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Messages - Adam Grigoriu


For Immediate Release
Col. Adam Grigoriu

OPR Conducts MOUT Training

The Office Of Preparedness and Response recently conducted Military Operations In Urban Terrain1 training to enhance physical fitness, military readiness, and navigation skills while conducting urban and suburban operations. Cold-weather training and equipment evaluation were also conducted simultaneously to maximize use of the available time in the training environment.

OPR would like to use this opportunity to remind the wider Talossan Defense Ministry and Talossan citizenry in general that preparedness is the responsibility of every servicemember and citizen. OPR is standing by to provide technical advice, referrals to local agencies, and any other aid within our current capabilities.

1. By some definitions of the words military and operations
I, Adam Grigoriu, hereby claim my right to be seated in the next Grand Session of the Estats Xhenerais.
Unfortunately, due to concerns outside of Talossa, I herby resign from the post of Permanent Secretary for Immigration. I wish @Françal I. Lux the best as MinInterior.

Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
February 05, 2021, 03:17:28 PM
In that case, I believe @Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir is the new Chair of the Council of Governors.
Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
January 14, 2021, 03:01:01 PM
In that case, let the voting begin. If you would rather not have your vote made public, then feel free to PM or email me unless there is a different procedure I am unaware of @Eðo?
Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
January 12, 2021, 12:34:23 AM
Given that situation, I reopen the floor for nominations.

That said, given the text of El Lex and the Cézembrian constitution, something doesn't match up here. El Lex states that the Governor-General, in this context, is the leader of the Council elected by the rest of the Council. The Cézembrian constitution refers to a Governor-General appointed by the King under a provision of the OrgLaw that I cannot find. I'm not a lawyer, and especially not the lawyer for the Government, but that doesn't make much sense.
Wittenberg / Re: Calling Council of Governors
January 11, 2021, 04:56:54 PM
I have been informed that it is now my role as Interior Minister to organize this Council. The roll has been called, all necessary seats filled, and a chair nominated, so I believe a vote is required. Past that, El Lex is very unclear is to what role, if any the Interior Minster is to play in the functioning of the Council, so unless my involvement is required I shall watch from the sidelines.

Trying to come up with these without sounding like a jerk is difficult...

If I had to pick, I'd go with intelligence, duty, and justice.
Wittenberg / Talossan Video Gaming
January 06, 2021, 09:19:35 PM
Would anyone be interesting in playing video games with your fellow citizens? It wouldn't have to be anything serious or competitive, (though that's certainly an option), but I'd like to get a group together if people are interested.

A few options running through my head are: Stardew Valley, Among Us, Tabletop Simulator, and there's always Cards Against Humanity. Another possible option that might work well is Warzone (not Call of Duty), which is similar to Risk but is free and can be played much like chess-by-mail in that you would have a set time to make your move and we wouldn't all have to be online at the same time. I'm open to pretty much anything though.

I've also made a group on, which is here:
Pending my appointment by the Regent, I submit my resignation as Permanent Secretaries for Immigration and Webmonkey Business and NUMBskullery.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve the Nation, and hope the Cabinet will be able to put up with my learning the new role.
I remain amazed at the raw volume of work there is to be done, and what you've gotten done so far. I still have a lot of reading to do.

When you get those Støtanneu archives online, I'd be very interested to take a look. I was looking for a specific article from 1996, and basically gave up because I assumed the only person with a copy was Ben.
My apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

I like that a lot, and while I was considering another possibility after reading through the old thread I'm not entirely sure that would pass muster.

Is there a site where I can play around with tincture and blazon options anymore?
Wittenberg / Re: [CULTURE]: Talossan Analog Art Show
January 05, 2021, 01:47:59 PM
Would music be permissible? I might be able to get something recorded.
Name: Adam Grigoriu
Rank/Rate: Colonel
Branch: Royal Talossan Marine Corps
Position: Director, Office of Preparedness & Response
Date of Appointment/Commission: 30 OCTOBER 2020
OPR would also like to note that despite any evidence to the contrary, this was planned in advance and absolutely not a result of loss of power to the OPR Barracks as a result of the weather.