The Charitable PermSec Act

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, Today at 07:43:15 PM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada

Whereas, there has been recognition of the need to make better use of the Civil Service to open up space for apolitical activity, and

Whereas, it has been revealed that the Administrator of the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid and International Development is considered a political position, and

Whereas, the bill author assumes the executive for an agency charged with humanitarian aid and international development for the Kingdom of Talossa is a position ripe for transformation from the political arena to the Civil Service.

Therefore, be it resolved that the following amendments in el Lexhatx are enacted by the Ziu:

Section D2.6.6 which reads as follows:

Quote2.6.6 The Bureau for Humanitarian Aid and International Development (The Bureau) shall serve as the hub for the Kingdom of Talossa's support for disaster and poverty relief and other forms of humanitarian assistance, emergency response and the promotion of efforts towards socioeconomic development. The Bureau shall operate under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Bureau shall be administered by an Administrator to be appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Bureau shall be funded by contributions from individuals, nonprofit organizations and where deemed appropriate by the Ziu, legislative appropriations. The Administrator shall make every effort to ensure that Bureau's funds are donated to humanitarian organizations in a timely manner, and shall notify the public when outgoing donations are made. This notice shall include at least the amount, date, and beneficiary of the outgoing donation(s). Other provisions of el Lexhatx notwithstanding, outgoing donations made with money contributed by private parties shall not require the approval of the Ziu.

is deleted in its entirety.

A new sub-section is added immediately following 1.7 to Section C of el Lexhatx, as follows:

Quote1.8 The Office for Humanitarian Aid and International Development (The Office) shall serve as the hub for the Kingdom of Talossa's support for disaster and poverty relief and other forms of humanitarian assistance, emergency response and the promotion of efforts towards socioeconomic development.
1.8.1 The Office shall operate under the auspices of the Royal Civil Service. The Office shall be administered by a Permanent Secretary for Humanitarian Aid and International Development to be recommended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs for appointment by the Seneschal.
1.8.2 The Office shall be funded by contributions from individuals, nonprofit organizations and where deemed appropriate by the Ziu, legislative appropriations.
1.8.3 The Permanent Secretary for Humanitarian Aid and International Development shall make every effort to ensure that the Office's funds are donated to humanitarian organizations in a timely manner, and shall notify the public when outgoing donations are made. This notice shall include at least the amount, date, and beneficiary of the outgoing donation(s). Other provisions of el Lexhatx notwithstanding, outgoing donations made with money contributed by private parties shall not require the approval of the Ziu.

Section C.2 of el Lexhatx which currently reads as follows:

Quote2. With the exception of the Secretary of State and the Permanent Secretaries, every Office of the Royal Civil Service shall be assigned to a responsible Minister of the Government as named below, to report and consult concerning the conduct of their office as and when requested, necessary or useful. Officers are not subject to the direction of their responsible Minister except as required by Organic and statutory law. The Scribe of Abbavilla shall be responsible to the Attorney-General, the Royal Archivist to the STUFF Minister, the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to the Minister of Finance, and the President of the Royal Society and the Poet Laureate to the Minister of Culture.

is amended to read as follows:

Quote2. With the exception of the Secretary of State and the Permanent Secretaries, every Office of the Royal Civil Service shall be assigned to a responsible Minister of the Government as named below, to report and consult concerning the conduct of their office as and when requested, necessary or useful. Officers are not subject to the direction of their responsible Minister except as required by Organic and statutory law. The Scribe of Abbavilla shall be responsible to the Attorney-General, the Royal Archivist to the STUFF Minister, the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to the Minister of Finance, the President of the Royal Society and the Poet Laureate to the Minister of Culture, and the Permanent Secretary of the Office for Humanitarian Aid and Development to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Uréu q'estadra så
Breneir Tzaracomprada (MC-Open Society)

Breneir Tzaracomprada

@Bentxamì Puntmasleu As the current MinFor if you support this effort I would welcome you as a co-sponsor.