Welcome to the Night Sky
by Wintersleep
Another one from my actual collection. I think this thread will only be full albums that I own and love.
"Weighty Ghost" and "Oblivion" were the singles I heard on alternative radio when this one was released. In the ~12 years since, this album is still a wellspring that I return to often, and it's all the amazing unreleased songs that give me the most joy.
I recall submitting "Dead Letter & the Infinite Yes" to at least one running of the Talossan Music Top 20, knowing full-well it wasn't the correct formula for the prize. Why? I thought you might listen to it and think, "Wow, this is dark. What the hell is this guy talking about?" In my opinion, it's probably the most beautiful and honest song about mental illness I've ever heard. Play it at my funeral.
I also hoped you might be curious enough to listen further, and in adding the Spotify link I'm doing it again. Start out with the singles, or play the whole thing all the way through without skipping. Turn the lights down. Lie still. Sip on a drink or vape or whatever. Grab the lyrics from Genius and try to follow along.