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Independence Day thoughts: The King Must Go

Started by Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC, December 26, 2022, 12:16:16 AM

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Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC

Felică 44-laiset Ziuă dàl Indepenciă a toct i va cüncitaxhiens; es, ben sigur, feliceu Natal a toct qi o celebratent.

The leadership of the Free Democrats of Talossa are taking a well-deserved break at the moment. So I'm filling the gap, lest the Talossan information space this holiday be filled (like all other spaces seem to be at the moment) by the TNC leadership. I want to run through a brief series of observations and arguments relevant to the central theme around which the Free Democrats will be running in next month's election: that is, The King Must Go.

It is necessary, as always, to preface these arguments with a declaration that this is not intended as a personal attack. I've always admired John Woolley, in particular for his role in finally ending King Robert I's autocratic and cultish rule. I encourage all to read my interview with him in Qator Itrìns of October 2005. Brings back fond memories.

But - whether you are a die-hard Republican or a Monarchist stickler - he should not be King any more. Here are the basic reasons which the Free Democrats want you to consider.

  • He is only intermittently active. The King of Talossa should be a continuous presence in the Kingdom, as an inspiration to culture and a figurehead of unity for our national community.
  • He only exercises his constitutional functions rarely, and scarcely ever in a prompt fashion, after much prodding.
  • He is far too closely identified with one political party. A vicious circle of corruption has emerged between the King and the leadership of the TNC, just as it existed with the old RUMP party. The TNC flatters the King and makes political arguments for his panoply of Royal powers - and in return, the King uses those powers to benefit the TNC's agenda, and even worse, to bestow honours and favours on the TNC leadership.

This last is in particular a reason why the King should not be permitted a free hand in choosing his successor. Because - isn't it obvious? - his successor will be the same person as he appointed Regent when he absented himself from Talossa altogether during the 56th Cosă. And for the same reason as the King explicitly gave at the time - because Sir A. Davinescù (as he was at the time) was a devoted defender of the existing status and power of the Monarchy. And now he's a Baron, for "keeping the seat warm" while he was away.

Perhaps many newer citizens might not remember that - that following the election where the Free Democrats got a memorable 99 seats in the Cosă, and the hereditary monarchy was abolished, the King simply walked away from Talossa until the next election, and gave his powers to the biggest supporter of the Monarchy while he was gone. It was a pretty obvious sulk, or "ragequit" as the kids these days say. And there wasn't much we could do about it.

For all Talossans who think that having a King is an important part of Talossan life, we need a better King than this one. We have learned our lesson from the last time we attempted constitutional reform - it's too easy to get bogged down in the precise details of how things should change. Instead, let's learn from how we abolished the hereditary succession - the Free Democrats will introduce a simple amendment to OrgLaw II.3 proclaiming that "The Throne is currently vacant." At that stage, the Uppermost Cort will become a Council of Regency, and we can all discuss how the Throne might be filled.

We can avoid this unpleasantness if the King agrees to abdicate of his own free will during term of the next Cosă, and to discuss with the incoming Ziu majority to form a consensus on his successor. The Free Democrats are putting our cards on the table now, and centring the demand of The King Must Go in this election campaign. John Woolley must be given a decent and honourable retirement - or a chance to serve Talossa in other ways, in culture or even on the Uppermost Cort.

Questions? Comments?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Sir Ian Plätschisch

I've been trying to get the King to be more active for years now (since at least when I started AMP at the beginning of 2019). Those efforts have largely failed. We see the same thing every year; the King turns up, promises to be more active, but then disappears again after a few weeks.

The interactions I've had with King John have been nothing but positive. It's just that there have been precious few of them.
Sir Ian Plätschisch, UrN, GST
Senator for Maritiimi-Maxhestic
Attorney-General and Minister of Finance
El Capitán da l'Altahál of the Royal Zouaves


Quote from: Ian Plätschisch on December 26, 2022, 04:06:06 PMI've been trying to get the King to be more active for years now (since at least when I started AMP at the beginning of 2019). Those efforts have largely failed. We see the same thing every year; the King turns up, promises to be more active, but then disappears again after a few weeks.

The interactions I've had with King John have been nothing but positive. It's just that there have been precious few of them.

On a personal level, that's my story with King John, too.