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Messages - C. M. Siervicül

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 03, 2024, 03:42:20 PMLast time I spoke to him he told me he'd probably have to change his name
"Carlüs Xheraltescu" has a nice ring to it.
Quote from: Flip Molinar on July 02, 2024, 05:14:02 PMI know that I have been harping on this a lot since I have returned in the last few weeks, but why do we not just switch to a system of registered voters and non-registered voters or active voters and the inactive voters?
I'm torn about this. I agree with a lot of what you say. On the other hand we have a mechanism to remove inactive citizens from the official rolls in order to prevent the active citizens becoming a smaller and smaller proportion of the population we claim. We have had instances in the past where prospective citizens came away feeling like the country was a sham because we had 200+ people on the citizen list but only a handful of people posting on Witt. Also, we might never receive notice of a citizen's passing (not everyone has a published obituary), so our credibility might also be damaged in future years by having a citizen list full of centenarians who haven't been heard from in decades. 

Quote from: Flip Molinar on July 02, 2024, 05:14:02 PMa blacklist for people that we know shouldn't be allowed to participate in the Civic or political life of the Kingdom. I think of King Robert the first and Iusti Canün as examples.
It should be noted that neither of these examples has been (as far as I recall) been convicted of anything by a Talossan court.
Always sad to see, but a shorter list than last time at least.
Maricopa / Re: Opening of the Cabana - 60th Cosa
July 02, 2024, 07:51:22 AM
I claim a seat.
Cosa: DIEN

RZ6: Contra
RZ21: Contra
RZ22: Per
Congratulations, Jörg, and welcome to Talossa!
Happy Independence Day!
Congratulations, Bentxamì! It's exciting to have a new citizen in the GTA, and I look forward to seeing your ideas for promoting Talossa among the Cestour population.
Congratulations, Seneschal Excelsio!
Per. It's certainly an improvement on the status quo.
Maricopa / Re: Opening the Cabana - 59th Cosa
October 30, 2023, 10:55:04 AM
I claim a seat.
Cosa: DIEN
Referendum: Per
Senäts: S:reu Vilaçafat
Maricopa / Re: Opening the Cabana - 58th Cosa
February 05, 2023, 07:12:19 PM
I stake my claim.
For what it's worth, it's technically not failure to vote in 3 elections ("3 strikes") anymore. It's a two year period without voting or responding to a census. Which happens to coincide with three elections, but you don't have to vote at all if you respond to the census.

I would grant that there is a difference between being Talossan and being a Talossan citizen, but if we're talking citizenship (the right to vote in elections, etc.), who could adjudicate that but bureaucrats?

Regarding the census, from the database it looks like there was a census in 2021, but I never got an email about it, and can't find any Witt threads announcing the census or its results. I did receive a census email in 2020, but apparently one didn't happen that year(!). Did one happen in 2021?
Quote from: Vitxalmour on February 02, 2023, 04:08:00 PMI hear that Conductour bloke is an absent-minded procrastinator.
Get out, you don't belong here anymore!

Seriously, though, you should reactivate your citizenship per Lexh E.14, stat. It's super simple.