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Another Senseless Act of Violence

Started by King Txec, December 16, 2024, 08:11:14 PM

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King Txec

Azul my fellow Talossans,

As news broke today of another mass casualty shooting at yet another school, this one close to our own borders, the teacher in me reacted with stunned horror yet again at the senseless act of cruelty. I hope all Talossans will join me in a moment of silence as we grieve yet again the loss and harm caused to innocent children.

- Txec R
TXEC R, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk

Breneir Tzaracomprada

Columbine was the first shooting that struck my awareness as a high schooler.
But Sandy Hook was the last straw, for me.
Every shooting after that has me asking "is this who we are?"
And the next shooting that happens without policy changes is another "yes."

Remember your humanity | Memoru vian homaron

Barclamïu da Miéletz

I also find sad that there have to be solutions made to a problem that should never exist in the first place... Stricter gun control would definitely work.

Let's just hope that the US government will actually do something about it and prevent loads of innocent lives being taken.
Barclamïu da Miéletz,
Creator of Talossan number plates and TMRSS