54th Cosâ, Clark #2 - February 2020 - Senäts debate & voting

Started by Sir Lüc, February 01, 2020, 10:32:22 AM

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Sir Lüc

Fellow Senators,  it is my pleasure to open debate on the Second Clark for the 54th Cosa.

On the Clark, which can be found here:
54RZ05 - The Valencia Immigration Act
Introduced by Lüc da Schir (Senator-BE)
54RZ06 - The Lexithree Modernisation Act
Introduced by the Rt. Hon. Éovart Grischun (MC-PNP), Minister of the Interior
54RZ07 - The Fair Warning Act
Introduced by Sevastáin Pinátsch (Senator-KA)
54RZ08 - The Lexifore Leeway Act
Introduced by the Rt. Hon. Éovart Grischun (MC-PNP), Minister of the Interior
54RZ09 - The 54th Cosa Budget
Introduced by the Most Hon. Miestrâ Schivâ (MC-FreeDems), Seneschal
54RZ10 - The Fixing The Fixing The Judicial Deck Clean-Up Bill
Introduced by the Most Hon. Miestrâ Schivâ (MC-FreeDems), Seneschal
54RZ11 - The Vth Member of the Uppermost Cort Bill
Introduced by the Most Hon. Miestrâ Schivâ (MC-FreeDems), Seneschal
54RZ12 - The When Do We Want It? Now! Act
Introduced by the Rt. Hon. Ian Plätschisch (Senator-MM), Distain
54RZ13 - The Talossa is Not Wittenberg Act
Introduced by the Rt. Hon. Ian Plätschisch (Senator-MM), Distain
Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB
Secretary of State / Secretar d'Estat


RZ5 - Për
RZ6 - Për
RZ7 - Contra
RZ8 - Për
RZ9 - Për
RZ10 - Për
RZ11 - Për
RZ12 - Për
RZ13 - Për