Independence Day Gift from Cézembre - Your Own Homestead

Started by xpb, December 26, 2020, 10:50:46 AM

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The executive order is now presented as pending legislation A13 An Act to secure Homesteads on the Isle of Cézembre
All persons are encouraged to make a claim in this thread, or at the Cézembre Land Office Form, or both.
Claims made on or before Landmarks day (18 Jan 2021) will be included in the original legislation, but also may be made ongoing.


Quote from: Amada Merþedes on January 13, 2021, 10:59:09 AM
damn im too young

Sioridă @Merþedes

Well, if you have served in the armed forces of Talossa you could apply at an earlier age.  Perhaps as a first step you can utilize this thread to inquire about an appointment in Els Zuávs da l'Altahál Rexhitál (The Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard)

In the Homestead act, currently proposed:

"That no person who has served, or may hereafter serve, for a period of not less than fourteen days in the army or navy of the Kingdom of Talossa and/or the Kingdom of Cézembre, either regular or volunteer, under the laws thereof, during the existence of an actual war, domestic or foreign, shall be deprived of the benefits of this act on account of not having attained the age of twenty-one years."

Fortunately for us all, to my knowledge, there has only been one military engagment in the history of Talossa, the Cone Wars.

However, the statue can be interpreted that if you are a member of the of the Ministry of Defence dedicated to "creating, propagating, and promoting interesting creative and practical work of a Talossan nature." and somewhere on the planet there is a war going on, then you are indeed serving in a time of war.

Now, what war, and in what capacity would you be serving?  As a starting point, you might want to read Who Hates Whom authored by a friend of mine, Bob Harris.  Since that may be slightly dated (2007) perhaps a report to the Ministry of Defense on the current state of one of the conflcts would create an updated assessment, along with your ideas and suggestion of how Talossa may, via creating, propagating, and promoting interesting creative and practical work of a Talossan nature, assist in putting an end to that belligerence.   Your service could be a contribution towards the goal of ending or mitigating the effects of some conflict; through education of others about the status, suggestions of mending of ways, promotion of dialog and compromise, or other activities.

Who knows? This might even assist in meeting the requirements of a class such as World History, Geography, Creative Writing, or qualify under volunteer community service requirements.


I have decided upon
as it is a lovely spot well represented by the three words above the eastern beaches of Zone Autorisée and just a short commute on existing paths to the chambers of l'Etats.  This corresponds toélogieuse.mâcheur.aqueduc, which in English is laudatory chewer aqueduct so perhaps by digging I can setup a fine well. 

I advise all to switch from the default map view to aerial imagery when selecting their claim to see the surroundings better. 

This is what it looks like by default - instead select imagery in the lower right corner

The default map seems to not include a lot of Zone Autorisée, typically the beaches - perhaps the tidal effects are such that they are only available a portion of any given day.

Here's an overlay of the two views:


Phase one claims have been posted in
Phase two now will collect claims ongoing until another grant period occurs in l'Etats likely around some other auspicious date.

Ián Tamorán S.H.

I would humbly like you to consider
or, In French:
for my homestead.  This is at the joining of several ways into, out of, and within Talossa, and also marks my infuriating nagging and expertise in computing (and writing books).

If we choose also to include any Celtic language, it would be
(eaters, incense, mayor)

Quality through Thought
Turris Fortis Mihi Deus

Think the best, say the best, and you will be the best.


Quote from: Ián Tamorán S.H. on May 21, 2021, 06:27:24 AM
I would humbly like you to consider
or, In French:
for my homestead.  This is at the joining of several ways into, out of, and within Talossa, and also marks my infuriating nagging and expertise in computing (and writing books).

If we choose also to include any Celtic language, it would be
(eaters, incense, mayor)

That looks like an excellent position for a homestead.  I will enter it into the rolls as claim #7 which will be brought into phase 2 fo the Land Office business - these will typically accumulate for awhile until formal presentation of the entire phase to l'Etats, which in turn will affirm that phase of homestead grants.

And you make an excellent suggestion as the system does not yet have Breton that Cymraeg would be a good addition.  In fact, the additional teritiary languages that might be considered for homestead addresses could be all of those that relate to the defined catchment area, including Irish, Scottish, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, German, Flemish, Dutch, and Finnish (hey wait a minute this could be important)
or inquiry palace passwords
then using L'Översteir
quirà tpalaþiă eßeră (not sure how to pluralize the latter)

at least that would be one method to move to Talossan, or it could just be direct from the original english to provistă calcülar corvadă (perhaps needing to change the second to a verb form, and create a more precise word for the third)
