Burgermeister of Inland Revenue Report 31 Mar to 03 Oct 2023

Started by xpb, October 03, 2023, 10:42:12 PM

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Report of the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue for the period 31 Mar 2023 to 03 Oct 2023.

(i) Balances of Treasury accounts:

ℓ832.21 ($1,248.25) Kingdom of Talossa savings account at Ally.com bank currently earning 4.25% APY,
held in trust by Istefan Perþonest with third party administration by Burgermeister of Inland Revenue X. Pol Briga.

ℓ31.06 ($46.60) Kingdom of Talossa checking account at Ally.com bank, held in trust by
Istefan Perþonest with third party administration by Burgermeister of Inland Revenue X. Pol Briga

ℓ264.80 ($397.00) Kingdom of Talossa online account at Paypal.com for online transactions via stamps@talossa.com
Held in trust by Istefan Perþonest with third party administration by Burgermeister of Inland Revenue X. Pol Briga

TOTAL ℓ1128.46 ($1691.85)

(ii) Non-cash tangible assets:

0¤20 Stamps:
2500 were printed (date UNKNOWN). An uncounted coil is now in possession of current Burgermeister with some damage in transit including lost stamps stuck together from improper packaging.
Number of stamps in circulation = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was 652] there was no report generated between 12 JAN 2020 and 31 MAR 2023.  From 18 MAR 2023 to 03 AUG 2023 there were purchases of 14 stamps, and one stamp was affixed to the exterior of each shipment along with USA postage
Nominal value of stamps in circulation = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was 217¤20 ($326.00)] no report generated until 31 MAR 2023
Nominal value of unsold stamps = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was ℓ616 ($924.00)]
Number of unsold stamps held = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was 1,848]

ℓ5 Coins:
333 minted as per previous report. Current Burgermeister has possession of 192.  They were improperly packed for shipment in loose in a recycled package, along with the stamps.

Number of coins in circulation = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was 105] there have been 15 coins sold since 18 Mar 2023 for a total of 120, added to the 192 in the treasury is 305, thus 21 are not accounted for.
Nominal value of coins in circulation = UNKNOWN [12 JAN 2020 was ℓ525 ($787.50)] plus the 15 known sold is ℓ600 ($900) with ℓ105 unaccounted for and presumed lost.

Nominal value of unsold coins in the treasury = ℓ580 ($1470)
Number of unsold coins held = 192 [12 JAN 2020 was reported 228] with 15 sold is 207, with the difference of 21 not accounted for, which is 10 less than the count attributable to the original minting number reported.

NOTE: that expenses for postage have been donated by the Burgermeister to fulfill items through 3 October (approximate contribution $50 overall). 
There was one shipment made internationally that has not been received nor returned which is under investigation.

(iii) Report of income and expenditure 31 Mar to 03 Oct 2023

Previous requests to purchase stamps and coins have been fulfilled to as early as 18 Mar 2023 to include those made on March 18 and March 23 in the previous report

EXPENSE               Gross   Fee   Net
4/26/2023   The Voices Project   -$50.00   $0.00   -$50.00
6/16/2023   NameSilo, LLC      -$54.27   $0.00   -$54.27  (later refunded)
9/11/2023   R S      -$ 5.00   $0.00   -$ 5.00  (refund for spurious Senate fee)

      TOTAL         -$109.27
INCOME               Gross   Fee   Net
5/1/2023   Our Commonwealth Inc      $25.00   -$1.34   $23.66
5/1/2023   Our Commonwealth Inc      $5.00   -$0.34   $4.66
5/23/2023   Printify, Inc         $10.20   $0.00   $10.20
5/23/2023   A D      $10.00   -$0.59   $9.41
6/1/2023   J M      $25.75   -$1.37   $24.38
6/1/2023   E H      $10.55   -$0.62   $9.93
6/6/2023   J C      $5.00   -$0.34   $4.66
7/17/2023   P V d E      $6.00   -$0.48   $5.52
7/25/2023   NameSilo, LLC         $9.95   $0.00   $9.95 refund
7/25/2023   NameSilo, LLC         $9.95   $0.00   $9.95 refund
7/25/2023   NameSilo, LLC         $11.79   $0.00   $11.79 refund
7/25/2023   NameSilo, LLC         $11.79   $0.00   $11.79 refund
7/25/2023   NameSilo, LLC         $10.79   $0.00   $10.79 refund
8/30/2023   City Design & Graphics      $21.00   -$1.14   $19.86
8/30/2023   City Design & Graphics      $2.00   -$0.19   $1.81
8/31/2023   R S         $5.00   -$0.41   $4.59
9/9/2023          R S         $10.00   -$0.74   $9.26
9/22/2023   D T               $10.00   -$0.30   $9.70
10/2/2023   C W                $5.00   -$0.15   $4.85
10/2/2023   D L         $10.00   -$0.45   $9.55
10/2/2023   M P-C             $5.00   -$0.22   $4.78
      TOTAL         $211.09


We need some mise à jour here ;)
In date of the 30th november 2023.

Mximo Carbonèl
Mximo Carbonèl
Florencia Senator
