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Messages - Muhammed Yasir

Sorry for the delay. Here's mine:

RZ20: con
RZ21: per
RZ22: per
RZ23: per
RZ24: per
VoC: non
I'd like to represent TNC in the senate for Ataturk region.
RZ1- për
RZ2- për
RZ3- contrâ
Vote of Confidence - contrâ
I'd like to nominate @Breneir Itravilatx - TNC Party Leader - as the Seneschal.
La Cosă/The Cosa / Re: Nomination of a Túischac'h
July 06, 2021, 09:41:42 PM
I, too, endorse the nomination of Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial.
I, Muhammed Yasir, cast my ballots as such:

  • Txoteu Davinescu
  • Iac Marscheir
  • Glüc da Dhi
  • Dixhet Fira
Part 3: Cosa Election

TNC - TalossaNET National Congress

Part 5: Referendum
There are three  referenda this year:

* 55RZ5 - The Self-Destructing Senäts Repeal (Organic Law Amendment) : Abstain
* 55RZ22 - The Amendment to the Organic Law (Seneschal Election Tweaks) Bill: Për
* 55RZ23 - TheDue Process Reversion Amendment: Për

Part 6: Senate Election

Atatürk: #101 - Martì-Paír Furxhéi

Part 7: Provincial Election

- Atatürk : TNC
Wittenberg / Re: Need Some help, friends!
August 04, 2020, 01:06:57 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on August 03, 2020, 04:59:34 AM
"Need some help, friends"

Could I offer to help by, perhaps, asking for you to help me?

I'm about to begin work on the next phase of immigration reforms and I think that your input would be highly valuable at this time.  You are currently stuck in the bitter-sweet point that we all know exists with the immigration procedure - that being that you are interested and want to be active, but it isn't clearly obvious what you should be doing.  So, before you lose interest, would you be willing to help us and future immigrants by taking part in a project? A case study of sorts?

Thanks for replying. And, yes! I'd love to help. Just let me know some more details on the project and I'll get into it asap, if possible...
Wittenberg / Re: Need Some help, friends!
August 04, 2020, 01:03:32 PM
Quote from: Açafat del Val on August 02, 2020, 10:14:52 AM
Hi, sir. Have you connected with anyone on Facebook, and have you decided upon a political party which you would like to join?

When I first immigrated almost three years ago, I found a substantially greater area of communication in several Facebook groups (for better or for worse) and, once I joined a political party, I suddenly had access to an active and responsive network of Talossans.

Thanks for the idea!
Although there are varying views on how this could be used and how it'd end up, I'd like to try...
If you don't mind, could you share some links of some legit FB groups (as I found a lot of it)
Wittenberg / Re: Need Some help, friends!
August 04, 2020, 12:58:47 PM
Quote from: Eiric S. Bornatfiglheu on July 29, 2020, 02:41:11 PM
Another way to get involved once you're a citizen would be the Zuavs.  Information can be found here.  Or if you have questions, please feel free to drop me a message!

But I don't understand how it could be used for networking. Can you please explain this in detail, if you don't mind???
Wittenberg / Re: Need Some help, friends!
August 04, 2020, 12:54:13 PM
Quote from: Françal I. Lux on July 29, 2020, 02:18:36 PM
Azul! We'd be happy to help you get settled in Talossa. Tell us, what about Talossa are you interested in? What drew you in in the first place? There's the language of course, if you're interested in that. There's also policy making.

If you want, you can start by learning more about our history and culture. That way everything won't seem so foreign when you delve in.

I have already read about this place. The idea of building such a place is what inspired me to enter and apply for citizenship. Thanks for getting in touch, again...
Wittenberg / Need Some help, friends!
July 29, 2020, 01:06:45 PM
Hello, friends!

I'm kind of new here (well, totally new) and I want to gain "Citizen" status soon. The mail I received said that I must be an active member to do this.

But, unfortunately, I can't find anything here to openly talk about. So, please help me become a full citizen, as I'm still a Prospective Citizen.

Tell me some ideas to be fully active, or just start talking to me from here. We can get to know each other easily and quickly...
Cosa: NPW

* 54RZ16 - The There's No Such Thing As A Free Senäts Seat Amendment - Contrâ
* 54RZ22 - The Amada Mertgedes Martyrdom Memorial Act - Për
* 54RZ23 - The Uniform Seneschál Election Act - Për
* 54RZ25 - Judiciary Amendment of 2020 - Për
* 54RZ28 - The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment - Contrâ