The AD on the UC Nomination

Started by Açafat del Val, July 06, 2020, 10:44:51 PM

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Açafat del Val

BE IT RESOLVED by the King, Cosa and Senäts in Ziu assembled that Alexandreu Davinescu be appointed to the Cort Pü Inalt, in accordance with Organic Law XVI.4.

ex-Senator for Florencia
Jolly Good Fellow of the Royal Talossan College of Arms

Sir Ian Plätschisch

I am taking up sponsorship of this resolution.
Sir Ian Plätschisch, UrN, GST
Senator for Maritiimi-Maxhestic
Attorney-General and Minister of Finance
El Capitán da l'Altahál of the Royal Zouaves

Breneir Tzaracomprada

If possible, I would love to be a new cosponsor

Remember your humanity | Memoru vian homaron