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Messages - Sir Lüc

Both qualified candidates, however my preference is for the outgoing Seneschal, so as to avoid having the same individual serve as both Leader of the Opposition and Speaker.

I second the nomination of Þerxh Sant-Enogat to serve as Túischac'h.
Ah, by the way: the AX's Little Helper Act, which passed last term, was unscribable/unapplicable because it amended a piece of legislation that no longer existed (Title H having been fully rewritten in the previous Clark). I heartily suggest this be fixed either by PD or by passing the bill again with the correct references to what articles are being amended.
I heartily wish to cosponsor this.
Azul. Following Precedent(tm), aka "whatever we did last time worked fine, so let's do it again", in my capacity as Túischac'h during the 59th Cosă I am pleased to open nominations for the post of Túischac'h for the duration of the 60th Cosă.

The rules governing the election of a Túischac'h have been streamlined and moved to Lex.H.4.4:

Quote4.4.1. Should the position of Túischac'h be vacant and a majority of Cosă seats be filled, any Member of the Cosă may either nominate one eligible person for the office of Túischac'h, or second such a nomination made by another Member of the Cosă.
4.4.2. Members of the Cosă may not nominate or second multiple different nominees.
4.4.3. Should the Secretary of State determine that an eligible person has been nominated and seconded by members currently representing an absolute majority of seats in the Cosă, the Secretary of State shall declare the person to be duly elected as Túischac'h, to serve until the Dissolution of the current Cosă.
And with that I declare the voting close. With a vote of 5-1, with one Present vote, the amendment has successfully cleared the necessary 3/5 threshold and is therefore duly adopted.
Hey, woah, is this still a thing? Apparently so! (And no longer about just cycling!)

Listen to me and Glüc ramble on about politics, TCAT and TMT20 in the third installment of Centraseiră, the podcast whose hosts forget to even mention the name of!

Feel free to use the timestamps to skip the politics or jump to TMT20 or whatever you feel like doing!
(But we do give free advice about TCAT picks, so you might want to stay around for that)

In this episode:
- Lüc really wants to let you know he doesn't really know anything about anything;
- Glüc reveals he's a Derek Gee stan (and really wants you not to pick Fabio Jakobsen);
- Lüc recounts his under-the-shower shenanigans;
- Glüc's addiction to fantasy sports meets the Euros;
- Lüc puts his shoe in the other foot;
- Glüc presents his totally scientific 100% accurate prediction for the 60th Cosă.

But mostly:
- We chat about the currently underway GE for the 60th Cosă;
- We discuss who to pick and who not to pick in the upcoming second leg of TCAT 2024, shadowing Tour de France 2024;
- We talk about TMT20 and how things are panning out in the current edition of Talossa's topmost cultural event.

We hope you enjoy! (And if you're here for the cycling, we hope you join us for TCAT France 2024, signups open next week!)
Azul to all! The Third Time's The Charm Act, having passed both the Assembly and the Senate, directs me as Maestro to conduct a provincial referendum on amending our Provincial Constitution, renaming our province from Benito to Belacostă.
Following precedent, this thread shall serve as polling station. I shall additionally get in touch with all citizens of Benito for which the Chancery has given me contact informations to direct them to this thread.

Do you support the proposed change of the province's name from Benito to Belacostă?

Please cast your votes underneath - "yes/üc" in favour of the amendment (adopting the new name), "no/non" against the amendment (retaining the current name).

The referendum vote is now open. The deadline for voting is the same as the General Election for the 60th Cosă, that is, July 1st at 7:30 PM TDT (Central). All citizens of Benito as of the deadline for voting are eligible to cast their vote.
Wittenberg / Re: Future of the Chancery
June 06, 2024, 11:08:57 AM
Oh boy do I have opinions, not all of them positive I'm afraid. (One being that this thread should really be titled "Future of the Database" of course :p)

I hope to have more time to type those out in short order.
Yup. I agree with Mic'haglh that the fact the provinces serve as Senatorial constituencies hampers efforts at reducing the numbers of provinces so that activity does not get diluted; but I disagree that abolishing the Senate is at all necessary, and despite my past "tepid consideration" ("support" is a bit much) of it, I feel that MMP is too needlessly complicated. EM200 still feels somewhat wrong, but I can live with it.

What I'd much rather do is move Senate seats from 8 province-based single seat constituencies to a single nationwide constituency, so that in each GE we all vote for four of eight Senators, with 4 votes per voter and the top 4 vote getters being elected. This would solve provincial malapportionment, unbind provinces from the Senate so they get to be more than mere senatorial voting clubs, and thus remove the incentive to keep eight provinces because nobody wants to give up a Senate seat.
Quote from: þerxh Sant-Enogat on June 05, 2024, 04:44:11 AMSystematically voting for the fall of a Government when in opposition must not be a principle.

A small quasi-philosophical note on this; even if the government of the day was performing well, an opposition party that wished to lead a future government should by definition vote against Confidence, as otherwise they would essentially publicly admit they don't believe they could do a better job.
If the proliferation of new parties isn't a call for me to get back to doing Talomat, I don't know what is.
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on May 02, 2024, 09:42:11 AM
Quote from: Sir Lüc on May 02, 2024, 08:39:50 AM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on April 05, 2024, 01:26:40 PMWhomever is the provincial executive of Benito can gain access to ALL citizen emails of Benito for the sole purpose of election balloting for provincial-based elections.

Following up on this, as our Legislature has now completed the required steps to hold a provincial referendum. May I get approved for access to email addresses on the Database? Thanks!

Absolutely. I'll work on this as soon as possible (have to get the help of MPF on this one).

Thank you very much!
Mick and welcome back!
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on April 05, 2024, 01:26:40 PMWhomever is the provincial executive of Benito can gain access to ALL citizen emails of Benito for the sole purpose of election balloting for provincial-based elections.

Following up on this, as our Legislature has now completed the required steps to hold a provincial referendum. May I get approved for access to email addresses on the Database? Thanks!