[TERPELAZIUN] Ministreu dàl Inmigraziun

Started by Miestră Schivă, UrN, July 03, 2023, 04:22:13 PM

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Miestră Schivă, UrN

Estimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Immigration, as authorised by El Lexhatx H.2

Noting the following segment in the current La C'hronica:

QuoteDuring Gün XLIV we received 18 (the NEW second highest in recorded Talossan history!) immigration applications from:

    Muslim Nabi
    Michael H Glyn
    Ralph Dean VanLoton Jr.
    Abhishek Kaul
    Jason Allan Clark
    Joseph P Specht Jr
    Elder Nathaniel Ndukwe
    Kathy H. Armstrong
    George Edward Sandler
    Safwaan Sharief
    Daniel Ferreira da Silva
    Petro Storozhuk
    Huynh Thi Mong Trinh
    Paul Eugene Fegan
    Alex Huynh
    Dana Prakoso Eka Saputra
    Samantha Stewart
    Ahmad Mufid Marhaen

  Unfortunately we did not welcome any new citaxhiéns this month.

...is the Government taking responsibility for why prospective citizens are signing up to check out Talossa under their watch, and just saying "no thanks"?

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on July 03, 2023, 04:22:13 PMEstimat Túischac'h, I rise to deliver a Terpelaziun to the Minister of Immigration, as authorised by El Lexhatx H.2

Noting the following segment in the current La C'hronica:

QuoteDuring Gün XLIV we received 18 (the NEW second highest in recorded Talossan history!) immigration applications from:

    Muslim Nabi
    Michael H Glyn
    Ralph Dean VanLoton Jr.
    Abhishek Kaul
    Jason Allan Clark
    Joseph P Specht Jr
    Elder Nathaniel Ndukwe
    Kathy H. Armstrong
    George Edward Sandler
    Safwaan Sharief
    Daniel Ferreira da Silva
    Petro Storozhuk
    Huynh Thi Mong Trinh
    Paul Eugene Fegan
    Alex Huynh
    Dana Prakoso Eka Saputra
    Samantha Stewart
    Ahmad Mufid Marhaen

  Unfortunately we did not welcome any new citaxhiéns this month.

...is the Government taking responsibility for why prospective citizens are signing up to check out Talossa under their watch, and just saying "no thanks"?

Túischac'h, I thank MC Schiva for her question. The Ministry has been reaching out directly to each applicant including posting links to the NCC and Qet Pasa. But I acknowledge the need for additional measures as I have noticed a significant drop-off in the process between the submission of the application and setting up a Witt account.

For additional context, in 2021, there was 1 new citizen the whole year, and in 2022, there were 9 new citizens. So far, in 2023, there have been 3 new citizens about halfway through the year. 

It seems we lost a lot of headway with the Wittpocalypse at the end of the last administration and beginning of this one, since our application rate dropped off a cliff right then -- we had only one new applicant in February. Thankfully, the rate of applications has more than doubled literally each single month since!  We expect citizenship to rise accordingly, as a lagging indicator.

For more information like this, take a look at the Infotecă info portal: https://talossa.com/infoteca/

Nimis gaudiam habeo

Miestră Schivă, UrN

I thank the Minister for this reasoned answer which, to my surprise, contains concrete information!

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Quote from: Breneir Tzaracomprada on July 03, 2023, 05:10:34 PMFor additional context, in 2021, there was 1 new citizen the whole year, and in 2022, there were 9 new citizens. So far, in 2023, there have been 3 new citizens about halfway through the year. 


We expect citizenship to rise accordingly, as a lagging indicator.

For more information like this, take a look at the Infotecă info portal: https://talossa.com/infoteca/

Just to follow up here -- there have been three new citizens since this terpelaziun, so we're not just back on pace -- with six new citizens in the past five months, we're now tied for the highest immigration rate on record!
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan