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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

Wittenberg / Re: Talossan judicial precedents
January 16, 2020, 02:35:38 PM
Quote from: Lüc on January 16, 2020, 03:15:41 AM
A personal grudge is not the same as philosophical differences

The "personal grudge" AD alleges is a figment of his imagination. I've said equally intemperate things about KJ1 personally when I've been particularly incensed at some monarchic míeida or other, and you've seen me operate as his Seneschál on a perfectly respectful and mutual productive basis for the best part of a year, even when we disagree.

AD has made a habit of claiming that his political opponents are full of hatred, hold grudges and are personally and politically corrupt. It's his "finishing move".

ETA: AD admits in his closing statement it's V's republican views to which he objects:

QuoteI submit to this committee that I think it likely that the nominee will find it hard to give any case involving the throne an unbiased hearing, given his emphatic and emotional opposition to the institution
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan judicial precedents
January 15, 2020, 10:15:23 PM
More from the peanut gallery:

Quote from: @agbdavisSo in what way could you assure us of your impartiality when confronting a case, as you most certainly will be asked to do, concerning an institution you have sworn to abolish and a person you have sworn you despise?

If AD's line of questioning makes sense, it would entail that no Talossan of Republican beliefs could sit on the High Cort: which would disqualify at least one or two of the incumbents.
Wittenberg / Re: Talossan judicial precedents
January 14, 2020, 10:46:20 PM
I think it's because criminal convictions are so incredibly rare. I think ESB is the only one in my "Talossan lifetime".
Wittenberg / Talossan judicial precedents
January 14, 2020, 10:08:51 PM
Ián P said something on OldWitt about memorable Talossan judicial precedent. My favourite one would have to be from the 1992 case recorded in Ár Päts, where KR1 was actually convicted of treason (for attempting to secede Vuode), but was given no punishment as a "first offence".
El Glheþ Talossan / Pienamaintschen
January 14, 2020, 07:25:13 PM
Pienamaintschen were the "updates" to our national vocabulary, El Tresiour, necessitated by the CÚG's various reforms issued as Arestadas.

I wonder whether @El Duceu dàl SIGN could possibly provide a Pienamaintsch to get us from either KR1-era Talossan, or from the Talossan last updated by the CÚG, to the spelling envisaged by the Provisional Rules? Or give others a hint so we could write it ourselves? To give an example, what would be the rules by which I could transform this (written in KR1-era Talossan) into Provisional Rules Talossan, or Talossan 4.0 as I call it?

QuoteEls Tütschen füvent casâ mhe
Me zirevent: resighnetz-te
Mas non tignhoveu pör
Reprendeveu va rifal

Teu cambiat cînt fäts va nômina
Teu pierdat fieux és femina
Mas teu cetantis d'amici
Teu la Francâ entieir

Dîn 'n ceatarasi, 'n senesch
Noi ascunçeva për el nich't
El Tütschen lo tent anflat;
Morteva sînc supriça

El vînt, el vînt eißala
Trans els graveux, el eißala
La livertà ischà;
És noi surxharhent dàls umbrâs.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: SIGN rules
January 14, 2020, 05:40:46 PM
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: SIGN rules
January 13, 2020, 08:54:18 PM
I officially apply for SIGN membership. When are we going to have a website where the Official Rules are displayed? Or at least a TalossaWiki page?
To be snarky, I wouldn't expect Senator Guy Incognito to have the same ideas as the rest of us on what "real" means  :D
Wittenberg / Brief holiday
January 06, 2020, 11:07:35 PM
I'm travelling with my family until Friday and my Witt browsing may be reduced. For urgent matters in that time, @the Distáin, Ián Plätschisch has full authority.
WHEREAS the Magistrate's Cort was abolished by 47RZ39;

and WHEREAS the main reference in El Lexhatx to the Magistrate's Cort was removed by 48RZ26;

and WHEREAS I can't believe no-one noticed until now that there are all manner of other references to this defunct Cort floating around in El Lexhatx

and WHEREAS this bill replaces all of them I can find, with the exception of provisions relating to the privileges of former Magistrates:

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosâ and Senäts of Talossa in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx be amended as follows:

1. El Lexhatx A.9.5 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated below:

QuoteAll members of the Ziu, the Cabinet, the Uppermost Court, the Magistrate's Courts, the Chancery, or the Royal Treasury must report the following information to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 15 days of assuming the aforementioned office or of a change in micronational status, whichever is later:

2. El Lexhatx A.17 shall be REMOVED entirely.

3. El Lexhatx D. shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated below:

QuoteThe Ministry of Justice shall not engage in post-hoc review of prior convictions before a magistrate unless the interests of justice are represented in the form of an independent counsel, appointed by the Avocat-Xheneral, who shall be responsible for vigorously contesting this review.

4. El Lexhatx G.4 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteAll appeals, as with other court actions, shall be filed with the Clerk of Courts. Upon official judicial assignment, the Justice(s) , Judge or Magistrate may either dismiss the case, by declining to hear it, or begin hearing opening arguments in the matter as presented by all relevant parties.

5. El Lexhatx G.5.2 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteThe clerk shall then assign the case to a Judge, Magistrate or Justice in the lowest court holding jurisdiction over the matter.

6. El Lexhatx G.5.8 shall be amended by the DELETION of the words indicated:

QuoteThe individual holding the office of Clerk of Courts shall enjoy immunity from civil or criminal suit for any actions performed in the course of his or her official duties while holding this office. This immunity shall be lost upon leaving office. Due to the nature of the Clerk's responsibilities, an individual may not hold the office of Clerk of Courts, or any deputy thereunder, while simultaneously holding office as a Justice , Judge or Magistrate of the Uppermost Cort or any national inferior court.

Estimadâs és estimats membreux dàl Cosâ!

In accordance with El Lexhátx H.20, I am pleased to hereby recommend to His Majesty @King John that @Brenéir Itravilatx MC be nominated as Túischac'h for the 54th Cosâ.
Estimadâs és estimats citaxhiêns!

As of today 49 citizens of Talossa, one former citizen who struck out and one prospective are registered on New Wittenberg.

The government previously set a target of 50 citizens. We believe that this is close enough for Government work.

Therefore we officially decree that New Wittenberg at is now "Wittenberg" as referred to in El Lexhatx Title J, and all official business - Government, Ziu, Corts and the Royal Civil Service, will henceforth be carried out there.

We also humbly request:

- that the Secretary of State and the Chancery quickly move towards establishing standards of "Wittiquette" and methods of enforcing the same, as mandated in El Lexhatx Title J;
- that (if possible) henceforth posting new threads should be disabled on "Old Witt", although responding to existing threads should be left open for a while. If this is not technically possible, then @the King and the SoS should strongly encourage this behaviour.

We are aware that @Ián Tamorán is still having trouble accessing the domain, and until these issues are sorted out, he gets a special dispensation to continue to post on OldWitt.

Questions? Comments?

(Holy balls, I think I just realised that the SoS is not actually registered for New Witt yet!)  :o
The Webspace / Re: Wittmeister's Feature List
December 29, 2019, 10:48:11 PM
Quote from: Eðo Grischun on December 29, 2019, 09:22:45 PM
I said a few days ago that I was kind of shocked to see Cresti Caveglhet on the list of striker-outers.  The fact that he registered an account of New Witt right before striking out makes it all the more odd.

Obviously the compulsory-voting rule isn't actually working to make sure that those who are still interested in Talossa keep voting.
There are two reasons for keeping archives:

1) for people to be able to write histories of Talossa later, or at least being able to do historical research (eg. the Cort has just called for emails that were written 6 years ago);

2) for obsessives to find out whether X person badmouthed them on a private forum 10 years ago, so they can bring it up in unrelated political arguments later (not that I know anyone who does that 8))

But honestly, there is no real point in keeping archives if someone doesn't write the histories to make them understandable to newcomers, otherwise they're just noise. One problem was that KR1 was trained in history-writing and thus knew how to write a narrative, although of course his narratives were politically tendentious at best. There has been no Talossan history written worthy of the name since A Nation Sundered. Honestly, the fact that the pre-Reunision Kingdom overreacted to Ben's lying histories by deciding to have no history at all is in itself a tragedy.
El Glheþ Talossan / Re: Glheþinaziun d'ar friul noveu
December 24, 2019, 06:47:42 PM
C'è sür va lísta "à façarë".