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Messages - Miestră Schivă, UrN

QuoteI  will contact former King Robert I about possibly obtaining the original crown.

Ha ha, good luck to you. You might find it easier just to find a similar Milwaukee fire department dress hat.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on August 26, 2024, 03:16:53 PMS:da Seneschal, before the Coletx discusses these matters among ourselves, are there any preferences you wish to register with us on behalf of His Majesty's Government?

His Majesty's Government is still discussing these issues; anything that I've mentioned above is utterly on my personal initiative. But if you're interested in my personal preferences:

- it should be IRL and, if possible, in the GTA. But it doesn't have to be any time soon. This is a once-in-a-Talossan-lifetime thing and we should be pulling out stops to make it special. We might even want to put State funding towards it.

- the idea that the outgoing King (if available) crowns his/her successor is IMHO a very good precedent for the idea of continuity of monarchy. In the absence I suppose the head of the College of Arms is the second-preference coronator, with CJ-CpI being the third. I don't think the elected government should have a role in this.

- do we actually have a "crown", i.e. a facsimile of the fable Romanian train conductor's hat? That should be physically handed over, along with the Sash which symbolises the unity of Republic and Kingdom tradition.
Quote from: Baron Alexandreu Davinescu on August 26, 2024, 02:48:07 PMNo coronator exists in precedent, aside from maybe the king or their consort.  Probably not a religious figure, although I think Sir Txec's opinion should count a lot here.  The Squirrel King of Arms or Seneschal might be appropriate individuals to place the crown.

Honestly, I think it makes the most sense that the "King emeritus" should hand the crown on personally, if possible
Wittenberg / Re: Coronation
August 25, 2024, 08:36:38 PM
Again, let's look at precedent from last time:

Quote from: Ián I Lupul on accessionWe and our heirs royal shall henceforth bear "Quarterly, 1 and 4 Talossa, 2 and 3 Lupul", or more fully "Quarterly, 1 and 4 argent the Chinese glyph Ben sable, 2 and 3 per fess azure and vert, a wolf salient argent armed and langued gules, and in sinister chief a rose argent charged with a heart gules". Supporters: "Representing Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, a Roman lady hair dressed and a Berber woman hair dishevelled, both proper crined sable vested argent each bearing a palm branch vert." Motto: "Cor Unum".

We shall make use, as badge, of "A rose argent charged with a heart gules".

We request and command our right-beloved Squirrel King of Arms, in consultation and collaboration with his College, 1) to advise with us concerning the addition of a crest to our achievement, but they are not to consider a bonacon even for a moment, 2) to record these devices in the Kingdom's Armorial, 3)...]
Wittenberg / Re: Coronation
August 25, 2024, 04:33:48 PM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on August 25, 2024, 04:16:46 PM
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on August 23, 2024, 06:08:37 PMMiestră Schivă, UrN are there already plans underway for an official coronation ceremony assuming that the Ziu vote and referendum are successful?

Good to see we are answering this. I wonder if there will even be commemorative memorabilia or press coverage.

I suppose you would have to ask the College of Heralds, who have apparently been historically in charge of coronations, what they think: I'm in the dark as much as you are.

I suppose the Government *could* take over if they're indisposed.
The Government thanks everyone who's participated so far, and encourages further debate.
Wittenberg / Coronation
August 25, 2024, 03:53:25 PM
Unless I've missed something, we haven't had one of those since 1988. We talked about a coronation for Ián I Lupul but I don't think it ever happened.

From Old Wittenberg, I copy the following musings (from the Rajala regency) of the then-Squirrel King at Arms:

QuoteHere are a few of the many questions the Fellows of the College should begin to consider about the upcoming coronation:

    Where should the coronation be held?

    What should be the date? Should a one year mourning period pass between the abdication of King Louis and the coronation of the next king?

    What is the order of precedence for the procession?

    Who should do the crowning? Should the King be anointed? Can we get Archbishop Dolan to help?

    Should Peers and members of the Royal Family wear coronets? If so, what design should they have? Should these coronets display heraldic emblems based on rank or association to the monarch? Who else, if anyone, should wear a coronet?

    Should a queen consort (if any) be crowned as part of the general coronation ceremony? If so, when? If not, when?

And finally, from Ián I himself, upon his accession:

QuoteFor be known and understood, as a principle of our House and of the Talossan monarchy henceforth and forever, that the crowning of a Talossan monarch should nowise be celebrated in any place wheresoever except within the sacred boundaries of the Kingdom.

!Estimat.dăs cüncitaxhiens!

In accordance with our Statement of Government policy of August 8th last, the Ministry of Immigration submits this White Paper on Immigration Reform for public discussion, before formal legislative proposals are drawn up.

The Problem:
A steady supply of prospectives turning into a steady supply of new citizens. But:

  • a very small percentage of new citizens becoming consistently active. Result: a layer of experienced citizens (those who take on the functions of State or are major cultural figures) which is aging and slowly whittling away
  • An immigration policy designed to get maximum citizens in the door carries a risk of unintentional "broosking" - as long as the Immigration Minister is the main point of contact for new citizens, new citizens who are not properly conversant with our political landscape will tend to align with the Minister's party (assuming they become active), even if the Minister is carefully impartial.
  • Time and energy wasted processing citizenship applications which go nowhere, either before or after citizenship is granted.

Only the oldest among us will remember the days when every citizen not only had to buy a book on Talossan history and culture and pass a test on it, but be vetted by the Uppermost Cort and be granted citizenship by the Ziu. Perhaps we don't need to go that far. But that made sure that only those who really wanted to participate in Talossa became citizens.

The Principle: Quality over Quantity of citizens. Our Immigration policy not to be judged by number of applications for citizenship, but by number of new citizens who become active and "replace" older citizens who wish to retire, or at least take a break.

Suggested Reforms fall into two categories: pre-screening prospectives and post-screening new citizens.

  • Pre-screening: El Lexhatx E.2 states: "Additionally, the Immigration Minister shall be required to collect an essay, written by the applicant, entitled "Why I am Interested in Becoming a Talossan."". This does not happen. We get one or two sentences at best, which often show ignorance or incuriosity about what Talossa is. Suggested reform: The legislation be changed to specify what qualities should be displayed in such an essay, and the Minister to be permitted to put a hold on citizenship applications which do not display such qualities.
  • Post-screening: Making a pass in the Civics Test (or an altered form of it) mandatory before a grant of citizenship can be given. Or, alternatively/additionally: require two or more citizens to request a grant of citizenship.

Feedback on these ideas, and any other suggestions that might improve quality of new citizens, is encouraged.
Can I ask that either Attorney-General @Ian Plätschisch or Mençéi @Glüc da Dhi S.H. weigh in on this one?
Can I ask that either Attorney-General @Ian Plätschisch or Mençéi @Glüc da Dhi S.H. weigh in on this one?
A question for the SoS and others interested: can this little act skip the CRL, perhaps under the provisions of El Lex H.

QuoteAppointments to functions that are already defined in law and for which the Ziu is explicitly allowed to make appointments according to law
El Funal/The Hopper / The Succession Confirmation Act
August 20, 2024, 07:12:45 PM
Let His Majesty Ián I Lupul's decree of li 20. Güscht XLV / 2024, that @Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB is the Heir Presumptive to the Throne of Talossa, be CONFIRMED by the Ziu, subject to confirmation also by the people in referendum, in accordance with Organic Law II.7.
Wittenberg / Re: 60th Cosă OrgLaw Reform Megathread
August 19, 2024, 05:56:25 PM
Since discussion has died down, I think we might be close to choosing *some* of the most popular suggestions to go into the Hopper for more concrete discussion.

Biggest problem I can see is that a unicameral system will, as far as I can see, require rewriting the whole OrgLaw?
I'm not in favour of so much being in PayPal. Do we need that much to cover regular PayPal expenses?