[TERPELAZIUN] Ministreu dàl Inmigraziun

Started by Miestră Schivă, UrN, May 15, 2024, 05:00:41 PM

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Miestră Schivă, UrN

Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a question to the Minister of Immigration @þerxh Sant-Enogat.

Can the Minister please provide:

1) the number of citizenship applications that have been received over his term in office?
2) the number of grants of citizenship that have been given over his term in office, with if possible the names of those new citizens?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

þerxh Sant-Enogat

Thanks to Infoteca, all citizens can follow the number of citizenship applications, and the number of immigrants. This possibility to follow the action of the Cabinet was a commitment made by the TNC on its platform.

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On each issue of our newsletter "La C'hronica", edited by MinSTUFF, you have all names of applicants and immigrants.

As a reminder :

During October and November XLIV we received 19 immigration applications : • Vitaliy Alekseevich Koretskiy • Muhammad Lugman Hafizi bin Sufri • Antonio Ayllón Martín • Luis Steven Rutter • Anna Shchepina • Mohammed Poovanthodi Hamza • Debi Joanitis • Michael William Boyle • Tilda Eve • Sheryl Lynn Agner • Zach Fossard • Mr. Mikawa • Valeriy Gusev Chumakov • Juan José García Salazar • Mahadi Bin Salah Uddin • Aidyn Basil Naugler • Yanier González Amaró • Murray M. Coffey • Sergio Flumignan
 3 new citaxhiéns: Juan José García , Sergio F and Yanier
(I took my office on November 1st, and 15 out of the 19 applications were processed by Breneir, previous MinImm from whom I took over)

During December XLIV we received 7 immigration applications : • Adam David Anast, from the USA • Daren Ashford, from Hong-Kong • Amin Ebrahimzadeh, from Türkiye • Yahav Halperin, from Israël • Theodore Adam Zopf, from the USA • Mariano Puerta Curiel, from Spain • Jörg Knobloch, from Germany
No new citaxhién in December

During January XLV we received 9 immigration applications : • Emeka Iwuagwu, from Nigeria • Darryl W Perry, from the USA • Damian Adams, from the USA • Steven R S, from the USA • Noell Everhart, from the USA • Tate Fallcon, from England • Nazar, from Ukraine • Brody Brock, from the USA • Bartłomiej Mielecki, from Germany
 2 new citizens : Jörg Knobloch, and Barclamïu da Miéletz

During February XLV we received 5 immigration applications : • Arnaud Valenti, from France • Sean Graham Able, from Hong Kong • Ekaterina Bukharina, from Russia • Brooke Kamishlian, from the USA • Muhammad Muhammad, from Nigeria
 one new citizen : Damian Adams Dumzadams

During March XLV we received 5 immigration applications : • Aleksei Kucheriavyi, from Ukraine • Andrew Crespi, from the USA • Pablo Dapena Lopez, from Spain • Makensie Sundquist, from USA • Sam Yackel, from the USA
 3 new citizens : • Zilect Uómbat Firă  • Catrină Buc'haran • Pol dal Timă Lupulescu

During April XLV we also received 5 immigration applications : • Canberk Akhanli, from Turkey • Enrico Mastracchio, from the USA • Bruno Valdez (!), from Mexico • Alicia Leeka Pratx, from France • Chelsea Inthavong, from the USA

And during May XLV up to now (5/19), we received 6 immigration applications : Anton Shvaryov, Jerry J Baley, Ray Alen Baxter, Theresa Anne Tafoya, Alicia Leeka Pratx, Dean George

So since October 1st in total 56 applications up to now (of which 41 processed by me), and of which 2 from our unfortunate candidate Daren. - and 9 new immigrants.

The graphs, on this wall, tell the story of it all :

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Even if difficult to substanciate, I like to think that these numbers have been improved thanks to the external communication efforts from MinStuff on different social networks (Instagram, X, LinkedIn, Reddit, Facebook), from our Distain on Fora Talossa, and also following Bentxami's interview. I'm sure we could have done better with more transversal cooperation on external communication, and it is still my wish to make our Kingdom more visible and attractive to potential immigrants - so that they count in large amounts.

þerxh Sant-Enogat, SMC, MC
Sénéchal de Cézembre,
Túischac'h dal 60:éă Cosă,
Duceu pareßel dal Aliançù Progreßïu