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Messages - xpb

I add my 5 votes to bypass the CRL process.
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan Coffee Day 2024
July 22, 2024, 09:47:58 AM
Happy Coffee Day 2024.
Cézembre press with Eldorado water.

Quote from: Sir Lüc on July 22, 2024, 04:18:56 AM

The Office of the Finance Minister
L'Óifisch dal Ministreu dals Finançuns

Hear ye, let it be known that @Ian Plätschisch is hereby appointed Deputy Finance Minister, for the purpose of serving as the Government's representative among the signatories to the Treasury's accounts.

Tagging the Burgermeister Sir @xpb as notification, so that he may make the necessary arrangements, with thanks.

--Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB, Ministreu dals Finançuns
acknowledged will send a PM
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan Coffee Day 2024
July 17, 2024, 10:13:07 PM
Ready to French press that day (and most others)
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on July 14, 2024, 04:42:20 AM
Quote from: Glüc da Dhi S.H. on July 14, 2024, 03:51:27 AMWhat about A8: The Sénéchal Elections Act?
Seems to be relevant only if more than one candidate ? discusses this in more detail, and perhaps there was confusion since we no longer elect l'Etats but allow those interested to just declare for a seat via the Referendum described at the only thing being decided is the Sénéchal

Perhaps another referendum is in order such that those involved in l'Etats could just vote on the leader rather than the process of having an election for this single office (which in turn is indeed moot if there is only one candidate).  That way, anyone who is interested in being in l'Etats can simply declare that they want a seat, and l'Etats could select or depose a leader at any time -- not just in a specific window following the elections at the level of the realm (as this is a time when people might be less attentive anyway.) 

I'm thinking that the person that would become Sénéchal would already be a seated member of l'Etats, but I suppose it also possible that l'Etats could select some other citizen of Cézembre to that rôle central if it were of interest to have a separation of powers.
I support your candidacy to continue as Sénéshal
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 12, 2024, 10:31:33 AM
Quote from: xpb on July 12, 2024, 09:56:38 AMindeed I acknowledge receipt of the $10 fee for IND on 11 July and that the OPEN payment on 4 July was $15 ($5 over required to be credited towards future registration)

@xpb I requested that the additional $5 be donated to the Treasury not to be used as a credit toward future registration. Please confirm you are honoring the expressed intent.
Thanks - acknowledge the contribution by OPEN to the treasury with thanks.
indeed I acknowledge receipt of the $10 fee for IND on 11 July and that the OPEN payment on 4 July was $15 ($5 over required to be credited towards future registration)
As per RZ19 - The Supporting the Arts Act
Whereas, Talossa has shown an interest in music, and
Whereas, the BHAID traditionally supports the arts, and
Whereas, my father (who was a musician) recently passed away, and
Whereas, I have supported an organization called "Major Chords For Minors" since it's beginning.
Therefore, the Ziu authorises the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid and International Development to make a one-time contribution of $50 (USD), to Major Chords For Minors

Which was adopted in the 5th Clark of the 59th Cosa.

$50 has been sent 8 July 2024 naming the Bureau for Humanitarian Aid and International Development (BHAID) of the Kingdom of Talossa to Major Chords for Minors via PayPal transaction (ID available for audit sent by PM to Minister of Finance)
Add procedure for some TBD entity to send both via PM and email expenditures when approved as an additional message to the Burgermeister (sorry I missed RZ19 - The Supporting the Arts Act)
El Funal/The Hopper / Re: Finance bill placeholder
July 08, 2024, 07:14:04 PM
Note that I did not have information at the time of this reporting for RZ19 - The Supporting the Arts Act as having passed, so there will be a $50 donation made accordingly from the PayPal account.  Since the start of July, fees for party registrations and senate seats have been posted.
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 06, 2024, 12:45:49 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 04, 2024, 04:12:23 PMOPEN has sent its fee just now. We sent 15 USD as I could not remember what the fee amount was. If it is less than 15 please accept the remainder as a treasury donation.

@xpb Have you received our payment via PayPal? It would be from Our Commonwealth Inc.
Acknowledged that OPEN is paid ($100 and has a $5 credit towards the next registration
I don't show a payment for IND as of yet or need clarification of the source if it was not put in a memorandum for the payment

There is a fee paid for Belacosta and Maritiimi-Maxhestic both on 2 July

I confirm
DIEN paid 10 June
COFFEE paid 13 June
PdR paid 2 July
FreeDem Paid 2 July
I have paid PROG today 4 July

Since 30 November 2023 I have not received any requests for reimbursement for web fees (in part due to DoRoyal proving some service due to errors with their system earlier in 2023) however I don't know how long that credit lasts, nor for domain registrations and,

I do see expires on Sun July 7.  Who is the administrator?

There were also updates to on 6/29, on 5/4, and on 6/26 (there may be other URLs in play as well) however I have not received any requests regarding those for reimbursement.

X Pol Briga as Burgermeister of Inland Revenue
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