Convening of the Court of Chivalry

Started by Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB, May 16, 2023, 01:10:39 PM

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Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Dad es Per el Coletx Rexhital d'Armeux Talossan

Oyez, oyez!

TANDI QE l'útzil es la zesplega dels armeux personais grantevent par Sieu Maxhestà el Regeu da Talossa trans l'axhençù da sieu Uficieir Rexhital la Hamilta Viceregeu d'Armeux c'e'n privilexhù es non c'e'n drept, es

TANDI QE la privilexhù à tirh es à zesplegarh acestilor armeux isch reservat àls citaxhiéns del Regipäts Talossan qissen þonor isch stimat, respectat, es açeitat sanc ingen quesziun par lors paírs es el popul, es

TANDI QE c'e uschedat qe Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu, par sieux dideux, tent ceavastat, spurcat, vaitat, es avandunat sieu statüs þonoresc, nun

PER ACESTILOR RAZIUNS es par acestilor schegnhen, qe c'estadra säpescu qe in accordançéu cün la vöglha es la zireziun da Sieu Maxhestà Regeu Ian, 'n Cort da Cavalería nun isch cunventat sub va mha à zesterminarh el svipour dels armeux qi füvent grantat àð Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu dürant els Þonors dal Ziua dal St. Aarons in l'anneu 2013, es

OCSÀ qe c'estadra säpescu qe el Cort da Cavalería, cunventat perventüra, rendarha sieu zeciziun es recomenda à Sieu Maxhestà osprei 'n pieriot da seifet ziuas per la reçeiziun es la circümspicença d'ingen adaco'art dad amici curiae sub aicì.

Rouge Eiafunt Precurseir
Hamilta Viceregeu d'Armeux

From and for The Royal Talossan College of Arms

Oyez, oyez!

WHEREAS the use and display of personal arms granted by His Majesty the King of Talossa through the agency of His Royal Officer the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms is a privilege and not a right, and

WHEREAS the privilege to hold and display said arms is reserved to citizens of the Kingdom of Talossa whose honour is revered, respected, and unquestioned by their peers and the citizenry as a whole, and

WHEREAS it is alleged that Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu has by his actions tarnished, besmirched, ruined, and abandoned his honourable status, now

THEREFORE by these presents be it known that in accordance with the wish and direction of His Majesty King John, a Court of Chivalry is now convened under my hand to determine the disposition of arms granted to the said Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu during the 2013 St. Aarons Day Honours, and

FURTHERMORE be it known that the said Court of Chivalry, hereby convened, shall render its decision and recommendation to His Majesty after a period of seven days of receiving and weighing any public comment from amici curiae hereunder.

Rouge Elephant Herald
Squirrel Viceroy of Arms
Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, GST, O.SPM, SMM
El Sovind Pudatïu / The Heir Presumptive
Secretár d'Estat
Guaír del Sabor Talossan
The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms, The Rouge Elephant Herald, RTCoA
Cunstaval da Vuode

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Your Majesty King John and Squirrel Viceroy at Arms:

I speak as Dean of the Coletx.

Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu has been convicted of bringing his country into disrepute.  While I can imagine that this might not always merit abatement, his disrepute was a result of his abuse of power to assault a minor.  The facts have already been rendered publicly, and judgment made both here and abroad.

The precedent in our country has not been to strip an armiger of their achievement, but instead to abate their arms.  I suggest that we abide by this precedent.  Let the arms be abated.

The achievement is currently: Per pale vert and argent a tower counterchanged in chief a mullet one point to base argent and a rose gules barbed and seeded or.

I would suggest an appropriate abatement and in keeping with tradition would be Per pale Vert and Argent a tower counterchanged in chief a mullet one point to base Argent and a rose Gules barbed and seeded Or, abated overall by an inescutcheon reversed, Sanguine.

Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

The Court of Chivalry thanks The Dean for his response and enters it into the record.

Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, GST, O.SPM, SMM
El Sovind Pudatïu / The Heir Presumptive
Secretár d'Estat
Guaír del Sabor Talossan
The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms, The Rouge Elephant Herald, RTCoA
Cunstaval da Vuode

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB

Dad es Per el Coletx Rexhital d'Armeux Talossan

AVETZ EL MEMINIßEU àls amici curiae qi tiennent comtribuçat à'ceasta araßada, es

OSPREI QE la circümspicença dü, es

CUNCUPISCHENTÍU à mamtenençarh l'itägrità da Sieu Maxhestà el Regeu da Talossa, com'eschemplat par sieux granteux rexhitais dels armeux àls citaxhiéns d'acest regipäts,


PIRMEIS, qe Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu, trans dideux unþonoreschti es vrätsmint uncunschençavais, tent avandunat ingen revindic àl statüs þonoresc par qe els armeux q'o apoarta füvent grantat, es

DOUALAISET, qe per aceasta raziun els armeux dad Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu serent abatats, la zescriuziun d'acestilor amendada com'acest:

Per pale vert and argent a tower counterchanged in chief a mullet one point to base argent and a rose gules barbed and seeded or, abated overall by an Inescutcheon reversed, Sanguine.

Els Fuliénsen, Taimpreirs, es Araldours del Coletx d'Armeux, par la xhußiun d'acest Cort, sint zirecteschti à cauçarh toct i zescriuziuns es zesplegas d'acestilor armeux, in l'armourial del Regipäts es quálsepläts d'alter, àð estarh modifiçadas d'ospreimint.

Tischind prediçat com'acest, el Cort da Cavalería isch perventüra astelat sine die.

Rouge Eiafunt Precurseir
Hamilta Viceregeu d'Armeux

From and for The Royal Talossan College of Arms

WITH GRATITUDE to the amici curiae who have contributed to this session, and

UPON due consideration, and

DESIROUS of maintaining the integrity of His Majesty the King of Talossa, as exemplified by royal grants of arms to citizens of this Kingdom,


FIRST, that Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu has, through dishonourable and indeed unconscionable actions, abandoned any claim to the honourable status by which the arms he bears were granted, and

SECOND, that the arms of Cauvesc Carlüs Xheraltescu therefore shall be abated, the blazon thereof being amended thus:

Per pale vert and argent a tower counterchanged in chief a mullet one point to base argent and a rose gules barbed and seeded or, abated overall by an Inescutcheon reversed, Sanguine.

The Fellows, Pursuivants, and Heralds of the College of Arms are by the order of this Court directed to cause all blazons and emblazons of the said arms, in the armorial of the Kingdom and elsewhere, to be modified accordingly.

Having thus ruled, the Court of Chivalry is hereby adjourned sine die.

Rouge Elephant Herald
Squirrel Viceroy of Arms
Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, GST, O.SPM, SMM
El Sovind Pudatïu / The Heir Presumptive
Secretár d'Estat
Guaír del Sabor Talossan
The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms, The Rouge Elephant Herald, RTCoA
Cunstaval da Vuode