[WARGAMING] Talossan Warzone Tournament, 2022. (Game #1)

Started by Bråneu Excelsio, October 05, 2022, 04:28:52 PM

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Bråneu Excelsio

Citizens of Talossa.
The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Culture invite you to participate in the Warzone Tournament.
(It's a lot like Risk but free and better in every way.)
You can play In your web browser or in your phone.
All you have to do is create a Warzone account and join the Open Game with the code: ubag.
Everyone will have up to 3 days to make their move.
Every player will get 3 territories with 3 troops each.
Every other neutral territory will have only 1 troop (any attack of 2 will win it)
Income: 3 troops per turn.
Active cards: Reinforcements, Emergency Blockade and Airlift.
Teams: No teams, Free for All.
"Roman Empire, third century crisis":
When does it start? The game will start next Sunday, October 9th 2022.
(If you aren't familiar with this game, you can play one or two singleplayer maps while we start.)
For your Information:
Every citizen is invited to play.
Two games will be held every month. The games will be ranked.
The citizen with the best record at the end of the year shall be granted a special rank for their strategic capabilities.

Bråneu Excelsio.
Minister of Defense.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on October 05, 2022, 04:28:52 PM
Citizens of Talossa.
The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Culture invite you to participate in the Warzone Tournament.
(It's a lot like Risk but free and better in every way.)
You can play In your web browser or in your phone.
All you have to do is create a Warzone account and join the Open Game with the code: ubag.
Everyone will have up to 3 days to make their move.
Every player will get 3 territories with 3 troops each.
Every other neutral territory will have only 1 troop (any attack of 2 will win it)
Income: 3 troops per turn.
Active cards: Reinforcements, Emergency Blockade and Airlift.
Teams: No teams, Free for All.
"Roman Empire, third century crisis":
When does it start? The game will start next Sunday, October 9th 2022.
(If you aren't familiar with this game, you can play one or two singleplayer maps while we start.)
For your Information:
Every citizen is invited to play.
Two games will be held every month. The games will be ranked.
The citizen with the best record at the end of the year shall be granted a special rank for their strategic capabilities.

Bråneu Excelsio.
Minister of Defense.

Fora Talossa news alert issued.

Ian Plätschisch


I did the practice but will join in a later game as I will be traveling 15-22 Oct

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Did this happen?  I'm late to the party but I'd still be interested if it's not moving yet.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein

Bråneu Excelsio

A second game will be announced on Wednesday, October 26th.
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Tric'hard Lenxheir

Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on October 23, 2022, 09:12:17 PMA second game will commence Wednesday, October 26th.

Will the code be the same for the new game?
Tric'hard Lenxheir (Senator and Man Without A Party)

Tric'hard Lenxheir

Quote from: Tric'hard Lenxheir on October 23, 2022, 09:51:51 PM
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on October 23, 2022, 09:12:17 PMA second game will commence Wednesday, October 26th.

Will the code be the same for the new game?

The other players will be happy to know that I should be easily defeated based upon my practice
Tric'hard Lenxheir (Senator and Man Without A Party)

Bråneu Excelsio

The results of the first game:

#1 Braneu Excelsio.
#2 Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat
#3 Ian Plätschisch

(There have been some technical difficulties, please let me know if there's anything wrong with the game!)

The second game has been created!
Thread: https://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=1886.0
Code: jetz
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.