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Messages - Bråneu Excelsio

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on June 05, 2024, 04:09:57 PMAh, I see, there may be a misunderstanding.[/url] I didn't realise you'd moved Home Affairs to Foreign Affairs (which seems very odd). Okay: we DID a Deputy Foreign Affairs minister. I'll ask Bentxhamì but I'm pretty sure Mximo didn't ask for his help.

I did that. I offered Bentxami to be MinFor but he wasn't ready to join the Government, but he was so promising that I wanted to involve him somehow so I did that.
But I too know what it feels to be let down, @mximo . Before going down, I asked for help to different people and was ridiculed by it. Everything came down to the same two issues:
a) "Partisan divisions: Can't help you" and
b) "I won't help you because you're working with X, whom offended me 30 years ago".

I am willing to help the Kingdom, no matter which party is in government. Will you say the same?
Quote from: Sir Txec dal Nordselvă, UrB on May 31, 2024, 12:12:28 PMBoard created with you as moderator.

Thank you! Is it possible to move my Witt thread to that board, please?
Quote from: Mic'haglh Autófil, SMC EiP on May 31, 2024, 12:35:10 AM
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on May 30, 2024, 04:07:59 PMA few months ago, a fellow coffee shop owner gave me this as a birthday present (the right one).
It's now my most precious pannapictagraphist item.

You may be interested to know that at one point, in a TN issue long past (and never completed), I had a cartoon drafted in which you were depicted with an IV drip of coffee. (Also since you didn't have arms yet you were the city flag of Monterrey, but that's thankfully no longer the case.)
Hahaha sounds amazing !!
Im really happy with the idea that it was a thought and a draft (: thank you
Wittenberg / Re: New party: COFFEE up!
May 30, 2024, 08:11:34 PM
Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 30, 2024, 04:23:59 PM
Quote2. Micronationalism
Talossa has a rich history that deserves the utmost respect. We must have a representative at every MicroCon to affirm our prominent status. We must establish a taskforce dedicated to building relations with the most prosperous and influential micronations.

Any comment on the performance of the Foreign Minister in the outgoing Government? ;)
He didn't ask to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs nor the Defence Minister, that's why I think it's important to boost the immigration. As Senator Plätschisch once said "There's almost no difference between active citizens and the government", and to reserve all ministries to one party alone is detrimental to the Kingdom.
A few months ago, a fellow coffee shop owner gave me this as a birthday present (the right one).
It's now my most precious pannapictagraphist item.
Wittenberg / New party: COFFEE up!
May 30, 2024, 03:35:44 AM
Azul, fellow Talossans.

Most of you have known me since I joined, almost 2 years ago!
You gave me the chance to play strategy games with you, name a county, make coffee videos, and many more things, like being your Minister of Defence for 2 and a half Cosas, which I enjoyed very much, cultural activity is my favorite thing ever.

I also had the priviledge of being the Minister of Foreign Affairs. That was a thrill, because I don't know if you knew but I send an actual e-mail to the actual Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uganda condemning their decision to criminalize humans just for being humans. He never wrote back, unfortunately.

Also, I opened up a Talossan embassy in a physical space, Café Pressente, the coffee shop my wife and I opened up over 14 months ago, which unfortunately we had to close recently.

And the most important political role of them all, being your Seneschal, which I appreciate immensely  because that meant that I earned your trust. I am very thankful for the brief time that I had in the Office, I learned a lot those hard months, before and after being designated by Your Majesty, King John I. And I have to stop a little bit here, because I actually left the Kingdom because of that. You see, I always strive for excellence, hence my surname, and even tho I wasn't pushed to become the candidate, no one else wanted to do that and I wanted to help. Long story short, enthusiasm isn't enough. It was too much (specially under certain circumstances, being thrown into the lions by actually the first person you'd expect) and I didn't want to hold the Office if I wasn't able to fullfil my promises. And I didn't have the face to remain a citizen, I felt I was tricked into wasting the entire Kingdom's time, so I renounced my citizenship.

Three months later, after being talked into it by two or three people, I came back. Because Talossa is not its politics, The Kingdom of Talossa is its people.

And I don't want to be Seneschal, but I want to fight for what I believe in, so I present you the platform in which I intend to run in this election.

Civic Outreach For Fun & Enjoyable Events.

Talossa is a unique and inspiring concept, one of the best ideas anyone's ever had. We aim to create a perfect third place. Our goal is to improve the Kingdom and positively impact the world and our citizens' lives. Talossa is a love letter to humanity, fraternity and the positive power of politics. People first.


1. Cross-party governments.
We believe in cross-party government, where collaboration across political lines is essential. This policy reduces partisan conflicts and provides long-lasting solutions for the Kingdom. This way, the best people can do the job, no matter which party is in charge this season. We demand every Seneschal to have at least one Ministry under the tenure of an opposition's MC.

2. Micronationalism
Talossa has a rich history that deserves the utmost respect. We must have a representative at every MicroCon to affirm our prominent status. We must establish a taskforce dedicated to building relations with the most prosperous and influential micronations.

Additionally, we will introduce a Talossan Chess Champion to participate in friendly competitions with champions from other Talossan-recognized micronations, fostering camaraderie and intellectual engagement.

3. The King
The King is the embodiment of Talossan values. The party believes that the King should inspire citizens and act in a manner that reflects Talossa's ideals. If the King fails to do so, he should be challenged to prevent harm to the Kingdom.

4. Cafè talossan.
Everyone is encouraged to have caffè a la talossan, which is a moment with ourselves, for a couple of minutes, each month.

The Talossan Way of drinking coffee is as follows:

Make the most complicated cup of coffee you can, manual methods prefered.
Sit in a quiet place and sip your coffee from hot to warm.
Reflect on how great Talossa is and how you can improve our Kingdom.
Send a message to another Talossan about Talossa or about your personal relation with that person and end with, "That was me, drinking my Talossan coffee of this month."
Repeat next month.

I listen to others and I am willing to help.
I am a reliable Minister, just maybe not a Prime Minister for the time being.
Help me shape our Kingdom into a more friendly and global Kingdom.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 28, 2024, 05:41:32 PMbut I suppose where all that ended up with the current "TNC potato sack" breaking.

Quote from: Miestră Schivă, UrN on May 28, 2024, 05:41:32 PMyou make enemies as fast as you make friends. This is why we brought in the provision for "1 seat for new citizens", to bring in a low-stakes way to start in politics. For some reason people have just not been interested in that. Wild, as 1 seat in the last Cosa would have changed everything.

I think this info should be added to the New Citizen Guide, provided to new citizens.
When I Joined I had no idea what the Cosa was and didn't understand why would I care about one seat in it; now I'm spending 2 coffees worth of money for 1 seat.
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on May 28, 2024, 05:03:00 PMI'm not ready with my own party just yet.
Always take your time.
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on May 27, 2024, 11:59:23 AMAzul, Mr. SoS, may I please ask for a sub-board in the Registered Political Parties board for the Civilian Outreach for Fun and Enjoyable Events?

If not allowed, then I shall make a new thread in the Wittenberg board :)
Quote from: Barclamïu da Miéletz on May 28, 2024, 03:20:36 PM
Quote from: Bråneu Excelsio on May 26, 2024, 08:17:09 PMPARTY REGISTRATION

* Civilian Outreach for Fun and Enjoyable Events.

* Initials

* 50 word statement:
I have dedicated my energy to promote the values of healthy coexistence, Community, the Arts, Fun and Excitement.
My goal is to unite people through shared vissions and bring unity and positivity to Talossa; to balance different viewpoints and unite Talossa for a better future.

* Party Leader: @Bråneu Excelsio.

Arts you say? Sounds interesting.

Before you arrived I was the hyperactive dude for a while too, but even before knowing what was going on, I was recluted by the same guy who recluted you and had to quit everything later on, tricky little thing, politics.
It's a good idea to stay out of politics, but having a seat in the Cosa is kind of fun. If you can afford the $10 dollars, making your own party seems fun, isn't it?
Name it the BMP, the Barclamiu da Miéletz Party, where only Barclamiu da Miéletzs are allowed in.
Some say it's a step you have to take sometime in your first months/years of being a Talossan.

Also, there's a clause somewhere where new citizns can claim a seat in the Cosa just because they're  new citizens but I don't know if it will apply to the Next Cosa for you, given that you became a Citizen in the 59th Cosa.

Wittenberg / Re: Is there a labor union?
May 27, 2024, 10:53:44 PM
Quote from: codename_chels on May 06, 2024, 12:04:03 AMSorry, I need to consider my word diction more and I understand more clearly now. I was thinking, even the ones in the Ziu would need worker protections. What about ensuring that there's no workplace bullying, etc? But, I'm also guessing that everything written in the forum and in the nation is incredibly civil?

Who do you think can regulate this interactions? It's an interesting idea.
Azul, Mr. SoS, may I please ask for a sub-board in the Registered Political Parties board for the Civilian Outreach for Fun and Enjoyable Events?

* Civilian Outreach for Fun and Enjoyable Events.

* Initials

* 50 word statement:
I have dedicated my energy to promote the values of healthy coexistence, Community, the Arts, Fun and Excitement.
My goal is to unite people through shared vissions and bring unity and positivity to Talossa; to balance different viewpoints and unite Talossa for a better future.

* Party Leader: @Bråneu Excelsio.