57th Cosa, 2nd Clark (Jul 2022) Debate & Voting Thread

Started by esbornatfiglheu, July 01, 2022, 04:59:30 PM

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Senators, please lodge your votes here or elsewhere as established by law, custom, and past practice.

Breneir Tzaracomprada

My votes are as follows:

RZ4   The Let's Make This Official Act Per
RZ5   The 57th Cosa Budget Con
RZ6   The Let's Make This Official Compromise Bill   Con
RZ7   The Unsanctified Act Per
RZ8   Legal Repair Act Per


57RZ4 contrâ
57RZ5 për
57RZ6 për
57RZ7 contrâ
57RC8 contrâ

Never forget, fellow Talossans, the chief provocation for the 1 June 2004 Split / Republic-founding was Ben Madison's Wittenberg-public accusations of domestic violence against Chirisch Cavier (dal Nava). 

To read more of this, look to 'A Nation Sundered' by yours truly.

MENCEI: Note my inclusion of the month and year in my reply-subject line.  We must always have the month and year as well as the Cosa and Clark in the subject line for debate and voting.  Many thanks, ESB!

GV, Fiova


Quote from: GV on July 05, 2022, 09:47:23 PM

MENCEI: Note my inclusion of the month and year in my reply-subject line.  We must always have the month and year as well as the Cosa and Clark in the subject line for debate and voting.  Many thanks, ESB!

It's not February.


57RZ4 për
57RZ5 për
57RZ6 për
57RZ7 për
57RC8 contrâ

Sir Ian Plätschisch

57RZ4 - Contrâ
57RZ5 - Për
57RZ6 - Për
57RZ7 - Contrâ
57RC8 - Contrâ
Sir Ian Plätschisch, UrN, GST
Senator from Maritiimi-Maxhestic
Minister of Finance
El Capitán da l'Altahál of the Royal Zouaves

C.d.I. Nouacastra-Läxhirescu, MSC


VoC - Yes
[div style="text-align:center;"]Cresti da Ion Nouacastra-Läxhirescu, MSC
Attorney, National Bar of Talossa
The Well-Met Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms