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AdV's Vanity Attempt to Suggest Ideas

Started by Açafat del Val, March 18, 2022, 02:05:56 PM

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Açafat del Val

I made a promise to AD that I'd post this somewhere else, so here I am...

Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I have an idea!

  • Remove the monarchy entirely, and replace it with an elected head of state, not unlike Ireland, Italy, or India? Note that the election may be indirect  ;)
  • I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks...
But maybe you meant some promises that are less contentious?

  • Rewrite the OrgLaw and El Lexhatx, which are both in a terribly sorry state (if we cared about the rule of law, that is).
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Make the Ziu unicameral and living.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Expand Witt formally onto Discord, encourage transparent political participation, and discourage private forums.

    • (Even though game theory says that violently bitter, toxic, and aggressive partisanship in Talossa is inevitable, I would like to think that we could benefit from some coordination towards a better outcome.)
    • (Honestly, does Talossa as a whole benefit when parties connive and conspire in closed forums? As a matter of law there is nothing to be done about it, because citizens have a general right to free association, but perhaps the Government could use its pulpit to change minds.)
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Have a heraldry bonanza! Make some new flags. Make some coats of arms. Add some pizzazz to the website.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Liberalize the law, so that it is more informal and more accessible, and so that greater numbers of citizens may be effective pro se litigants in front of lay judges.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Abolish provinces completely, or make them ceremonial, not unlike English counties.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Revamp the database, so that it is more accessible not only to its users but also its administrators (just ask the @Chancery).
  • Remove the monarchy.
How's that for a place to begin brainstorming?  8)

ex-Senator for Florencia
Jolly Good Fellow of the Royal Talossan College of Arms

Mic’haglh Autófil, O.Be

Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I have an idea!

  • Remove the monarchy entirely, and replace it with an elected head of state, not unlike Ireland, Italy, or India? Note that the election may be indirect  ;)
  • I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks...

I mean, I would rather get something instead of nothing, but that doesn't mean you stop pushing for the thing you were initially fighting for, either.  ;)

QuoteBut maybe you meant some promises that are less contentious?

  • Rewrite the OrgLaw and El Lexhatx, which are both in a terribly sorry state (if we cared about the rule of law, that is). I'm down
  • Remove the monarchy. Yes.
  • Make the Ziu unicameral and living. On board with unicameral, Living Cosas seem difficult to do on a regular basis though, given the nature of the Talossan diaspora
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Expand Witt formally onto Discord, encourage transparent political participation, and discourage private forums. Hard yes.

    • (Even though game theory says that violently bitter, toxic, and aggressive partisanship in Talossa is inevitable, I would like to think that we could benefit from some coordination towards a better outcome.)
    • (Honestly, does Talossa as a whole benefit when parties connive and conspire in closed forums? As a matter of law there is nothing to be done about it, because citizens have a general right to free association, but perhaps the Government could use its pulpit to change minds.)
  • Remove the monarchy. Agreed
  • Have a heraldry bonanza! Make some new flags. Make some coats of arms. Add some pizzazz to the website. Insert the "Am I a joke to you?" meme here
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Liberalize the law, so that it is more informal and more accessible, and so that greater numbers of citizens may be effective pro se litigants in front of lay judges.
  • Remove the monarchy. Sensing a pattern here
  • Abolish provinces completely, or make them ceremonial, not unlike English counties.
  • Remove the monarchy.
  • Revamp the database, so that it is more accessible not only to its users but also its administrators (just ask the @Chancery).
  • Remove the monarchy.
How's that for a place to begin brainstorming?  8)
Don Mic'haglh Autófil SMC O.Be EiP
Minister of Technology
Long Fellow, College of Arms and Provost, Royal Academy of Vexillology
Specialist, Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun

Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC

Quote from: Açafat del Val on March 18, 2022, 10:18:10 AM
I see that the FreeDems abandoned this position in favor of compromise. I wonder what the @PdR thinks...

Let's be scrupulously honest - the FreeDems have never been a Republican party. That was our predecessor, the ZRT. The FreeDems have always been a party of "compromise between Republicans and pro-democracy Monarchists". And you're right, the Reformaziunistaes are explicitly Republican.

However, just like US Republicans shriek that anything to the left of Ronald Reagan is full-blown Communism, so Talossan Monarchists believe that any reform to the monarchy is identical to Republicanism. So it's impossible to have a sensible conversation in this country.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Açafat del Val

I am happy to be corrected! It is a fair point, though one which offers no relief to Dien, it seems  ;)

ex-Senator for Florencia
Jolly Good Fellow of the Royal Talossan College of Arms

Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC

As I remember, there were two people in the FreeDems who balked at the party leadership's insistence that all MCs should support the Compromise proposal. Dien balked because he's a principled Monarchist; someone else, I believe, balked because he's a balls-out die-in-a-ditch Republican. Only one of those people quit and started their own party, though...

The other issue is that Dien had a different idea of what FreeDems "agnosticism" on the constitutional issue meant. He believed it meant complete freedom of conscience - Republicans would be Republicans, Monarchists Monarchists, and there would be no attempt to "whip" them. Latter-day party leaderships rejected that interpretation in favour of the Compromise approach. I suppose this election is the "last chance" for that approach, in that if we don't get the 2/3 majority for the Compromise in the Cosa then, hutsch-o, we're back to

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"