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Political Color in Talossa

Started by Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP, February 03, 2022, 10:03:01 AM

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Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

Are there any specific associations of colors with ideologies in Talossan politics? Like, purple with peculiarism, for example.
  Votetz PdR -- Mac'htici Idéăs, Mac'htici Resultaes! -- Powerful Ideas, Powerful Results!
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun


Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil on February 03, 2022, 10:03:01 AM
Are there any specific associations of colors with ideologies in Talossan politics? Like, purple with peculiarism, for example.

Good question and one no-one has ever really addressed before...

Talossan politics does not represent a single social, political, or societal continuity.  To be all-too-brief, the demise of the Conservative Loyalist Party in the Kingdom ca. late 2005 or in 2006 is the demise of the old continuity going back to Talossa's beginnings.

In Talossan political terms, that event represents a complete break in Talossan political history. And with that, we have two separate epochs in Talossan political history: 1979-2005 and 2005-present.  The old CLP was the old order, and the RUMP's filling the power and cultural vacuum at that time represents the beginning of the new order which persists to this day.

I mention all of this because an overt color-association with Talossan political ideologies was never really thought about in completely overt terms in the old or new orders, even to today. 

The Progressive Conservative Party (PC) existed from 1985 through ca. 2005 when JJ, its last member, finally dissolved it for good.  The PC was for many years the Party of Ben, JJ, Eiffler, Kane, etc. (incl. yours truly).  It also, at least in Ben's and JJ's minds, mimiced to an extent the ethos of the British Conservative Party, whose overt color continues to be blue. 

PC/blue is the one overt color association in Talossan politics of the old order, though combinations of red and green exist in many parties throughout both political orders.  The ZPT's colors were red, white, and green (JP can confirm this).  The third Liberal Party (dissolved ca. 2001 after the Second Mass Exodus) used the colors yellow and black.

Thus, old-order Talossan politics had blue as the color of conservatism, but in other parties, red was a time or two used as the color of 'challenge to the status quo', but I would need to do more research.

A stark change to this pattern was the revival of the Talossan Black Hand Party in autum 2002, Ben Madison's arch-conservative foil to the PC, which used the colors black-and-white.

In new-order Talossan politics (2005-present), there is no clear association between party colors and ideology save one: green and red being used almost ubiquitously to represent Talossan patriotism.

Hope this helps,


Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

Quote from: GV on February 03, 2022, 10:44:43 AM
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil on February 03, 2022, 10:03:01 AM
Are there any specific associations of colors with ideologies in Talossan politics? Like, purple with peculiarism, for example.

Good question and one no-one has ever really addressed before...

Talossan politics does not represent a single social, political, or societal continuity.  To be all-too-brief, the demise of the Conservative Loyalist Party in the Kingdom ca. late 2005 or in 2006 is the demise of the old continuity going back to Talossa's beginnings.

In Talossan political terms, that event represents a complete break in Talossan political history. And with that, we have two separate epochs in Talossan political history: 1979-2005 and 2005-present.  The old CLP was the old order, and the RUMP's filling the power and cultural vacuum at that time represents the beginning of the new order which persists to this day.

I mention all of this because an overt color-association with Talossan political ideologies was never really thought about in completely overt terms in the old or new orders, even to today. 

The Progressive Conservative Party (PC) existed from 1985 through ca. 2005 when JJ, its last member, finally dissolved it for good.  The PC was for many years the Party of Ben, JJ, Eiffler, Kane, etc. (incl. yours truly).  It also, at least in Ben's and JJ's minds, mimiced to an extent the ethos of the British Conservative Party, whose overt color continues to be blue. 

PC/blue is the one overt color association in Talossan politics of the old order, though combinations of red and green exist in many parties throughout both political orders.  The ZPT's colors were red, white, and green (JP can confirm this).  The third Liberal Party (dissolved ca. 2001 after the Second Mass Exodus) used the colors yellow and black.

Thus, old-order Talossan politics had blue as the color of conservatism, but in other parties, red was a time or two used as the color of 'challenge to the status quo', but I would need to do more research.

A stark change to this pattern was the revival of the Talossan Black Hand Party in autum 2002, Ben Madison's arch-conservative foil to the PC, which used the colors black-and-white.

In new-order Talossan politics (2005-present), there is no clear association between party colors and ideology save one: green and red being used almost ubiquitously to represent Talossan patriotism.

Hope this helps,

It does indeed help! Sort of confirms what I had suspected (namely, that apart from showing patriotism, the colors generally have no association). Thank you!
  Votetz PdR -- Mac'htici Idéăs, Mac'htici Resultaes! -- Powerful Ideas, Powerful Results!
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun