Free Democrats of Talossa pledge their best efforts during the upcoming 59th Cosă to bring down partisan tensions and promote national unity. The Seneschal and the Leader of the Opposition will regularly communicate during the Cosă term to make sure this happens.

The TNC and FreeDems will set up a Standing Committee on Talossa's Constitution, with two members from each party, to discuss amendments to Talossa's constitution which have broad support. No legislation to amend the Organic Law, or to amend the functioning of the Chancery, will be proposed by either party without the prior unanimous approval of this Committee.

As a sign of good faith, the Free Democrats will enable the Talossan National Congress to form a government, in this way:

        the Free Democrats will assign 1 Cosă seat to Bråneu Excelsio. This will give the Talossan National Congress the 101 seats necessary for the King to appoint s:reu Excelsio as Seneschal without requiring a Cosă vote.
        immediately after his appointment as Seneschal, s:reu Excelsio will relinquish this seat and it will return to the Free Democrats.

This agreement will last until the dissolution of the 59th Cosă.

Bråneu Excelsio, candidate for Seneschal.
Miestră Schivă, UrN, leader of the Free Democrats of Talossa.
Þerxh-Sant Enogat, leader of the Talossan National Congress.

It has always given me great pleasure watching people do activities in which they invest time and care and whose purpose is to be shared with others. That's why when I see the dozens of pages in the TMT20 and TCAT threads I find that inspiring.

I feel like I haven't been able to contribute as much as I would like to Talossan culture, so I would like to focus some of my immediate future efforts on supporting new forms of group activities. If anyone considers supporting one, even just by participating, I would greatly appreciate it.

Some of the things that I've tought of are

- Talossan Book of Poetry 2023
I really liked El Pretz Poetry Contest last year, I thought that maybe if we could find a couple (or even taking those from last year into account) of poems from a bunch of participants we can do a nice little e-book.

- Doing a flyer to staple around the Faculty of Political Science (a few steps from my work) to make people curious and make them go to Something like "Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Wanted" or something to make them dream instantly.

- Champions League / Provincial Representation
Now that Messi and Ronaldo are out of Europe I think the Champions League is a bit less exciting, although if Fiova can pick a team... you know the drill. Also, I don't know how much are you fellow talossans into "soccer". I always root for Italian teams but they have been doing very bad for a couple of years.

Does any of these ideas sound like something you would like to do too?

Do you have any ideas you could share?
Fiôvâ / Fiovan bikes.
September 05, 2023, 08:29:20 PM

In january, I went to my nearest feminist and vegan bike/coffee shop and bought the only bike big enough for this 5'11" dude.

I bought a small bag to hang from the handlebars (seen in the pic) which broke because I put it wrong and it fell and it got entangled with the wheel and I made a mess at 5:30am. That didn't stop me from traveling 15km tho, half of them against the wind to finally arrive at school at 6:50 to my 7:10 class.

That was my first week with this bike. I changed being an Art School teacher to become a coffee shop dude. Now I do runs to buy vegan bread every wednesday morning to sell in the Coffee shop.

This bike gave my wife enough motivation to learn how to ride a bike, because her father never bothered. So it has given me a lot of happy moments in this eight months, this bike.

Do you have bikes?
I know @Audrada Roibeardet do.

What's the best and worst story about your bikes?