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Started by Ián S.G. Txaglh, December 20, 2020, 04:33:22 AM

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Ián S.G. Txaglh

here is an emergency broadcating with an urgent message. i would like to ask talossan officials to seriuosly consider immediate annexation of czech republic czechia. this is a critical situation, i repeat, this is... aaaaaargh... gh... uh

Éovart Andrinescù

Ián S.G. Txaglh

Quote from: Éovart Andrinescù on December 20, 2020, 07:39:18 AM
Ahem... Czechia...

happy to see someone not confusing it for chechnia :)

anyway, czechia or czech republic, we are ripe to become 17th federated state of germany or else, cos ar gobbermint iz iffictivilly non-existent. i haven't feel so frustrated in ages. sorry, the steam must vent out.

Miestră Schivă, UrN-GC

Mohlo by to být mnohem horší. Můžeš být Angličan.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Ián S.G. Txaglh

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on December 20, 2020, 02:34:35 PM
Mohlo by to být mnohem horší. Můžeš být Angličan.

well, yes, bojo, brexit and covid seems to be powerful combo. anyway, i suppose you would agree that billionaire by european subventions slash former commie secret service agent slash PM slash i-can-manage-anything-cos-i-am-genius is a fair competition.

ps. conditionals are tricky in any language, definitely for me in english. it is supposed to be "mohl bys být angličan", similar to use of past tense after if, if i get it right in english, a condition not real.