[CRL] The PIG has ceased to be Act

Started by Bråneu Excelsio, October 18, 2022, 11:11:38 AM

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Bråneu Excelsio

WHEREAS there is no record of the Primary Intelligence Group (PIG) having been active at any time in the last 10 years, and

WHEREAS this Bureau is legally bound to exist because it's written in El Lexhatx, and

WHEREAS we've been dragging this Bureau for over 20 years with no real use, and

WHEREAS its purpose isn't clear and looks shady and it needs at least 4 people to operate its activities hidden from the eyes of the citizens

THEREFORE be it resolved that the subsection D., which currently reads
Quote2.4.1.3 The Primary Intelligence Group
shall be deleted from el Lexhatx.

FURTHERMORE, I.3, which currently reads
Quote3. The Grupâ Primár del Säpençéu (Primary Intelligence Group) shall be administered by the Zirectéir del Säpençéu (Intelligence Director). This group is chartered to collect, analyze and disseminate vital information to our Seneschál and others as directed. Operates separately from, but in concert with all other domestic and allied information collection agencies, military organizations, law enforcement agencies and other groups as directed. Provides briefings to the Ziu as directed by the Seneschál. Will be divided into three branches, which, respectively, may be headed by a Deputy Director, and are known as: General Operations Directorate - which conducts clandestine operations, information collection and other duties as directed. Analysis Sub-Section - which conducts information analysis and other duties as directed. Internal Information Security Sub-Section, which conducts intra-agency security operations and other duties as directed.

shall also be deleted from el Lexhatx.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Bråneu Excelsio, Minister of Defence
Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

No problems in the text that I see.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein


This text seems a straightforward deletion.  Looks good.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Okay, I just received this communication from a UC Justice:

Quote"the PIG has Ceased to be Act" caught my eye (really PIG caught my eye). Anyway, may I suggest one of the following non-substantive revisions to the act:


FURTHERMORE, I.3 of el Lexhatx, which currently reads,


shall be deleted and replaced with, "REPEALED."



FURTHERMORE, I.3 of el Lexhatx, which currently reads,


shall be deleted

AND the existing paragraph I.4 of el Lexhatx, which currently reads,

4. Talossa maintains a military in keeping with the tradition of all of history's greatest nations. The military is maintained in effort to provide our citizens a unique opportunity to serve the Kingdom in uniform while gaining access to both special training and social opportunities. As an internally focused service, the UTMF are not intended for offensive use and anyone who commits actual acts of violence in the name of Talossa will lose their citizenship (according to the will of the Cort pu Inalt). The Kingdom shall continue to represent and encourage peace between among all nations, Macro and Micro in nature.

shall be renumbered as I.3 of el Lexhatx.

Reason: (1) indicates that section was deleted or repealed; (2) keeps this part of el Lex clean.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

The first suggestion is a bad one, since we change our laws so often that they'd be filled with "REPEALED" if we started doing that. The second one makes sense, but can be more succinct: just add "and the Scribe is directed to renumber subsequent sections and subsections as necessary for good order."  A quick glance suggests no other redirects in the law would be broken.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein


I think it is worth considering the first option, at the very least.  Though it might fill the Lex w/ ugly verbiage, it does fill the same purpose as "This page intentionally left blank."

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

But why we want the law to be filled with the equivalent of "this section intentionally left blank?" The purpose of the law is for citizens and the judicial system to understand obligations, rights, and restrictions, right? I guess there is some historical purpose to noting where laws have been repealed, but since our laws are hosted on a wiki, most of that same purpose would be served by just looking at the history of the page. At any given moment, it offers a snapshot of what the laws are.
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein


I'm working my way through a lot of accreditation paperwork in my day job at the moment.  Being able to track the evolution of things has been INVALUABLE.  Though a wiki-history is one option, we should prepare ourselves for wiki-technology to one day be superseded.

Bråneu Excelsio

WHEREAS there is no record of the Primary Intelligence Group (PIG) having been active at any time in the last 10 years, and

WHEREAS this Bureau is legally bound to exist because it's written in El Lexhatx, and

WHEREAS we've been dragging this Bureau for over 20 years with no real use, and

WHEREAS its purpose isn't clear and looks shady and it needs at least 4 people to operate its activities hidden from the eyes of the citizens

THEREFORE be it resolved that the subsection D., which currently reads
Quote2.4.1.3 The Primary Intelligence Group
shall be deleted from el Lexhatx.

FURTHERMORE, I.3, which currently reads
Quote3. The Grupâ Primár del Säpençéu (Primary Intelligence Group) shall be administered by the Zirectéir del Säpençéu (Intelligence Director). This group is chartered to collect, analyze and disseminate vital information to our Seneschál and others as directed. Operates separately from, but in concert with all other domestic and allied information collection agencies, military organizations, law enforcement agencies and other groups as directed. Provides briefings to the Ziu as directed by the Seneschál. Will be divided into three branches, which, respectively, may be headed by a Deputy Director, and are known as: General Operations Directorate - which conducts clandestine operations, information collection and other duties as directed. Analysis Sub-Section - which conducts information analysis and other duties as directed. Internal Information Security Sub-Section, which conducts intra-agency security operations and other duties as directed.

shall also be deleted from el Lexhatx and the Scribe is directed to renumber subsequent sections and subsections as necessary for good order.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Bråneu Excelsio, Minister of Defence

Distáin. Minister of Defence. Minister of STUFF. COFFEE founder.

Miestră Schivă, UrN

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"


Iason Taiwos

It's better that PIG is erased from official acknowledgment, so we can continue to do our job without government (and citizen) interference.