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GV in Paris this coming July 18 and 20

Started by GV, June 14, 2022, 11:16:34 AM

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My church choir is taking a trip to France.  18 and 20 July are our two completely free days in Paris.  Let's see some Euro-Talossans!


Ián Tamorán S.H.

I'm definitely a Euro-Talossan, and I speak French.... but I live in the UK. I shall not, alas, be in Paris during July... but any Talossan is more than welcome to visit me at 11A, GU24 8QP, UK  (and, yes, that is an address accurate to my house).  FYI I live next door to a pub - very handy! But phone me first! (send PM to get my phone number).

(You can use Google maps to find my house, if you want).
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Ián S.G. Txaglh

enjoy the city! being euro-talossan, i am slightly off paris (some 1200 km, which on european scale is a quite some distance). also, planning a weekend visiting my parents-in-law and on monday we have state final exams for the master's programme (also on tuesday, but i think you will be already not there).

take care, it will be damn hot there till saturday, above 35 °C (95 F).

bon voyage :)

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