STATEMENT from the Leader of the Opposition in the 60th Cosă

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, August 08, 2024, 11:02:50 AM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada

Azul fellow Talossans,

There is much to be lauded in the Government Statement from Seneschal Schiva. I note with approval the plans for the Foreign Affairs (while encouraging some activity for the BHAID) and Technology ministries along with work already underway on a public and open-ended discussion on Organic Law reforms. We would reiterate our support for fixed election dates and longer Cosa terms supported by an expanded Civil Service as an important part of the effort to open up more space for apolitical Talossans.

I would also begin by applauding members of the Cabinet on their prompt, respectful, and informative responses to opposition enquiries. As was stated in Open Society's policy on government accountability, where we agree with the incumbent Government we will make every effort to ensure, through regular and up-front terpelaziuns, their commitments are brought to fruition. And where we have concerns we will raise them in a constructive and respectful manner. Government accountability is not an effort to annoy or harass but to ensure the government of the day is held account to their commitments and to the right of all Talossans to an effective administration.

During the closing weeks of the last Cosa term and the subsequent election, I pushed for a rapid close to the reign of King John. The historic multi-party cooperation that followed was a testament to the potential to rise above personal animosity and produce results for the Talossan people. As a part of that historic cooperation, King John has promised to abdicate once a successor is found and, rumor has it, that the King prefers as his successor, Baron Alexandreu Davinescu, who he previously appointed as regent. I encourage the King to not incur any further delay and make that proposal to the Ziu so that it can be voted on. As I stated in a recent terpelaziun, which appears to have been misunderstood by Baron Davinescu and Minister Autofil, whether it be the King's preference or my own, Sir Nordselva, we must move on from his reign as soon as possible. Talossans must have an active, present, and unifying head of state as soon as possible.

As I mentioned, at the start, we will push for upholding commitments where we agree with the Goverment. And question and critique where we have concerns. But we will not engage in pointless squabbles. One early example is on the question of notifying the public on leaves of absence. There is a clear disagreement, on approach and apparently principle, but it does not rise to the level of other more pressing issues.

Please continue to take the opportunities presented to rise above grievance, no matter how well nurtured, to better serve the Kingdom of Talossa.

For the Kingdom,

Nimis gaudiam habeo