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Vote LCC! (Manifesto and Recruitment)

Started by Tierçéu Rôibeardescù, April 24, 2021, 06:53:54 PM

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Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

The League of Center Conservatives Manifesto

There are really only two pieces of our great nation. The Progressives and the Moderates. Whatever you think about the our honorable members across the political divide, all of their efforts are Progressive in order to keep our country going forward. The Moderates are the other half that has contributed to the structure's longevity over the years. Without this arrangement, our country will be lost, a land with ideas begun but never completed. Without the past to guide us we have no future.

The LCC must now be the party of the moderates, the conservators of our nation.
The moderate voice has been lost of late, with provocateurs on both sides silencing the call for calm, resolution and bridge-building. If you want to be part of this movement, please get in contact.

Talossa must stand tall once more, this involves us all getting involved in rebuilding our nation that has been slowly chipped away at for far too long. That's why I, As Secretary General of the League of centre conservatives, offer you our manifesto for the upcoming elections.

Talossa Standing Tall
Under the next Cosa, Talossa will reach its 42nd anniversary since our founding. The LCC will Endeavour to make a spectacle of this momentous event, for as we all know 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.We will make this year, the year of Talossa. Current plans for events include the launching of Talossa's second satellite to space, Organising trips across our great country (from Atatürk, Cezembre to Vuode),  arranging a Talossan flag be sent to Pengupats as well as many parties (both online and hopefully face to face) and so much more. Pride in our nation and what makes us interesting is what draws people to talossa.

Talossa is a shining beacon.
We are a great nation made up of many wonderful citizens and if we are elected to head the next cosa we want to show our nation to the world. We are what many Micronations have aspired to be and many other nations have followed in our footsteps. I propose we start taking an active role on the world stage including international talks and summits, re-invigorating our international outreach in the form of charitable organizations and donations. Our outreach will pay dividends to our wider reach and will drive up engagement and recruitment.

Immigrate and Flourish
As our Seneschal has noted in a recent address, we seldom get new immigrants to our country who get involved and stay involved in any meaningful way.  This should be priorities #1, #2, and #3 for any government.  Restart the TalossaAssistant program, then appoint a very active citizen as Minister for New Citizen Engagement (with a cooler name) in place of a Minister of Defense or Foreign Minister.  Focus on solving our real problems, rather than fighting an endless culture war.

Use It or Lose It
When few people in the government care about the language, is it any wonder that it seems like an abandoned hobby?  The only way for us to develop familiarity with the language is exposure -- use it and see others use it!  Government announcements should be at least partially in Talossan whenever possible.  Simple phrases should be translated for easy reference and deployed for style and profit.  ¡Cumpetens!

A Talossa You Can Hold In Your Hands.
There can be an overall larger focus on a physical and real Talossa, including a metal seal for the king for putting wax seals on official documents, a physical l'Chronicla, ID cards and citizenship certificates, and making TalossaWare a reality once more with real physical merchandise. Part of what's wrong with Talossa is that it's becoming a generic internet club. Make our country real.

We will restart the process of issuing talossan ID Cards, updating on previous designs. This will include a full citizenship certificate as well as a smaller card that can be home printed.
I also intend to ask his majesty and the college of arms to begin the process of forming an order of knighthoods for those who aid in our charitable outreach programs.

Calm, Cosididered Reform

We, the League of Centre Conservatives, see that support for the "Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment" stems not from any magical properties of a term length of seven years, but rather out of general discontent with the current Monarch. Consequently, we also see that the current Monarch is in the process of doing grave damage to the noble institution of the Monarchy, which we believe should, for the most part, continue to exist exactly as it does today. We will endeavour to modify the "Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment" to change its focus from the periodic election of a new King to providing a periodic opportunity to have a vote of no confidence in the current King. This will reaffirm the lifetime nature of the Office while making it easier to remove a King who is not performing well in the role.

Talossa must have a king, with all its history, pomp, and circumstance which has made our country great. We must end the turmoil that has made us look inward at internal conflicts and begin rebuilding, starting a new era of our nation where we can stand tall once more. We can reemerge like the groundhog in the spring to the fresh new world that eagerly awaits us.

Dialogue and non-public arguments are necessary to begin the rebuilding of our nation. Under my leadership, I have already begun the process of cross-party discussions with the free democrats' leadership as an attempt to keep an open line of communication between us both so that we can begin to avoid the unpleasantness we have been witnessing over the last few years.

Join the League of Center Conservatives
If you are interested in joining the league, please comment below, get in contact by personal message, or look us up on Facebook. Also check out our new official party political poster attached!
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Miestră Schivă, UrN

If the LCC is allowing a free vote on the Historic Compromise (should the King veto it and we have to reintroduce it), then the question of exactly who the LCC MCs will be is an important one, so I look forward to seeing their Party List ASAP.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Here is our current party roster.
1. @Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù (party leader)
2. @Jordan Placie
3. @Danihel Txechescu


@Ian Plätschisch
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

We, the League of Centre Conservatives, see that support for the Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment stems not from any magical properties of a term length of seven years, but rather out of general discontent with the current Monarch. Consequently, we also see that the current Monarch is in the process of doing grave damage to the noble institution of the Monarchy, which we believe should, for the most part, continue to exist exactly as it does today. We will endeavor to modify the Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment to change its focus from the periodic election of a new King to providing a periodic opportunity to have a vote of no confidence in the current King. This will reaffirm the lifetime nature of the Office while making it easier to remove a King who is not performing well in the role.

Talossa must have a king, with all its history, pomp, and circumstance which has made our country great. We must end the turmoil that has made us look inward at internal conflicts and begin rebuilding, starting a new era of our nation where we can stand tall once more. We can reemerge like the groundhog in the spring to the fresh new world that eagerly awaits us.
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Quote from: Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù on May 05, 2021, 01:46:57 PM
We, the League of Centre Conservatives, see that support for the Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment stems not from any magical properties of a term length of seven years, but rather out of general discontent with the current Monarch. Consequently, we also see that the current Monarch is in the process of doing grave damage to the noble institution of the Monarchy, which we believe should, for the most part, continue to exist exactly as it does today. We will endeavor to modify the Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment to change its focus from the periodic election of a new King to providing a periodic opportunity to have a vote of no confidence in the current King. This will reaffirm the lifetime nature of the Office while making it easier to remove a King who is not performing well in the role.

Speaking as an individual, not for the Free Democrats - I welcome this proposal, and I welcome the bravery in the "Beaver Party" for facing a fact that the other monarchist parties seem to consider blasphemy - that the incumbent Monarch has not done a very good job recently and shows no signs of changing his ways. I am very interested in seeing the text of the LCC's proposed reforms, and in particular if #3 on their Party List supports them.

If Historic Compromise Mark 1 fails to get 2/3 support, maybe a Compromise On The Compromise which gets 3/4 support will be a consolation prize. But the LCC must convince the pro-reform parties that they could deliver on this promise. That is, that all their caucus would sign onto such a significant reform. Remember that 51 Cosa seats + 2 royal vetos would defeat it.

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

The League of Center Conservatives' 5 step plan to boost immigration:

  • Appoint a permanent secretary, dedicated to public relations. Focus on marketing of the nation.
  • Search engine optimization of Talossa national webpages.
  • Regularly Update Wikipedia Page.
  • Select advertising on both Witt and Kingdom webpage that can bring in extra revenue. Use Said revenue to advertise on Facebook and Google as they are the cheapest.
  • Reach out to YouTube creators, potentially sponsor a video.
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Anti isolation initiative:

  • Send a representative to micro-con.
  • Fundraising drives such as entertainment evening, bringo/Tombola ect. Donate to Covid charities and charitable organizations in the GTA.
  • For £750 we can send a satalight to space.
  • Reach out to Antarctic Survey bases to send a sticker or a flag to pengopats.
  • Organising a Return to cazambre as well as potential tours around the GTA, which could be monetised for non-citzans.

All of the above build relationships, recognition and interest in our nation, which will also influence immigration.
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Hey everyone, check out our party political poster attached!
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Miestră Schivă, UrN

Ha ha, that poster's too big for my screen, got one which is 800px wide or fewer?

Big challenge for your programme, btw, is you haven't got a team. You and Senator Plätschisch are energetic types, but you're promising a schedule of activities which dwarf what the current government was able to do with seven Ministers. You need to show who would be doing this (as well as who would be paying for it)

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 07, 2021, 08:59:07 PM
Ha ha, that poster's too big for my screen, got one which is 800px wide or fewer?

Is this better? 😅
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Calling one and all! Are you a moderate? Are you looking for a party to join? Do you like our plans?
Come join us Eager Beavers at the League of center conservatives! You could be one of our MC's, senators or even a minister if your lucky! :D

All requests to join will be considered, all we need is for you to be revved up and ready to hit the ground running (No experience required as full training will be provided).
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 07, 2021, 08:59:07 PM

Big challenge for your programme, btw, is you haven't got a team. You and Senator Plätschisch are energetic types, but you're promising a schedule of activities which dwarf what the current government was able to do with seven Ministers. You need to show who would be doing this (as well as who would be paying for it)

Each individual task would be allocated by department, for which I do have people in mind. Certain individual tasks, such as the satalight (a satellite kit only costing £75, it's the launching of it that costs) would be entrusted by government to the space bureau, fundraising events to between culture and internal affairs, Micro-con delagation selection to foreign affairs, trips to cezambere and the GTA to internal affairs.

As to the new immigration campaign, the appointment of a permanent secretary of public affairs would involve an application process though the civil service, the ideal candidate having the key skills for the job as well as being offered a partially funded extra online course to fill in any skills required.

The beginning of advertising on both Witt and Kingdom webpages will also bring in a small amount of funds which could be used on other projects.
Charity events will be hosted on twitch with donations via gofundme. These charity events may include sponsored walks/hikes/rowing ext.

As for tours, those who are willing and live within the GTA and and who either already know our history or are willing to learn, tours can be organised online for those whom. Are interested for a charitable donation.
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Tierçéu Rôibeardescù

Also, ministers will be selected on merit and experience In the areas required of them, for which we are open for cross party ministry allocation, which is not without historic precedent.
Túischac'h of the 55th Cosa
MC, 55th Cosa, League of Center Conservatives
Secretary-General of the League of centre conservatives
Member of the L'Etats de Cézembre

Miestră Schivă, UrN

You may not have considered that the existing Government has done all those things, and come up empty.

For your plans to be credible, you have to either:
a) recruit a team in advance, as the Free Democrats have done;
b) make an argument about how your programme will lead to people coming out of the woodwork to help it happen, when other programmes don't.

You massively underestimate how hard it is to motivate people to do things in Talossa (apart from creating minor political parties, I suppose)

¡LADINTSCHIÇETZ-VOI - rogetz-mhe cacsa!
"They proved me right, they proved me wrong, but they could never last this long"