[Terpelaziun] Foreign Affairs Minister (Nov 2)

Started by Breneir Tzaracomprada, November 02, 2024, 06:21:07 PM

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Breneir Tzaracomprada


I rise to place an enquiry with the Foreign Affairs Minister. @Bentxamì Puntmasleu

With respect to his report from last month:

Quote"A new approach being considered to augment, not replace, the current is to ask of our new friends in Aerica to put us in contact with other nations. Another approach being considered is to apply for membership in an intermicronational organization (perhaps LoSS, as we had a role in forming that, or GUM). There is also the possibility of working on a joint project with other micronations in order to 1.) build our reputation in the micronational community and 2.) do general goodin the world. The cabinet has discussed a project involving climate change in Antarctica, given our territorial claims there. A logical partner for us would be Westarctica, although we would have to put aside, at least temporarily, our competing claims."

What updates (such as the Landing Pier idea) does the Foreign Affairs Minister have for the Ziu?