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Messages - Iason Taiwos

I support the CRL bypass.
Taiwos, Senator for Beni-I mean, Belacosta
I vote to bypass the CRL process.
Taiwos, Senator for Benito
Wittenberg / Re: MicroCon 2025
July 23, 2024, 03:18:30 PM
Quote from: Tric'hard Lenxheir on July 21, 2024, 10:18:11 PM
Quote from: Iason Taiwos on July 21, 2024, 06:44:54 PMAccording to Google, Montreal is only 599 miles from where I live. So not that far. (It's 1300 miles from my place to my brother's house in Texas, and I've driven that numerous times. Not a big deal.) I guess I'd need a passport to get in Canada nowadays, tho. (I used to have a passport, but I allowed it to expire. I live in Ohio, why would I ever need to go anywhere else where I'd need a passport?) I miss the days when you could just drive into Canada,and the border guards would just smile and wave you in.

Pretty sure you need a passport to go to Michigan...maybe a homeland security background check as well LOL
I have...uh, acquaintances...who take regular trips to Michigan to procure cannabis products. You're fine as long as you hide any Ohio State paraphernalia before crossing the state line.
Wittenberg / Re: MicroCon 2025
July 21, 2024, 06:44:54 PM
According to Google, Montreal is only 599 miles from where I live. So not that far. (It's 1300 miles from my place to my brother's house in Texas, and I've driven that numerous times. Not a big deal.) I guess I'd need a passport to get in Canada nowadays, tho. (I used to have a passport, but I allowed it to expire. I live in Ohio, why would I ever need to go anywhere else where I'd need a passport?) I miss the days when you could just drive into Canada,and the border guards would just smile and wave you in.
Wittenberg / MicroCon 2025
July 21, 2024, 03:51:51 PM
Saw that MicroCon 2025 will be in Montreal. Any body going to represent Talossa?
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on July 20, 2024, 01:54:27 AM
Quote from: Iason Taiwos on July 20, 2024, 01:49:18 AMUh... can you not include a link to the Cjovani lexicon? It is a document we are constantly working on, and is not currently in a state that we feel everybody should have access to. We released a sampler edition for Ian Plastics to write his Buckeye Benitans article around, but the full work is ongoing,needs heavy editing and is constantly being revised. I'd prefer to have only a few Talossans to be able to access it.
Absolutely, I've deleted the link.
Thank you.
Uh... can you not include a link to the Cjovani lexicon? It is a document we are constantly working on, and is not currently in a state that we feel everybody should have access to. We released a sampler edition for Ian Plastics to write his Buckeye Benitans article around, but the full work is ongoing,needs heavy editing and is constantly being revised. I'd prefer to have only a few Talossans to be able to access it.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on December 22, 2022, 04:15:06 PM
Ministrà dal Zefençù
Büreu dal Ministreu



In recognition to the cultural work of publishing:
Lexicon of the Cjováni,
citizen IASON TAIWOS actions are recognized as a Zouaves exhibition.

The Cjováni subculture is strong evidence of Talossanity available for all the world to see, and it has promoted cultural activity within Talossan Citizens for years. 

As the publication of this letter, Adm. IASON TAIWOS, is to be promoted to PRIVATE FIRST CLASS within Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál.

Enlisted citizens who contribute in creating a richer environment in the great Kingdom of Talossa, whose work pushes further the cultural frontier of Talossanity shall be recognized for we exaltate those who dare to do something worthy.

Congratulations, Private First Class Iason Taiwos.


Wait, didn't this already happen?
#9'm speechless. This is an unexpected honor. I had planned to dig out my Talossan flag, take it to the embassy, and have pics taken (to prove the embassy is legit), but unfortunately my work schedule (along with this nightmarish heatwave we've been experiencing lately) has not allowed this to happen. In all fairness, Vitxalmour Conductour deserves more recognition, because he actually owns the store. But please be assured that Nerdy Necessities is indeed a Talossan owned business, and we are proud that it has been recognized as an embassy, and we heartily welcome any Talossans who may be in our area to stop and visit. (Anyboy who stops by on a Friday, I'll take you to a great all-you-can-eat fried fish dinner at one of our local restaurants.)
Cosa: FreeDems
Referendums: Për on all
Senäts: Iason Taiwos
Province: FreeDems
Wittenberg / Re: Perhaps
June 11, 2024, 06:25:56 PM
Quote from: Tric'hard Lenxheir on June 08, 2024, 01:47:37 PMSince it appears the TNC is dying and I have neither the knowledge or time to form a new party, nor do I really wish to join another party with people I don't necessarily agree with I fear the time is coming for me to withdraw from politics and possibly from the nation. This will take some serious thought on my part. Do I stay as a citizen simply for the games or should I simply leave since I really don't understand how the country works? I am in a province with such a low population that I keep getting elected to higher offices because there is no one else to do the job (and I don't know how to do them) hell I'm even a senator and all I know about that is how to vote each clark. Perhaps I should step away completely as there are certainly smarter people here than I.
I've been a Talossan for what, 13 years now? During that time I've served as Senator for Benito, I think I've been Maestro a couple of times. All I really know how to do is vote on each Clark. The government side of Talossa interests me the least. And sometimes, that seems like all that's going on. But I've stuck with it. Sometimes there isn't anyone else to do the job. But I'll never renounce my citizenship. The only way I'm leaving Talossa is in a body bag. Don't step away completely. Talossa is what you make of it. Hate the political stuff? Do something else. Talossa has inspired Vitxalmour Conductour and I to create our own Talossan based subculture, which has brought us much joy. Talossa has spurred our creativity, and has come to greatly enrich our personal lives. Never once in my 13 years here have I thought of renouncing my citizenship. Even on the occasions when I've made embarrassing statements on Witt. (I just lie low until I think everyone has forgotten them.)
True story: I keep my Talossan ID card underneath my Ohio drivers license in my wallet. The other day I ran up to our local Dollar General to pick a few items. While there, I decided to get some beer. Dollar General makes you show some kind of legal ID to purchase alcohol or nicotine. (I think that's required by state law, but most places around here just ask you what your birthdate is.) Not really paying attention, I pulled out my Talossan ID by accident, and handed it to the clerk. They looked at it, handed it back to me, and finished ringing up my purchases. I didn't realize I'd given them the wrong card until I was putting it back in my wallet. For a split second I was worried about them reporting me for trying to pass off a fake ID, but I figured the clerk probably didn't care enough. (Besides, if I don't look old enough to buy beer and cigarettes, who does?) So mark this down as the first time in history a Talossan ID card was considered a legit form of personal identification.) (The clerk looked like a bored teenager who hated her job, so I'll probably not get away with that again.)
Fora Talossa / Re: Hmmm
May 30, 2024, 05:31:08 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on May 30, 2024, 05:14:22 PM
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on May 30, 2024, 05:10:54 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on May 30, 2024, 05:09:23 PM
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on May 30, 2024, 05:02:58 PM@Breneir Tzaracomprada I feel like making an honest government ad about Talossa (strong inspiration from thejuicemedia on YouTube).

It will be genuine satire though.

Sounds like a fantastic idea to me, Barclamiu. Satire is a storied way to explore one's Talossanity.
Be warned though: I WILL swear since as I said, heavy inspiration from TheJuiceMedia. You can check them out on YouTube if you want.

I come from the rural part of a state in the American South. Swearing is a vital part of our vocabulary.
In my neck of Ohio, swearing is the majority of our vocabulary.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on May 30, 2024, 04:07:59 PMA few months ago, a fellow coffee shop owner gave me this as a birthday present (the right one).
It's now my most precious pannapictagraphist item.

I've seen some of these before! And almost bought one. (The comics store Vitxalmour Conductour and I frequent (New Dinension Comics, in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania) every so often has a "secret warehouse sale" at another location. Usually it's in an old potato chip factory. The guy who owns New Dimension buys all the stock from other comics stores that apparently have shut down, and holds these sales where every book is only a dollar. When we go there, I assemble two different stacks: "must purchase", and "maybe purchase". I've found some genuine treasures at these sales, but at check out time a lot of the maybe purchase books are left behind. Too Much Coffee Man was one of the ones left behind. (And I still spent $164 at the last sale.) (For all I know, Vitx may have bought it.)