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Open Society policy on government accountability

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, July 27, 2024, 04:24:29 PM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada

We take government accountability seriously. Open Society will follow the same procedure as the TNC did during its groundbreaking 58th Cosa term.

As the opposition leaders, you the public, can expect to see at least one terpelaziun per clark per ministry from us during this term. There may be additional terpelaziuns or supplementary questions should the need or an emergency arise.

Each of these enquiries will be presented respectfully and be on a matter related either to a commitment made by the Government or related to an emergent issue.

As a part of our efforts on increasing government accountability we have also tabled a bill expanding the ability to question government officials and public servants to the citizenry pending parliamentary sponsorship.

Breneir Tzaracomprada

We would like to take a moment to thank government ministers for their timely and, with one concerning exception, respectful and lawful responses to Opposition enquiries. We have observed progress on several items on which there is agreement between Open Society and the Government. But a lawsuit has arisen out of one exchange and we will explore an additional concern next month.

This is how Talossa politics should work. An active and accountable Government, and an active and vigorous Opposition working in cooperation to ensure good service to the Talossan people.