l'Etats SESSION 1, Call to order: Üscüdar! Üscüdar! Üscüdar!

Started by xpb, December 01, 2020, 11:00:02 PM

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Üscüdar! Üscüdar! Üscüdar!

As Le Sénéchal I call to order l'Etats de Cézembre the first session within the timeframe of the 55th National Cosa term beginning 1 December 2020.  Let all citizens avail themselves of discussion with the members l'Etats for the purposes of proposing legislation to benefit the entire Provinçu Soveran da Cézembre.

The following members are recognized based upon http://wittenberg.talossa.com/index.php?topic=437.0 and based upon the most recent CÉZEMBREAN ADMINISTRATION GUIDE Version 52.1 of 22 October, 2018 (hereinafter the "CAG") found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ionhjfgbd73mbnn/CezAdmGuide-52.1.pdf?dl=0 where the calculations by Glüc da Dhi S.H. determined that:

@Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù shall represent at total of six seats, including two seats independent of party and four seats of The League of Centre Conservatives (LCC)

@Ián Tamorán shall represent the four seats of the Free Democrats of Talossa (FD) party

I, @X. Pol Briga shall represent the four seats of the Balançeu/Balance (BAL) Party

@Ián S.G. Txaglh shall represent two seats independent of party (IND)

Two seats voted as LA CORAZIUN SîNGICîNDS shall remain vacant, as no person has made a claim to this party

Thus in effect there will be up to 16 active seats and a total of 4 vacant seats based upon the dictates of CAG Chapter II Article 9.  As per CAG Chapter II Article 10, the requirements to pass any conventional bill into law will thus require 9 of 16 votes, which is achieveable in some cases with the votes of the LCC plus either the FD or BAL for a total of 10, or a combination of the FD, BAL, and IND for a total of 10.  In order to alter the CAG, the requirement shall be 11 votes (as per CAG Chapter VIII - Article 21) and thus shall require the votes of the LCC and IND plus either the FD or BAL for a total of 12, or the LCC + FD + BAL for a total of 14.

Other citizens may suggest legislation, but each item brought before l'Etats shall require sponsorship by a seated member to read the proposal into the record for consideration.

As a first order of business I shall undertake to have a revised version of CAG with updates to Current holders of provincial offices (some of which may be vacant by inaction) and proposed revisions of various typographical errors on or before 10 December 2020 for consideration by the l'Etats under the requirements to alter the CAG and newly endorse Chapter IX Article 22 for the current time.  Other bills should be placed in this forum for consideration on or before 10 December 2020 for consideration and voting on or before 20 December 2020 (exceeding the 7 day minimum set in CAG Chapter II Article 10) with a subject line "l'Etats Session 1: NAME OF PROPOSAL" where NAME OF PROPOSAL is replaced by an appropriate title, and the body of the proposal is contained within the forum post, allowing for discussion.  On or before 10 December, all proposals that become sponsored by a seated member will be combined into a single subject "l'Etats VOTING THREAD SESSION 1", first considering amendments to the CAG, then other bills.

If anyone has issues with this proposed order of business please place comments in this thread, or if you are a seated member and agree to this order of business please affirm in this thread as well.



Two seats voted as LA CORAZIUN SîNGICîNDS shall remain vacant, as no person has made a claim to this party

or is Danihél Roðgarüt lurking somewhere?



Would any of the other seated members of l'Etats care to reply that they are going to participate in this session?

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Merci Mr Sencahal for his hard work in the production of this material :)
President of The Royal Society for the Advancement of Knowledge


Quote from: Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù on December 24, 2020, 12:39:39 PM
Merci Mr Sencahal for his hard work in the production of this material :)

I appreciate the remark.  With two of us now in chambers, perhaps we can now call the question to adopt the CAG 55.1 subject to any edits you or other seated (but absent) members may have.  Let's establish an opening now of Talossan Independence day (tomorrow, Saturday 26 Dec) and a closing of debate and vote in this thread on or before Saturday 2 January on the CAG and any amendments including one possible addition as follows:  Would you, S:reu Rôibeardescù, serve as Depute Sénéchal?


Quote from: xpb on December 25, 2020, 09:55:53 PM
Quote from: Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù on December 24, 2020, 12:39:39 PM
Merci Mr Sencahal for his hard work in the production of this material :)

I appreciate the remark.  With two of us now in chambers, perhaps we can now call the question to adopt the CAG 55.1 subject to any edits you or other seated (but absent) members may have.  Let's establish an opening now of Talossan Independence day (tomorrow, Saturday 26 Dec) and a closing of debate and vote in this thread on or before Saturday 2 January on the CAG and any amendments including one possible addition as follows:  Would you, S:reu Rôibeardescù, serve as Depute Sénéchal?

Seeing no more discussion, and receiving no response from S:reu Rôibeardescù, I assume the post of Deputy Sénéchal shall remain vacant.  I cast my votes PER for the CAG version 55.1, which may indeed be revised further as other members become available for debate in subsequent sessions. 

As posted in this thread beginning December 1, with no other bills coming in after December 26, this (Jan 2) was announced as the final day of voting.  I will send PMs to the other seated members of l'Etats, and extend the voting period until Ephiphany / Three Kings Day on 6 January 2021 at which time all votes will be tallied.  The 2nd session of l'Etats will start the next day, 7 January such that there is time to consider pending legislation such as the Homestead Act and any other business which may come before the body prior to 17 January, so any such measures may be adopted prior to the upcoming holidays of Landmarks Day 1/18 and Grecian Delight Remembrance Day 1/19 along with the days of observance for Penguin Awareness 1/20 and Squirrel Appreciation 1/21.


Quote from: xpb on January 02, 2021, 08:41:56 PM
Quote from: xpb on December 25, 2020, 09:55:53 PM
Quote from: Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù on December 24, 2020, 12:39:39 PM
Merci Mr Sencahal for his hard work in the production of this material :)

I appreciate the remark.  With two of us now in chambers, perhaps we can now call the question to adopt the CAG 55.1 subject to any edits you or other seated (but absent) members may have.  Let's establish an opening now of Talossan Independence day (tomorrow, Saturday 26 Dec) and a closing of debate and vote in this thread on or before Saturday 2 January on the CAG and any amendments including one possible addition as follows:  Would you, S:reu Rôibeardescù, serve as Depute Sénéchal?

Seeing no more discussion, and receiving no response from S:reu Rôibeardescù, I assume the post of Deputy Sénéchal shall remain vacant.  I cast my votes PER for the CAG version 55.1, which may indeed be revised further as other members become available for debate in subsequent sessions. 

As posted in this thread beginning December 1, with no other bills coming in after December 26, this (Jan 2) was announced as the final day of voting.  I will send PMs to the other seated members of l'Etats, and extend the voting period until Ephiphany / Three Kings Day on 6 January 2021 at which time all votes will be tallied.  The 2nd session of l'Etats will start the next day, 7 January such that there is time to consider pending legislation such as the Homestead Act and any other business which may come before the body prior to 17 January, so any such measures may be adopted prior to the upcoming holidays of Landmarks Day 1/18 and Grecian Delight Remembrance Day 1/19 along with the days of observance for Penguin Awareness 1/20 and Squirrel Appreciation 1/21.

Here is the proper link
The CÉZEMBREAN ADMINISTRATION GUIDE Version 55.1 is published and linked in this title

and in addition going back through the previous forums I see discussion but not a vote on this bill

A10: The it's about time act.

Whereas it doesn't make much sense for Talossan Standard Time being used in Cézembre, and

Whereas in the neighbouring French Town of St. Malo Central European Time is being used, now

Therefore unless when otherwise mentioned the time used for official business in Cézembre will be UTC +1, which shall be referred to as CÉzembrean Time (CÉT), except in the period between the last sunday in March, 01:00 UTC and the last sunday in October, 01:00 UTC, when the time used for official business in Cézembre will be UTC +2, which shall be referred to as CÉzembrean Summer Time (CÉST).

Noi Urent q'estadra så:
Glüc da Dhi

I vote PER as well on A10: The it's about time act.

Ián S.G. Txaglh


With a day left

@Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù has made some tacit remarks of agreement, but not a vote

@Ián Tamorán has not voted or commented

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

President of The Royal Society for the Advancement of Knowledge



With 12 votes for and none against,
CAG version 55.1 has been accepted.

With 12 votes for and none against,
A10 The "It's about time act" is adopted, and will be placed into CAG version 55.2

The first session of l'Etats was extended due to the holiday seasons observed by a variety of cultures, however, the next session of l'Etats shall begin on 13 January 2021 and conclude on 20 January 2021.  Up for consideration will be the continuing block chain [the CAG version 55.2], and regular legislation thus far including the Cézembre Homestead Act [CHA] (which is currently in draft form).  All proposed legislation should go through draft corrections prior to 13 January, and then be introduced to Session 55.2, with the opportunity for amendment prior to voting, or in the case of the CHA, the addition of names of original Cézembre Homesteader Associates [the CHA-CHAs] within the supplemental documents, with the opportunity for others to Cha-Cha in the future.


I am adopting a process of starting the next session of l'Etats while submitting the previous measures voted in the affirmative to the Governor-General (Custaval) and Regent [mainly because I forgot, but it does have the advantage of occuring during a session in case of any issues that need further discussion]  If the Governor-General is not available by Sunday 17 January, perhaps the Regent can cover at that time.

@C. M. Siervicül
@Sir Alexandreu Davinescu

The CÉZEMBREAN ADMINISTRATION GUIDE Version 55.2 will be published to contain the following upon action by representatives of the monarchy

Note: In the past forums (1 August 2017)  there was discussion but not a vote on this bill, which has now been accepted by l'Etats

A10: The it's about time act.

Whereas it doesn't make much sense for Talossan Standard Time being used in Cézembre, and

Whereas in the neighbouring French Town of St. Malo Central European Time is being used, now

Therefore unless when otherwise mentioned the time used for official business in Cézembre will be UTC +1, which shall be referred to as CÉzembrean Time (CÉT), except in the period between the last sunday in March, 01:00 UTC and the last sunday in October, 01:00 UTC, when the time used for official business in Cézembre will be UTC +2, which shall be referred to as CÉzembrean Summer Time (CÉST).

Noi Urent q'estadra så:
@Glüc da Dhi (currently on hiatus)

Timekeeping, measurements of land, and other features will be within the purvey of a soon to be proposed [likely in l'Etats session 3] Cézembre Bureau of Standards (Büreu da Standards, Bureau des Normes) or CBS utilizing a symbol of an unblinking eye.

Baron Alexandreu Davinescu

Com'el rexhaint per la Coronă, aprovéu acest proxhect da legeu.

Acting on behalf of the crown, I hereby issue my approval in the name of King John acting in the person of his cunstaval for the resolution in question, and thank l'Etats for its good service.

              —  Sir Alexandreu, Rexhaint d'Ian Regeu
Alexandreu Davinescu, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric es Guaír del Sabor Talossan

Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. ― Zadie Smith
Revolution is an art that I pursue rather than a goal I expect to achieve. ― Robert Heinlein