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Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by Barclamïu da Miéletz - March 09, 2025, 11:32:33 AM
Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on March 09, 2025, 11:08:26 AM
Quote from: King Txec on March 09, 2025, 10:46:54 AMThank you to Braneu, Sir Gluc, and Barclamiu for joining me in the inaugural "Coffee with the King!"

-Txec R

If you recorded it I'd love to rebroadcast on FT.
It was recorded (that's what popped up upon joining).
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by Barclamïu da Miéletz - March 09, 2025, 11:32:11 AM
Quote from: King Txec on March 09, 2025, 10:46:54 AMThank you to Braneu, Sir Gluc, and Barclamiu for joining me in the inaugural "Coffee with the King!"

-Txec R
I didn't leave the event by the way, I got disconnected.
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by Breneir Tzaracomprada - March 09, 2025, 11:08:26 AM
Quote from: King Txec on March 09, 2025, 10:46:54 AMThank you to Braneu, Sir Gluc, and Barclamiu for joining me in the inaugural "Coffee with the King!"

-Txec R

If you recorded it I'd love to rebroadcast on FT.
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by King Txec - March 09, 2025, 10:46:54 AM
Thank you to Braneu, Sir Gluc, and Barclamiu for joining me in the inaugural "Coffee with the King!"

-Txec R
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by King Txec - March 09, 2025, 10:04:08 AM
Hop on Zoom! I'm live now!
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by King Txec - March 09, 2025, 09:28:56 AM
30 minutes to go! Get your coffee brewing!
Green Party / Opposition Ministerial Report ...
Last post by Breneir Tzaracomprada - March 08, 2025, 04:35:09 PM
Culture (Miestra Schiva)

The Green Party presents its second Opposition Ministry Report Card. And we need to note that a review of the terpelaziuns actually increased our initial rating of this ministry.

The Culture Ministry received four terpelaziuns during the previous Cosa term. All of which were from the Green Party. Terpelaziuns were answered in a timely, always respectful, and usually informative fashion. The Culture Ministry had two achievements and one failing during the term. The new Talossan Language materials created with government support by Alexandreu Davinescu and the Talossan Language essay contest were successes while no major progress on the Bureau of Home Affairs strategic plan was the one failing.

Upon review of responses from the specific terpelaziuns listed below we noted the following highlights:

September 5, 2024

QuoteOn September 7th, 2024 Minister Schiva responded as follows to our terpelaziun: "I thank the Member for his question. In previous years I have suggested "calquing" a textbook for a different Romance language for use in l'educaziun glheþească. So, taking Teach Yourself Beginners' Italian or some such and tweaking it for the needs of ár glheþ naziunal. The Ladintsch Naziunal is unsure of the feasibility of that approach, so we're still discussing one that might be better."

The Opposition noted this idea for later followup.

October 2, 2024

QuoteOn October 2, 2024 Minister Schiva responded to a terpelaziun concerning the Bureau of Home Affairs Strategic Plan: "I thank the member for his question. I will alert my Deputy for Home Affairs to this question. The Cabinet have been discussing some matters which are already underway and some in the planning stages, and either I or the Deputy Minister will go into more details on these here once we've touched base."

The Opposition notes a moderation question to the Tuischach went unanswered and was a part of a trend where the Tuischach was largely absent from moderation during terpelaziun exchanges including repeated interventions by persons not associated or called upon within the enquiries. This is a point on which the Opposition plans to explore reforms.

QuoteOn October 3, 2024 Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Bentxami Puntsmasleu responded as follows: "I can give an update on the Bureau of Home Affairs Strategic Plan. The plan's first objective is the recruitment of at least two additional GTA residents as citizens of Talossa. To this end, fliers were printed (credit for the design goes to @Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP ) and distributed. Most of the distribution thus far occurred earlier this summer, with some in the late summer. As the deadline for this objective approaches, I concede it does not appear any GTA residents have applied for citizenship specifically as the result of this campaign. In the next couple months, however, I will be intensifying recruitment efforts, both via the fliers and word of mouth. I plan to do another round sometime this coming week. I will be focusing on the UWM campus and my new home neighborhood of Riverwest. The latter is not part of Metropolitan Talossa (it lies just west of the river, as its name implies) but I do believe that there will be interested persons among its populace. As for a possible TalossaFest L, I will have a preliminary report ready by the end of the year."

The Opposition notes the preliminary report on TalossaFest L did not occur. There is also no evidence that the intensified recruitment efforts to focus on UWM campus or in Riverwest occurred either. The Opposition is unclear as to whether we've had two GTA residents landing as new immigrants.

November 2, 2024

QuoteOn November 3, 2024 Minister Schiva responded to a terpelaziun on the Teach Yourself Talossan beginner language materials as follows: "I thank the Member for his question. This project has taken a back seat as SIGN has recently prioritised the Essay Contest. Speaking of which, we should do something to spark more interest in that. I wonder if the Member would like to contribute an entry?"

The Essay Contest was completed successfully, but the Opposition noted with disappointment, that the Talossan language learning materials had taken a back seat. The two efforts are mutually supportive of one another so no major concerns arose from this fact.

January 24, 2025

QuoteThree months later on January 24th, 2025 Minister Schiva responded to a follow-up terpelaziun on the Talossan learning materials: "I am very glad the member asked me this question. Right now there are two different "Beginners Guide to Talossan" projects being drafted - one by @Baron Alexandreu Davinescu and the other by @Iac Marscheir . While the Ministry is disappointed the two projects can't be combined right now, perhaps right now a spirit of "healthy competition", including actual A/B testing by citizens, is the way forward."

The Opposition notes there are now two sections of Alexandreu Davinescu's Let's Learn Talossan series, for which he has received government compensation. The Opposition does not have any insight into the current status of any efforts by Iac Marscheir. This was undoubtedly a successful initiative.

If we have been inaccurate in any aspect of our review or if the Minister simply wants to respond we welcome it in this thread.
Wittenberg / [Royal] Proclamation on the Re...
Last post by King Txec - March 08, 2025, 10:42:48 AM
Wittenberg / Re: [Royal] Coffee with the Ki...
Last post by King Txec - March 08, 2025, 10:23:15 AM
Don't forget that the first ever "Coffee with the King" is taking place tomorrow morning!

-Txec R
Wittenberg / Re: [ELECTIONS] What you need ...
Last post by Sir Lüc - March 08, 2025, 01:18:40 AM
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, O.Be on March 07, 2025, 04:26:05 PMPdR statements on referenda:

60RZ06: It is only fitting that Talossans who retain their citizenship to the end of their lives should be able to retain it in perpetuity. PdR supports changing the Organic Law to enable such a state.

60RZ21: As one plank of the Consensus Plan on Reform, we support fixing the length of the legislative term as a means to enable more predictable operation of Talossa's institutions and create more space for apolitical Talossans to get involved apart from the din of politics.

These have both been added.