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King/Queen by seniority?

Started by Glüc da Dhi S.H., April 12, 2024, 03:16:48 PM

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Glüc da Dhi S.H.

Either way the point seems moot because it appears the Ziu is coming to a consensus about a solution that's also perfectly acceptable so Im not gonna bother any further with this. Still thought it was a nice idea.
Director of Money Laundering and Sportswashing, Banqeu da Cézembre

Flip Molinar

I agree that this is a good idea. I would like to see it with a few modifications. I like the idea of having a process where anyone that is interested in becoming King would put their name in and apply for the job and then the candidates could be voted upon at the next closest general election. I think that the seniority aspect is important and there should be a minimum requirement that a citizen wishing to succeed an outgoing king must be a citizen of the Kingdom (including time spent in the Republic of Talossa) for a minimum of 10 consecutive years. Candidates should be allowed to give a statement to the nation about their plans if they were to have the throne bestowed upon them by the people of the Kingdom. Obviously, they would have to avoid political statements or actually campaigning for votes. I see this way of doing things as the best way to blend the experience and patriotism that comes with seniority in the Kingdom with the Democratic will of the people. Additionally, this could also be combined with a clause making it so that the king and by extension the Royal household, must be reaffirmed by the people through a vote at the next general election following five years on the throne. This would mix democracy and experience in the Kingdom through longevity in the best possible way. I realize that this isn't practical right now as the amendment to the succession structure is about to change once again after this current election is over in about a week. But this could definitely be a proposal to consider for the future.