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Constitutional Reform

Started by Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP, April 11, 2024, 11:02:39 AM

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Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

I know the other big thing was reforming the province's legislative structure. I had some thoughts on this that I've put in a draft constitution here.

It largely follows the Fiovan governmental model (three-member executive with the citizenry as a popular assembly), while keeping a few clauses and sections from the current Benitian Constitution for continuity's sake. I did use the Belacostă name, simply for the sake of seeing how it looks on paper (and also because it seems to have a good chance of becoming official anyway). That highlighted Section in Article I is unchanged from its current form, but I figure we'll look at redesigning the flag once we fry the bigger fish. (Though I may have attached a few ideas. You know me, any excuse to make a flag...)

One thing I did wish to include is a clause ensuring that provinces that merge into this one (should our constitution be good enough for them without amendment) is that their chief executive gets a seat on the Provincial Council for the remainder of that term. This is to ensure that all citizens of the merged province have representation in their government. I think planning ahead for future reforms and creating a flexible constitution with them in mind will serve us well.
Minister of Technology
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun

Istefan Perþonest

So, off the top of my head:

1) The "automatically becomes law" provision is explicitly inOrganic, as it does not allow for a veto of legislation by the Cunstaval. "No Cunstavál shall proclaim any provincial constitution, nor shall any province pass a constitutional amendment, which  . . . grants to the Cunstavál royal powers less extensive than those granted to the King on the national level", and the King's royal powers include a veto.

2) See above on the lack of Cunstaval counter-signature for gubernatorial proclamations, compared to the same for Prime Dictates. (Also compare Fiovan executive orders requiring Cunstaval and Captain.)
Istefan Éovart Perþonest
Puisne Judge of the Uppermost Cort
Cunstavál of Fiôvâ

Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

Quote from: Istefan Perþonest on April 11, 2024, 02:38:35 PMSo, off the top of my head:

1) The "automatically becomes law" provision is explicitly inOrganic, as it does not allow for a veto of legislation by the Cunstaval. "No Cunstavál shall proclaim any provincial constitution, nor shall any province pass a constitutional amendment, which  . . . grants to the Cunstavál royal powers less extensive than those granted to the King on the national level", and the King's royal powers include a veto.

2) See above on the lack of Cunstaval counter-signature for gubernatorial proclamations, compared to the same for Prime Dictates. (Also compare Fiovan executive orders requiring Cunstaval and Captain.)

That's a fair concern. Would a set time limit to veto be considered Organically-compliant? Otherwise the indefinite refusal of the King (and in our local case, the Cunstaval) to acknowledge the nation's existence would prevent anything from getting done.
Minister of Technology
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun

Istefan Perþonest

Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on April 11, 2024, 03:44:23 PMThat's a fair concern. Would a set time limit to veto be considered Organically-compliant? Otherwise the indefinite refusal of the King (and in our local case, the Cunstaval) to acknowledge the nation's existence would prevent anything from getting done.
To avoid prejudging the matter (since a time limit adopted by the province might be challenged before the Uppermost Court), I will simply point out that the last sentence of Article VII, Section 11 is "If the King neither signs nor vetoes a Bill before the last day of the month in which it was passed by the Ziu, he shall be deemed to have signed it."
Istefan Éovart Perþonest
Puisne Judge of the Uppermost Cort
Cunstavál of Fiôvâ

Mic’haglh Autófil, SMC EiP

I've updated the draft to include a royal/constabulary (?) veto, subject to the same conditions as the veto at the national level.

I've also updated the description of the Provincial Assembly to indicate that it's every citizen who claims a seat for the session. Otherwise we'd be needing to send out referenda more regularly, which sounds like something people may consider spam.
Minister of Technology
The Long Fellow, Royal Talossan College of Arms
Specialist, Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál
Zirecteir Naziunal, Parti da Reformaziun