[Wiki] Update in the cards

Started by luc, December 05, 2019, 08:55:24 AM

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Sir Lüc

Hello everyone, just a quick heads up that I'm planning on upgrading the Wiki "soon"ish. We are several versions behind (1.23 vs 1.33) and an update is overdue. This is likely to take place this weekend.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB MC
Finance Minister / Ministreu dals Finançuns
Deputy Scribe of Abbavilla / Distain Grefieir d'Abbavillă
Directeur Sportif, Gordon Hiatus Support Team


Quote from: Lüc on December 05, 2019, 08:55:24 AM
Hello everyone, just a quick heads up that I'm planning on upgrading the Wiki "soon"ish. We are several versions behind (1.23 vs 1.33) and an update is overdue. This is likely to take place this weekend.

What is the procedure for backing up the Wiki?  Of course, and if possible, I'd like to be able to back up the Wiki on my own at will.

Sir Lüc

Quote from: GV on December 05, 2019, 04:10:26 PM
Quote from: Lüc on December 05, 2019, 08:55:24 AM
Hello everyone, just a quick heads up that I'm planning on upgrading the Wiki "soon"ish. We are several versions behind (1.23 vs 1.33) and an update is overdue. This is likely to take place this weekend.

What is the procedure for backing up the Wiki?  Of course, and if possible, I'd like to be able to back up the Wiki on my own at will.

The same as for this forum. Database dump for the content, root directory copy for the images/files.
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB MC
Finance Minister / Ministreu dals Finançuns
Deputy Scribe of Abbavilla / Distain Grefieir d'Abbavillă
Directeur Sportif, Gordon Hiatus Support Team