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Messages - Iac Marscheir

That's fine, but not really material to what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that this:
QuoteThe Chancery reserves its right to conduct a further investigation of the status of several "trapped" Dandelions [...]
is not something we need to be doing.
Ehhh, if renaturalization were a burdensome process, I would probably support having them remain on the rolls until they make their own contact. However, because it isn't a burdensome process, I don't think there's much justification for choosing to, well, stalk them in a sense and try to make contact with them without necessarily having their parents involved.

Let them strike out, and if they decide to contact us, just do the normal renaturalization.
Me lavéu las maes d'acest. Petreca-te.
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on December 22, 2024, 10:17:00 AMIn French, "Jean allait au magasin" (imparfait/preterit) et "Jean est allé au magasin" (passé composé/present perfect) have clear different meanings, I assume Talossan works similarly ?
Technically no, the two constructions are stated to be synonymous in Talossan, but I don't think that justifies defaulting to one or the other in all cases.
It really isn't arcane. Aspects, being nigh-omnipresent in any language that uses them, are pretty much the first thing you learn about the past tense in any natural Romance language class (except probably Spanish), even if they don't call it by name.
And, personally, I think a better sentence to start with would have been "John is going to the store," because it would've given a chance to demonstrate how Talossan doesn't distinguish the simple present and present continuous like English.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on December 21, 2024, 10:08:54 PMWhy?  Wouldn't that be "Ian has gone to the store," the present perfect? "Ian went to the store" is a simple past statement.
Because the two forms of the past tense, "tir + [past participle]" and "[stem] + -eva", are derived from the perfect and imperfect aspects in natural Romance languages, and "John went to the store" would be translated with the perfect aspect in (most of) those languages. Most of them don't distinguish between the simple past and the present perfect.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on December 21, 2024, 06:03:43 PMReally? That's weird, I didn't notice that.  Okay, cool.  Anything else?

EDIT: I'm actually going to assume that one laconic comment comprises the whole of the errors, and remove the warning. If there's anything else, let me know.
I apologize for being late to this, but, while "Ian veneva àl marcă" isn't technically wrong, I still feel that a better translation would be "Ian tent venescu àl marcă."
Gratüleschaziuns àl noveu regeu. Qe sieu röin estadra lung es prosperös.
C'e Iac Marscheir, voluntind va serviçù com'iens membreu dels ZAR.
Wittenberg / Re: ¡Feliciǎ Nadaliçă King John!
October 12, 2024, 12:43:37 PM
Feliciă nadaliçă àl Regeu Ian, es ben fortün partù sieu noveu anneu.
Wittenberg / Re: Ünă Cumpetaziun da Mocts
October 08, 2024, 10:47:22 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on October 08, 2024, 09:04:38 PM(IMHO because Ben was a linguistic ignoramus lol)
Non c'e'n opiniun. C'e'n fäcts.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Study Buddies
October 08, 2024, 03:50:25 PM
Te téu envoxhiescu 'n mensatx perziunal trans Discord.

(I sent you a PM through Discord.)
Wittenberg / Re: Ünă Cumpetaziun da Mocts
October 08, 2024, 03:19:40 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on October 08, 2024, 03:08:26 PMI think Miestra said that Talossan either resembles more French than Castilian (or maybe more Castilian than French) lol. I'm trying here but I cannot get the hang of this language!
Liretz las Recomendăs es zemandetz toct voschtri quesziuns in el scumpart apropriäts. Si lor respunsarha glätsmint, es el cudenì funziunarha per toct i tzară d'alter.

(Read las Recomendăs and ask all your questions in the appropriate board. They will gladly be answered, and the same will work for everyone else.)
Wittenberg / Re: Ünă Cumpetaziun da Mocts
October 08, 2024, 01:16:07 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on October 07, 2024, 03:09:03 PMIf a group of people want to help expand the language vocabulary [...]

Noi tiennent detxà 'n pläts per creatar es suxhestar dels noveux mocts. C'e aicì: El Fil dels Noveux Mocts Suxhestats